Script For Web Usability Testing – 23rd February 2005

Time / Facilitator / Observer
10.00 – 10.50 / Scott Castle / Gill Hughes
11.00 – 11.50 / Gill Bartlett / Scott Castle
13.00 – 13.50 / Gill Hughes / Gill Bartlett
14.00 – 14.50 / Gill Bartlett / Scott Castle
15.00 – 15.50 / Scott Castle / Gill Hughes

1. Introductions

Introduce yourself

Introduce observer

2. Purpose of Session

Let me explain why we’ve asked you to come here today. We’re testing parts of our web site so we can see what its like for people who actually use it.

It’s important for you to know that we’re testing the site, not you. That means you can’t do anything wrong.

With your permission, we’re going to record what you have to say. We are not filming you, but we do have equipment in place which will allow us to record where you are clicking with your mouse, and this will be matched with your taped comments. The tape will only be heard by the people working on this project.

We want to hear exactly what you think, so as we go along, please try to do all your “thinking out loud”. We want to know exactly what’s going through your mind so you need to tell us. Please don’t worry about hurting our feelings. We do want to improve the site so we need to know honestly what you think.

Before we start I will demonstrate “thinking out loud” how we want this to be done.

3. Explanation of the series of events in the Exercise

We estimate that the exercise will take between 30 and 40 minutes

The Exercise will consist of:

1. Some general questions about your experience of the web.

2. A demonstration of what we mean by “thinking out loud’ as you view the web pages.

3. A series of scenarios where we will describe a situation and ask you to find some information on the web.

Do you have any questions before we begin?

4. General Questions

1. What do you use the web for?

2. Which pages of the University of Sheffield Web Site have you used before?

4. When you log on which web page do you start at?

5. Have you got any general comments about the University of Sheffield Web Site before we start.

5. Demonstration of “thinking out loud”

Test Scenario: Finding information about how to make a complaint and finding a complaint form.

6. The Scenarios

Scenario 1: Finding the Student Services Information Desk (SSiD)

Start from: Your departmental Home Page

Try to find the postal address and telephone number for SSiD

Scenario 2: Finance

Start from:

Imagine you are a final year student experiencing severe financial difficulties. A friend tells you that the University can provide additional Financial Support through something called “Access to Learning Funds”.

Try to find this information on the web and find out whether you would be eligible for this.

Start from:

You complete the ALF application form and are told that it takes 3 weeks to process. You also find out that your next student loan payment is going to be 3 weeks late because the computer systems, at your home LEA, has failed.

Try to find information about an emergency loan that can help you until your funding comes through.

Scenario 3: Personal Records

Start from:

You are just about to graduate, move out of your term time accommodation and go on holiday. Your want to make sure that the tickets for your graduation ceremony arrive at your new address.

Try to find a way to change your address online. Which address do you need to change, home, correspondence or term time.

Start from

A prospective employer asks you for an official summary of your results at the University of Sheffield.

Try and find a document that details all your modules and exam results.

Scenario 4: Help With Problems

Start from:

Imagine that you share a rented house in the private sector with other students and you are in a dispute with your flatmates about your respective shares of the last gas bill and cannot seem to reach agreement about this.

Try to find information about where you might get help from within the University in resolving your dispute.

Imagine that one of your flatmates is unhappy with the outcome of the gas bill issue, and his/her behaviour is becoming increasingly abusive and threatening towards you. This continues for some time and the atmosphere in your flat is very unpleasant.

Try to find information about where you can receive help in ensuring that this unacceptable behaviour stops.

Scenario 5: Certificate of Student Status

Start from:

Imagine you are living in private accommodation, in Rotherham and the landlord asks you to provide some documentary evidence to prove your status as a student, he thinks it is called a Certificate of Student Status.

Try to find out how you can order this letter from SSID.

Start from:

You give the letter to your landlord and a few days later she tells you that she needed a letter for the Council to say that you are a student and therefore exempt from Council Tax.

Try to find out where you can order this letter from SSiD.

Scenario 6: Visa Extension

Start from:

Imagine you are an international student and you need to extend your visa so you can continue your studies at the University.

Try to find out how to make an application

Start from:

You find out that the University has something called book a Visa Extension Scheme which will help you in applying for a visa extension.

Try to find out how you can book an appointment on the Visa Extension Scheme.

Scenario 7: Teaching Timetable

Start from:

Imagine you are a Politics student and you need to attend a seminar. You have written the following details down on this piece of paper:

“Week 22 Tuesday 10am POL220.

Try to find this timetable information on the web the room to go to.

Try to find where Elmfield is and how to get there.

Start from: Your departmental home page

After reading the timetable you realise that you want to change one of your modules.

Try to find on the web how you can drop this module and add a new one.

Scenario 8: Leave of Absence

Start from: Your departmental home page

Imagine you are an undergraduate student who has decided to take a leave of absence.

Try to find, on the web, how you can do this and if what the financial implications may be.