SCPA Board MeetingMinutes

August 15, 2011

Uno’s - Lake Delton

Members Present: Shaun Tofson, Bobbie Boettcher, Trina McVicker, Kelly Bowden, Lisa Zauke

Members Absent: Molly Bauer, Steve Lundin, Angie Galle

  1. Membership
  1. SHRM has approved our proposal for a new member initiative totaling$100 dollars (4 -$25 dollar gift cards). Shaun made a motion to hold a drawing at the November 9, 2011 meeting. New member will be defined as: a member who was not a paid member last programming year. To qualify, the member must have their dues paid in full by November 8, 2011. Kelly seconded. Motion Passed.
  2. Shaun moved to approve $100 dollars (4 -$25 dollar gift cards) for a second membership initiative. Any current member who refers a new member who joins SCPA and has paid their dues in full by November 8, 2011 will be entered into a drawing to take place at the November 9th meeting. Kelly seconded. Motion Passed.

Bobbie will type up a flyer/blurb for Shaun to distribute ASAP.

  1. Financial Report

No report

  1. Board
  1. Shaun reported that attending the State Leadership Conference was a great experience. She learned a lot and recommends SCPA consider adding a line item in our budget to send the President and the President-Elect to the conference each year. In the event the costs associated are not covered by the attendees company SCPA will pay for the registration fee, plus mileage and the hotel. Estimated Total Cost - $500. The President and the President-Elect must submit for a request for approval from the board prior to registering. Kelly seconds. Motion Passed.
  2. The board had discussed an idea of adding a section to the agenda to celebrate a personal success. This area will be called “The Buzz”. Every month we will highlight a person/s that achieved a personal goal, or has an item to celebrate.
  3. We will be adding a PowerPoint presentation that will play in the background while the members eat their lunch. This ppt was introduced to Shaun during the Leadership Conf. It will be a combination of announcements, various business updates, and other information we want to get out to the group. Shaun will put the first PP together for the September meeting.
  4. Shaun is looking at the organization’s brochure and looking to update it and incorporate testimonials. Will look to other SHRM state organizations for ideas.
  1. Monthly Meetings 2011-2012

Month / Topic / Speaker / SCPA Contact
September (9/14) / A Crash Course in Happiness-How to get the most of your Personal and Professional Life / Christi Andringa / Shaun – Confirmed
October (10/12) / Supervisory Do’s and Don’ts / Jane Clark / Trina – Confirmed
November (11/9) / FMLA / Robert Sholl / Shaun – Confirmed
January (1/11) / OSHA – Come see them so they don’t come see you. / Kim Stille / Steve – Confirmed
February (2/8) / Effective Employee Discipline from a Legal Perspective / Jennifer Mirus / Shaun – Confirmed
March (3/14) / Successful Business Practices…a Local Success Story / Craig Culver / Kelly – Confirmed
April (4/11) / Intergenerational Communication “I heard what you said, but what did you mean? / Elaine Estervig Beaubien / Shaun– Confirmed
May (5/9) / 2012 Legal Updates / Bonnie Wendorff / Trina - Confirmed
  1. National/State SHRM
  • CLA (Core Leadership Area)

At the State Leadership conference Shaun inquired about the new SHAPE guidelines as they relate to CLA conference call participation. While they recommend them as a helpful resource, attendance is not required to maintain our SHAPE status.

Topic / Board Member
College / Bobbie
Diversity / Angela
Government / Lisa
HRCI / Steve
Membership / Molly
SHRM Foundation / Kelly
Workforce / Trina


  • Bobbie is trying to add the Board’s individual pictures to the website. If you have an electronic head shot, please send it to her as you are able.

Next meeting scheduled for:September 21st at 11:00a.m. at Uno’s in the Lake Delton.