Please return the lower section of this form, the attached consent form completed and signed byASAPto Gary Sturrock, Scout Leader / Nigel Timms ESU Leader along with yourdeposit payment of £24.No deposit, no booking until deposit paid.
Camp Leader: Gary Sturrock / Nigel TimmsAddress: 14 Capron Road, Luton, LU4 9BU
Phone: 01582 555803 / Event: LSG / Hydra ESUSummerCamp
Location: Auhcengillan Outdoor Ctre, Blanefield,
Glasgow. G63 9AU
01360 770256
Home Contact: TBA
Address n/a
Phone:TBA / From: 05.00 am on 4th August 2018
To: 21.00 pm on 11th August 2018
Meet at Hockwell Ring Community Ctre. 05.00 am
*Travelling to and from camp will be via minibus from Hockwell Ring Community Centre. / Cost: £240 per person (based on 40 people)– including all travel, activities, accommodation and meals.Added/reduced cost if more or less people.
All activities will be run in accordance with The Scout Association’s safety rules. The camp organisers can accept no responsibility for the personal equipment/clothing and effects and The Scout Association does not provide automatic insurance cover in respect to such items.
Return this part toGary Sturrock, Scouts/ or Nigel Timms ESU by the 27th April with deposit of £24.
I give permission for under 18 or adult name: (1 form for each person)to attend the Scout Summer Camp
from 4th August to11th August 2018
Has he/she been in contact with any infectious diseases within the last 3 weeks?
Date of last tetanus immunisation:
Medicines currently being taken:
Any allergies to foods, medicines or anything else?
Any special dietary needs?
Signed by Parent / Guardian on behalf of under 18’s
Parent/guardian Name: ______/ Any special needs?
Name, address and telephone no. of doctor.
Date of Birth:
Family emergency contact name and number is:
I understand that the Camp Leader reserves the right to send any participants home if necessary. If it becomes necessary for my child to receive medical treatment and I cannot be contacted by telephone or any other means to authorise this, I hereby give my general consent to any necessary medical treatment and authorise the Scouter in charge of the camp to sign any document required by the hospital authorities.
Your Home Address:
Signature of parent/guardian:
If it becomes necessary for the above named young person to receive medical treatment and I cannot be contacted to authorise this, I hereby give my general consent to any necessary medical treatment and authorise the Leader in charge to sign any document required by the hospital authorities.
ALL ITEMS SHOULD BE MARKED/LABELLED WITH YOUR NAME and remember this is a 7-day camp so bring enough clothing to suit that period.
Pack your own kit
Scouts/Explorers are NOT allowed to bring any electrical items to camp – including walkmans / MP3 players / TV’s / CD players / Electronic Games of any sort and NO MOBILE PHONES! – These items will be confiscated by the leaders.
There is a providore, shop and machines on site for sweets, drinks, gifts and badges. Scout monies must be handed into the tent bank for safekeeping and will be dispensed when requested by Tent Banker.
Camp Activity Consent Form
Parental consent form - Activities
I give permission forName of child______
to take part in the following activities which will be on offer:
Air rifle shooting Abseiling
Axe & SawCanoeing / Kayaking
High Ropes Swimming
Can your child swim 50 yards Yes or No
Please tick boxes for those activities you wish your child to partake. Other activities will be on offer but the activities above require parental consent to be given.
On camp, we may also take photographs / video of children on activities for our own group records and for the purposes of publicity. Please indicate your consent by ticking the box opposite.
* I declare that he/she is not subject to restriction by virtue of Section 21 of the Firearms Act 1968 (which applies only to persons who have served a term of imprisonment or youth custody).
Please state if your son/daughter has a disability or condition, which may be affected by the activities:
Name: ______Signature: ______