Chairman: Douglas Leishman, 227 Wilton Street, Glasgow G20 6DE e-mail:
Treasurer: Brian McRossan, 34 Hamilton Park Avenue, G12 8DT e-mail:
The Glasgow branch meets at 7.30 pm on the second Monday of each month from September to May in room 1, Patrick Burgh Halls, 3 - 9a Burgh Hall Street, Glasgow G11 5LN.
The membership fee for 2017-2018 is £24 for an individual and £6 for an additional member.
Please make cheques out to “The Scottish Pottery Society Glasgow Branch”
E-mail address: ______
I enclose £24 (individual membership) and £6 for an additional member
Please send your subscription to:
Brian McRossan(SPS Branch Treasurer)
34 Hamilton Park Avenue, Glasgow G12 8DT
The main income for our Society branch is in the form of membership subscriptions. Because we are a Registered Charity we are able to claim tax from the Inland Revenue on all of our subscriptions or donations. This could previously be reclaimed under Deed of of Covenant which route the Society did not take. However, in April 2000, the Government brought out new legislation covering this subject. Although the entire legislation is somewhat complex, that part which relates to our situation where we can reclaim tax only on our subscriptions and donations, remains virtually the same with one or two minor changes.
The new scheme is called the “Gift Aid Scheme” and we are able to reclaim the tax (currently 28p for every £1 you pay in subscription or donation). Before we can make a claim on behalf of the club each subscriber must make a declaration that the donation (subscription) is to be treated as a Gift Aid Donation. They must provide their full name and address and they must pay an amount of income tax or capital gains tax equal to the tax deducted from his or her donation. For example, if you are a member paying £15 then you must pay at least (15 times 28p) £4.20 per year in tax.
Please fill in the form when you are paying and in both cases send the form, and money where relevant, to our treasurer Brian McRossan(SPS Branch Treasurer) 34 Hamilton Park Avenue, Glasgow G12 8DT
, e-mail: . Or hand it personally to her at our next meeting.
Remember, the sooner you hand in the form and money the sooner we can make a full claim to the Inland Revenue and gain more interest in our bank account.
You are only required to sign the Declaration Form once and this allows us to reclaim the tax until such time as you inform us that you no longer wish to be a member of the club, or that you no longer wish your subscription to be treated as a “Gift Aid Donation”.
Details of Donor :-
Title...... Forename(s)...... Surname......
...... PostCode......
Telephone...... Mobile......
I want the charity to treat all subscriptions and donations I have made since 6 April 2006 and all subscriptions and donations I make from the date of this declaration until I notify you otherwise as Gift Aid Donations.
Signature...... Date...... /...... /......
1.Please notify the charity if you change your name or address while the declaration is still in force.
2.You can cancel the declaration at any time by notifying the charity - it will then not apply to donations you make on or after the date of cancellation or such later date you specify.
3.You must pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that that the charity claims on your donations in the tax year currently 28p for each £1 you give).
4. If in the future your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax on your income and capital gains equal to the tax that the charity reclaims, you can cancel your declaration (see note 1).
5.If you pay tax at the higher rate you can claim further tax relief in your Self Assessment tax return.
6.If you are unsure whether your donations qualify for Gift Aid tax relief, ask the charity. Or you can ask your local tax office