Billy Edwards, Pastor625 S. Hewitt Dr.
Scott Rhodes, Minister to StudentsHewitt, TX76643
Paul Miller, Worship Leader(254) 666-7314
Hannah Strickland, Director Children’s MinistryFax 420-1642
January 11, 2016
Dear Parents and Youth,
Happy New Year! I hope 2016 is off to a good start for you. There is a lot of information in this letter so please read it carefully. I will get calendars to you with dates for monthly fellowships and ministry projects as soon as they are set. We also have some upcoming big opportunities that I’m really excited about and I think you will be too. Forms for these follow.
The first registration form is for the spring break Bounce project. We will be going to San Marcos, TX March 9-12 to help Bounce with clean up and repairs from the flooding that happened there in 2013 and 2014. Cost is $140. This will also count as our March ministry project. This will also count as one of the pre-trip ministry projects for anyone who wants to go on our summer Bounce trip.
The second registration is for the summer Bounce project (July 11-16). Cost for the summer trip is $279.00. We will be returning to Mineral Wells, TX to help with repairs due to the storms that hit there last year. However, there is more to the story than that. The churches in Mineral Wells have banded together to cooperate with Bounce. Each church has agreed to sort of “adopt” one of the Bounce homeowners. This means that once Bounce leaves, the churches will continue to follow up with the homeowners in an effort to meet their needs and share Christ with them. This is really a chance to be part of an ongoing mission endeavor.
How does this look to you?
The third registration is for our summer “camp”. This year will be completely different, but completely incredible. We will be traveling to the beautiful state of Colorado for white water rafting, hiking, rock climbing, rappelling, and actual camping. However, you will have access to restrooms and showers. But make no mistake, there will be Bible study, worship, and ongoing discipleship every day. This trip will be July 31-August 6th. Cost is $255.00 plus meals on the road. Initial registration deadline is January 31st. However, we will be able to extend the deadline if we get enough response early. So we need some of y’all to make the commitment now.
Let me say a word about money. As you can see, there are a lot of expenses involved in the next few months of our student ministry. Please do not let this hinder you if you want to be involved. We will alleviate some of these with fundraisers. We have scholarships if you want to apply for one. Also, this is a great opportunity for a teaching moment for the students. If they feel that God wants them to take part in one of these ministries, they can begin asking God to show them how he wants to provide for them. God may want to bless them with a gift or he may show them ways they can earn the money. Either way, when God shows you something he wants you to do and you seek him for resources it is a tremendous blessing at the same time that it grows your faith.
Repeat, we will do some fundraisers, assuming y’all are willing. The cost of these summer trips will go down based on our fundraiser success.
Again, there is a lot of information behind this letter. Please read it carefully so you know what is happening and can make good decisions about your participation. Parents, we will need chaperones for all of this, so if you want to help please let me know. If you have any questions please give me a holler.
Thanks everyone and may God bless your 2016,