Scoring scheme for amended AVVQ

Pre-question 1. Do you have varicose veins in one or both legs? / One leg / both
Pre-question 2. For which leg are the varicose veins worse? / Left / right
For the following questions, please score for your worst leg.
Worst leg
Q1. In the last 2 weeks, for how many days did your varicose veins cause you pain or ache?
- None at all? / 0
- Between 1 and 5 days / 0.500
- Between 6 and 10 days / 1.000
- For more than 10 days / 1.812
Q2. During the last 2 weeks, on how many days did you take painkilling tablets for your varicose veins?
- None at all / 0
- Between 1 and 5 days / 0.812
- Between 6 and 10 days / 1.625
- For more than 10 days / 2.437
Q3. During the last 2 weeks, how much ankle swelling have you had?
- None at all / 0
- Slight ankle swelling / 1.000
- Moderate ankle swelling (e.g. causing you to sit with your feet up wherever possible) / 1.250
- Severe ankle swelling (e.g. causing you difficulty putting on your shoes) / 1.875
Q4. In the last 2 weeks, have you worn tights or support stockings?
- No / 0
- Yes, those I bought myself without a doctor’s prescription / 1.374
- Yes, those my doctor prescribed for me which I wear occasionally. / 2.000
- Yes, those my doctor prescribed for me which I wear every day / 5.496
Q5. In the last 2 weeks, have you had any itching in association with your varicose veins?
- No / 0
- Yes, but only above the knee / 1.374
- Yes, but only below the knee / 1.437
- Both above and below the knee / 2.748
Q6. Do you have any purple discolouration caused by tiny blood vessels in the skin, in association with your varicose veins?
- No / 0
- Yes / 2.000
Q7. Do you have any rash or eczema in the area of your ankle?
- No / 0
- Yes, but it does not require any treatment from a doctor or district nurse / 2.624
- Yes, and it requires treatment from my doctor or district nurse / 6.121
Q8. Do you have a skin ulcer associated with your varicose veins?
- No / 0
- Yes / 9.118
Q9. Does the appearance of your varicose veins cause you concern?
- No / 0
- Yes, their appearance causes me slight concern / 1.625
- Yes, their appearance causes me moderate concern / 3.249
- Yes, their appearance causes me a great deal of concern / 5.248
Q10. Does the appearance of your varicose veins influence your choice of clothing including tights?
- No / 0
- Occasionally / 1.625
- Often / 2.624
- Always / 3.998
Q11. During the last 2 weeks, have your varicose veins interfered with your work / house work or other daily activities?
- No / 0
- I have been able to work but my work has suffered to some extent / 1.625
- I have been able to work but my work has suffered to a moderate extent. / 3.373
- My veins have prevented me from working one day or more / 5.496
Q12. During the last two weeks, have your varicose veins interfered with your leisure activities (including sport, hobbies and social life)?
- No / 0
- Yes my enjoyment has suffered to a slight extent / 1.625
- Yes, my enjoyment has suffered to a moderate extent / 2.437
- My veins have prevented me from taking part in any leisure activities / 3.998
Maximum possible score = / 50.347

Final score is calculated by summing scores for individual questions, dividing by 50.347 and multiplying by 100.

Pilot project threshold for referral = 28.

AVVQ questionnaire for CAS database updated 200711