Scoring Guide – Explanations/Examples - Improvement is needed in the areas checked

  1. Understanding the Topic
  2. Needs clear thesis statement (QA, 2m)
  3. Needs thorough development (QA, 3c.1)
  4. Show understanding of essay prompt (follow directions) (QA, 2b)
  5. Show understanding of the text (QA, 2c)
  6. Awareness of Audience
  7. Be aware of general audience (QA, 1c)
  8. Use forma or informal tone – not too chatty or colloquial (QA,1c.4)
  9. Use appropriate point of view (QA, Box 36-2)
  10. Support (Evidence)
  11. Needs sufficient supporting evidence (i.e. from the text) (QA, 30j)
  12. Needs relevant/correct supporting evidence (QA, 30j)
  13. Avoid generalities (QA, 2k)
  14. Avoid vague details (QA, 30j)
  15. Focus
  16. Needs supporting material specifically relating to thesis statement (QA, 3c.3, Box 4-3)
  17. Needs balance between specific detail and analysis QA, 4c, 4f)
  18. Avoid rambling or straying from topic (QA, 4d)
  19. Repetition
  20. Avoid simple repetition of basic word and phrases unless done for style (QA, 16d.1)
  21. Thesis
  22. Needs a clearly written thesis statement (QA, (QA, 2m, Box 2-5)
  23. May use thesis statement in opening paragraph
  24. Delayed thesis by accomplished writers*
  25. Implied thesis statement by accomplished writers*
  26. Cohesive
  27. Needs coherent argument – implied thesis statement, appropriate subsequent evidence (QA, 4g)
  28. Needs logical sentence throughout essay (QA, 5g)
  29. Expository Essay Form
  30. Needs clearly written thesis statement (QA, 2m)
  31. Needs introduction paragraph, supporting paragraphs, concluding paragraphs (QA, 4b, 4c,, 4d, 4f, 4k)
  32. Needs identifiable topic (QA, 2c)
  33. Needs discernable plan (QA, 2n)
  34. Needs clear paragraph development (QA, 4f)
  35. Sentence Variety
  36. Use simple, complex, compound, and compound/complex sentences (QA, 7o)
  37. Needs varied sentence beginnings
  38. Transitions
  39. Needs transitional sentences and devices between ideas and paragraphs
  40. Good transitions will help fluency throughout entire essay (QA 4g.1)
  41. Avoid use of repetitive and formulaic transitional devices
  42. Vocabulary/Diction
  43. show word choice appropriate to level and purpose of essay
  44. Show sharp, incisive vocabulary
  45. Show vocabulary words other then common, colloquial terms
  1. Appropriate Language (level of diction, slang, clichés, jargon, idioms) (Box 20-3)
  2. use standard diction (QA. 20h)
  3. use appropriate prepositions
  4. use appropriate articles
  5. Use slang, jargon, and clichés and contractions for effect only (QA, 20i, 20j)
  6. Avoid use of vague words such as “it,” “thing,” and “everything”
  7. Wordiness (QA. 16)
  8. Show economy within sentences
  9. Avoid “padding” that makes prose wordy ad difficult to understand
  10. Spelling (QA, 21)
    a. Avoid misspellings of any sort
  11. Confused Words, Modifier Forms (be sure to use the right word at the right time)
  12. Examples: affect/effect, their/there/ they’re, its/it’s, less/fewer, good/well, write/right (QA, 14)
  13. When breaking words, use hyphens carefully
  14. Punctuation (careful use of the following)
  15. commas (clauses….items in a series, …city, state)
  16. Semicolon (IC;IC) (QA, 24)
  17. Apostrophes (possessive forms, contractions) (QA, 26)
  18. Quotation Marks (dialog, quotation, special terms) (QA, 27)
  19. End Punctuation (He knows. Does she know? I know it!) (QA, 22)
  20. Capitalization (QA, Box 29-1)
  21. Sentence Structure/Syntax
  22. Avoid fragments (QA, 12)
  23. Avoid run-ons (comma splices and fused sentences) (QA, 13)
  24. Correctly use parallel construction (QA, 18)
  25. Correctly use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions (QA, 17)
  26. Verb Forms (including subject/verb agreement, tense)
  27. Consistent use of subject-verb agreement (QA, 10)
  28. correct use of verb forms (QA, 8)
  29. Use consistent and correct verb tense (QA, 8h-k)
  30. Active voice is preferred. Passive voice is generally to be avoided. (QA, 8n-p)
  31. Noun/Adjective Forms
  32. correctly use noun forms (man/men, woman/women) (QA, 7a)
  33. Correctly use subjective forms (quick, quicker, quickest, good, better, best)
  34. Correctly use noun/adjective forms (“our lives,” NOT “our life”)
  35. Pronoun Usage (correctly use pronouns)
  36. Avoid pronoun/antecedent disagreement (QA, 10n-o)
  37. Avoid shifting from third person (she) to second person (you) (QA, 15b)
  38. Avoid shifting from singular to plural
  39. Avoid vague pronouns such as “it” and “that”
  40. Avoid overusing the vague pronoun “you.” Avoid use of 2nd person (you)
  41. Correctly use reflexive and intensive pronouns (QA, 9k)
  42. Paper is unreadable (poor handwriting, weird color(s) of ink, etc.)



English B1 - Charron