Scole Parish Council – Community Action Plan

The following is an updated summary of the Action Plan put together when the Community Survey (Village Plan) was completed in 2009. The survey went to every household and summarised replies received to a questionnaire which provided everyone the opportunity to give feedback to the Parish Council on local services and environment, and asked if there were any specific issues. About 33% of you replied and your answers fed into the report.

The Parish Council is tasked with keeping the Action Plan updated on an annual basis and this is the first update we have produced in writing for every household. Any completed tasks have been removed from the original list.

We are always willing to hear about local issues which impact on your quality of life in the parish. We rarely see residents at our monthly meetings held in the School Hall of Scole Primary on the third Monday of the month start 7.30 pm. Our work is very much behind the scenes as we have few powers to act directly, but we lobby and work hard with those that have the money and power to make changes in the community. We feel we have been successful with our aims and have overcome many difficulties with a great deal of lateral thinking.

There is a shortfall of 3 councillors at the moment which means the remaining councillors have to work extra hard. There are more than 1,000 residents who are eligible to become councillors and we appeal to you to support your parish council and consider joining us to continue our work which benefits everyone. If you feel a bit nervous please be assured that every help will be given to ease you into the role which is voluntary, not arduous, and expenses are reimbursed. If you would like to be considered, please turn up to a meeting or contact the Clerk, Sara Campbell on 01953 861486 or e mail her at .

Action Plan – Update

The following is a short list of new and ongoing issues:

The footpath from Scole to Thelveton pedestrians walk on unlit road no speed limit – the PC is anxious to see a proper footpath in place from Scole Village to Thelveton so pedestrians can walk safely particularly at night. This is ongoing.

Theft & Vandalism – Scole Parish is considered a low crime area by police so there is no visible police presence. Residents are encouraged to report every crime to ensure they appear in the crime statistics. Community needs to keep a watch out for any suspicious behaviour which must be reported.

Dog Fouling – A very antisocial act probably carried out by the pets of just a few thoughtless residents. Dog fouling has a serious impact on our green spaces and is hazardous to the health of the young in particular. We must ask residents not to walk their dogs where children play, and in the area of the Sports Playing Fields for obvious reasons. The PC is considering the services of a Dog Warden to deal with this matter so pick up your dog poo!

Speeding Traffic – a blight on our village life. Community Speed Watch is the only way to effectively deal with this issue as the police are not available. The Bungay Road speedwatch group has now disbanded but found they did have an impact on the number of offenders rat running through the village.

Reduce Speed Limit outside School – speeding here is particularly dangerous as cars are double parked in this area when dropping off and picking up children. Highways are unwilling to spend money on a crossing but the affordable housing scheme included a refuge in the road. Parents are requested to ensure their children exit the car kerbside only. The PC regularly liaises with the school over this issue.

Bus Stop Diss Road – parking blocks road –it is hoped this will now reduce following the closure of Jade Motors.

Bus Service – improve timetable and bus stop location –this issue is outstanding as a survey of local needs should be carried out.

Provision of Medical Centre in Scole – this is under consideration with the plans for a new community centre, so is ongoing

Provision of Village Hall Centre & additional Sports Facilities – there are advanced plans to improve facilities at the Playing Fields Pavilion. This is ongoing.

New Clubs and associations – the possibility of new clubs is limited due to a lack of facilities in the whole parish, possible when a new community centre is built. Meanwhile Scole & District Garden Club formed welcomes new members.

Adult Education & Leisure –as with New Clubs awaits new facilities.

Youth – The Parish Council is keen to encourage the young of the parish to be fully involved and provided for. Despite an opportunity to answer the questionnaire, none did, so it is difficult to be sure of their needs. There are plans for new sports facilities, nature walks, picnic areas and canoe launch. Youth Club had to be suspended due to lack of volunteers and money has to be used for anti vandalism measures and damage to property.

Footpaths & Byways –free to all, but needs maintenance. There is less money in the public purse to keep in good order so local volunteers are to be recruited. The PC will be seeking a volunteer footpath warden, expenses paid, as soon as possible.

Scole Nature Trail Bridge Road site – reclaiming an abused amenity the Parish Council is in negotiation to provide a canoe launch, picnic area and nature walk around this area and ultimately into Diss.

Bus shelter children wait in rain – to identify best location and proceed when funds available.