Central Middle School AV Equipment Bid

Pre-Bid Meeting Questions

July 6, 2016

Question 1.Do any cables need to be supplied to connect the Owner’s equipment to the Exron HDMI Input plates?

Response:The bid should include three (3) HDMI cables for each location.

Question 2.Does installation include programming the Extron MLC? Are there any other tasks that should be included in the scope of installation?

Response:Installation includes all programming of the Extron MLC and any other work required to set-up and test the projector and new Extron equipment including alignment and orientation of the projector so as to fill the SmartBoard or projection screen , if no SmartBoard is present. Each MLC has been assigned a unique IP address and has been connected to the BCSC IDF or MDF via a Cat-6 cable.

BCSC will provide a laptop , if requested to facilitate testing.

Question 3.Is a master quote from Extron available?

Response:No master quote has been requested from Extron.

Question 4.Is there any additional owner-furnished, contractor-installed equipment such as SmartBoards?

Response:No additional owner-supplied equipment isrequired to be installed by the contractor.

Question 5.What are the contractor’s responsibilities with respect to connecting the HMDI cables?

Response:The contractor is responsible for connecting the HDMI cables to the Extron HMDI input plate. If these cables are visible the they should be enclosed in flexible braided cable wrap (“snakeskin”).

Question 6.There is a microphone connection on the existing 8x8 custom plate. Does this need to be included in the new plate?

Response:No. The microphone connection is not used and does not need to be retained if a new custom plate is used.

Question 7.What color-coding or labeling is required If shielded twisted pair cable is used between the teacher station and the input jacks?

Response:If shielded twisted pair cable is used between the teacher station and the input jacks, then cable must be identified either by color (red, white, and blue) or by number (1, 2, 3) corresponding to the input jack to which the cable is connected. If labeled, the labels must be within six (6) inches of the each end of the cable.

Question 8.What is the path from the floor box in the media center to the ceiling mounted projector in the media center?

Response:A conduit runs from the floor box tin the media center to the column in the northwest corner of the media center. The following two drawings are extracted from the construction drawings.

Question 9.Please clarify the expected warranty response time requested in Section 21.6

Response:Section 21.6, “Warranty Response Times” is amended to read as follows:

Warranty replacement of and any necessary re-programming associated with the replacement of equipment under warranty shal be completed within five (5) business days from the time that the service issue is reported to the Bidder.