SCMAPS activity correlation to South Carolina Algebra I Standards

Note: In order for a teacher to satisfy the content standard, it may be necessary to make minor extensions to the activities. For example, finding a linear equation may not be specifically spelled out in the instructions of an activity, but all information to be able to do this is included in the problem and this would be a natural course for students to take.

SCMAPS pageSCMAPS activityAlgebra 1 standard

Section 1

1-504. Estimate percent of IA4 Represent relationships among quantities

state in each region

1-517. Calculate slope from IIA1,2 Determine whether or not given situations

mountains to seacan be represented by linear functions

IIB1,2 Develop concept of slope and interpret meaning of slope

1-518. Estimate travel time to ID1,3 Find specific function values. Transform

cross South Carolinaand solve equations

1-5210. Determine CoordinatesIB3 Interpret situations in terms of given graphs

of each study site

1-5211. Calculate straight line IB3 Interpret situations in terms of given graphs

distance between study site


1-5312. Relate average rainfallIB1-5 Understanding linear functions and data and temperature data to representation

elevation differences

1-53E2. Research, Predict IB1-5 Understanding linear functions and data

population changesrepresentation

1-566. Determine the percent of IIA1-3 Determine whether or not given situations

area of the state in each can be represented by linear functions

drainage basinIIB1,2 Develop concept of slope and interpret meaning of slope

1-595. Determine Washington’sIB2-5 Understanding linear functions and data

daily rate of travelrepresentation

1-657. Compare railroad travel IIIB1-3 Use and apply the laws of exponents, Analyze data

costs 1842-1883and represent situations inverse variation and exponential

growth and decay

Section 2

2A-510. Calculate slope of Table IIB1,2 Develop concept of slope and interpret meaning of slope

Rock mountain

2A-511. Construct mathematicalIIB1,2 Develop concept of slope and interpret meaning of slope

models of Table Rock slope

2A-512. Construct topographic IIB4-6 Graph and write equations of lines, determine intercepts,

profilesand interpret and predict the effects of changing slope and

y-intercept in applied situations

2A-614. Plan a hiking trip to top IIA1,2 Determine whether or not given situations

of mountaincan be represented by linear functions

2A-7E2. Calculate height of TableIIA1,2 Determine whether or not given situations

Rock using shadowcan be represented by linear functions

2A-109. Calculate average field sizeIIIB2 Analyze data and represent situations using inverse


2B-1210. Sketch a topographic profile IID1-3 Analyze, solve and interpret systems of linear equations

along the state boundary line

2B-1415. Analyze stream drainageIID1-3 Analyze, solve and interpret systems of linear equations


2B-163. Calculate the volume of IIA1-3 Determine whether or not given situations

water in a reservoircan be represented by linear functions

2B-1811. Determine whether powerIID1-3 Analyze, solve and interpret systems of linear equations

lines are visible from center

of a lake

2B-1914. Calculate change in lakeIIB1-4 Develop the concept of and interpret slope as rate of

levels when pumped storagechange, predict the effect of changes in m and b, and graph

is releasedand write linear equations

Section 3

3-253. Locate gold minesIID1-3 Analyze, solve and interpret systems of linear equations

3-264. Keep travel log for gold IA2-6 Use data to determine and describe functional

mine tripsrelationships, represent relationships using various methods,

make judgments about units of measure and scale, and interpret and make inferences from functional relationships

3-2915. Compare costs of shippingIID1-3 Analyze, solve and interpret systems of linear equations

propane by train vs. truck

3A-57. Estimate value of timberIA1-6 Use data to determine and describe functional

relationships, represent relationships using various methods,

make judgments about units of measure and scale, and interpret and make inferences from functional relationships

3C-105. Compare grade of IIB1,2 Develop concept of slope and interpret meaning of slope

transportation right-of-ways

3C-133. Calculate slope ofIIB1,2 Develop concept of slope and interpret meaning of slope


Section 4

4A-103. Compare Piedmont and IIB1,2 Develop concept of slope and interpret meaning of slope

Coastal plain

4A-124. Compare topographicIA2-5 Use data to determine and describe functional

profiles of Coastal plain relationships, represent relationships using various methods,

and Piedmontand make judgments about units of measure and scale

4A-19E3. Estimate time of day IA1,2 Use data to determine and describe functional

aerial photograph was takenrelationships, represent relationships using various methods

using trigonometry

4B-910. Investigate featuresIA1,2 Use data to determine and describe functional

associated with a golf courserelationships, represent relationships using various methods

4C-97. Describe the layout of IIIA1,4 Determine domain and range of quadratic funstions,

the town of Patrickanalyze graphs of quadratic functions

Section 5

5-249. Make time-table forIB2-5 Understanding linear functions and data

railroad using Bill of Fairrepresentation

5A-1410. Plot earthquake dangerIB2,3 Identify and determine domain and range,

zone and analyze damageinterpret or create situations from given graphs


5A-178. Interpret and use the IID1-3 Analyze, solve and interpret systems of linear equations

Savannah Site grid system

5A-194. Analyze the pollution IIIB1-3 Use and apply the laws of exponents, Analyze data

potential fro tritium inand represent situations inverse variation and exponential

ground watergrowth and decay

Section 6

6A-146. Make a topographic profileIID1-3 Analyze, solve and interpret systems of linear equations

of bluff and swamp

6A-157. Analyze and interpret IB2-5 Understanding linear functions and data

CongareeSwamp flood datarepresentation

6A-194. Graph Champion trees vs.IB2-4 Understanding functions and data

normal tree heightrepresentation

6A-225. Find biggest tree in IA1-4 Describe dependent and independent quantities, use data

community and calculate its to determine functional relationship, describe and represent

formularelationship among quantities using various models

Section 7

7-137. Trace the path of a pollutantIC3-5 Given situations, determine patterns and represent

generalizations algebraically, use symbolic representations

to verify statements, recognize and justify relationships

7A-86. Compare topography of IIB1,2 Develop concept of slope and interpret meaning of slope

the East and West banks of


7A-1010. Calculate weekly percentage IB2-5 Understanding linear functions and data

change in waterfowl populationrepresentation

7A-1011. Analyze seasonal populationIB2-5 Understanding linear functions and data

changes in Santee waterfowlrepresentation

7A-1212. Determine probability ofIB3-5 Interpret situations in terms of given graphs, represent

sighting a particular waterfowland interpret data and write equation that fits data set.


7A-1313. Analyze population changesIIIB3 Analyze data and represent situation involving

in the LakeMarion areaexponential growth and decay

Section 8

8-131. Make an index chart of IB2-5 Understanding linear functions and data

Carolina Baysrepresentation

8A-34. Relate different temperaturesIIB1-3 Develop the concept of and interpret slope as rate of

to habitat characteristicschange, predict the effect of changes in m and b

8A-5Make line plot graph of WoodsIB2-5 Understanding linear functions and data

Bay biota, identify vegetativerepresentation


Section 9

9A-87. Determine navigational IIA1,2 Determine whether or not given situations

bearings in harborcan be represented by linear functions

9B-712. Compare Florida andIIIB2 Analyze data and represent situations using inverse

South Carolina tourism andvariation

spending habits

Section 10

10A-1110. Graph and analyze riceIB3-4 Interpret situations in terms of given graphs, represent

productionand interpret data

10A-1213. Solve Alexander the Ant’sIA3-6 Describe functional relationships, represent

problemrelationships using various methods, make judgments

about units of measure and scale, and interpret

and make inferences from functional relationships

10B-96. Estimate buildup of sandIIB1-4 Develop the concept of and interpret slope as rate of

at inletchange, predict the effect of changes in m and b, and graph

and write linear equations