May 2, 2011


The meeting was called to order by

Mr. Michael Hayes, Chairperson

at 6:30 p.m. in the Scituate High School Principal’s Conference Room.

On a motion by Mr. Hayes,

Seconded by Mr. Johnston,

It was voted: To go into Executive Session as set forth

In Section 23B , Chapter 39 of the Massachusetts

General Laws to discuss matters pertaining to contract

negotiations at 6:30 p.m.

The roll call was:

School Committee Members Present:

Mr. Michael Hayes, Chairpersonyes

Mr. Richard Hebertyes

Mr. William Johnstonyes

Mr. Jamie Strobino, Secretaryyes

Ms. Brenda Bowen yes

On a motion by Ms. Bowen,

Seconded by Mr. Strobino,

It was voted: to return to the regular meeting at 7:35 p.m.

The roll call was:

School Committee Members Present:

Mr. Michael Hayes, Chairpersonyes

Ms. Brenda Bowen, Vice-Chairpersonyes

Mr. William Johnstonyes

Mr. Richard Hebertyes

Mr. Jamie Strobino, Secretaryyes

The meeting was called to order by

Mr. Michael Hayes, Chairperson, at

7:35 pm in the Scituate High School Library.

School Committee Members Present:

Mr. Michael Hayes, Chairperson

Ms. Brenda Bowen, Vice-Chairperson

Mr. William Johnston

Mr. Jamie Strobino, Secretary

Mr. Richard Hebert

Administrators Present:

Dr. Susan E. Martin, Superintendent

Dr. Jim Kelleher, Assistant Superintendent

Mr. Paul Donlan, Director of Business and Finance

Ms. Judy Norton, Director of Special Education

1.Approval of Minutes

On a motion by Mr. Strobino, a.April 11, 2011

seconded, by Ms. Bowen,

It was voted:To accept the April 11, 2011

regular meeting minutes.

Mr. Hayes requested that the MOTION be amended as

follows: the word “electricity” bedeleted from Section 4 b.

and therefore reflecting$230,000 for oil only.

On a motion by Mr. Strobino,

Seconded by Ms. Bowen,

The vote was 4-0.

Comments and Statements from the Public

2.Special Matters

Mrs. Mari-An Fitzmaurice read Jacob Dow’sa. Recognition of Jacob Dow

Essay (Addendum A). She explained that Jacob isfor placing 2nd Place in the Will

a 5th graderat Hatherly Elementary School. He wrote McDonough Writing Contest

his essay on the Canadian athlete, Terry Fox.

Dr. Susan Martin, Superintendent introduced Ms. Margeb. Health & Safety Report

Rossi, Nurse Leader for the Scituate Public Schools.

Ms. Rossi presented a powerpoint presentation titled

“Health and Safety Report” dated May 2010. The

presentation outlined various topics which included

the changing role of a school nurse, statistics on number

of student encounters and future goals and commitments.

This presentation will be placed on the school website.

Dr. Susan Martin, Superintendent introduced Dr.c. Gates Fitness Center Update

Kelleher, Assistant Superintendent. Dr. Kellerher

updated the Committee on the progress and completion

of the Gates Fitness Center. He also noted the completion

of the Gates Fitness Center Handbook and the purchase

and installation of five climbing walls at Gates and the

elementary schools.

Dr. Susan Martin, Superintendent introduced Ms.d. WEB Program at Gates

Sarah Shannon, Principal at Gates Intermediate to

inform the Committee on the new WEB Program which

stands for “Where Everyone Belongs”. This is a transition

and mentoring program that makes the transition from 6th

grade to 7th grade easier because of the mentoring program

(facilitated by 8th graders). Ms Shannon specifically thanked

SEA (Scituate Education Alliance) for sponsoring Ms. Nancy

Driscoll, Guidance Counselor to attend the training.

Dr. Susan Martin, Superintendent introduced the followinge. NAEYC Elementary Process

principals to speak on this issue: Mrs. Mari-An Fitzmaurice,

Hatherly School, Ms. Mary Ohrenberger, Cushing School,

Ms. Linda Whitney, Wampatuck School and Mr. John

Willis, Principal, Jenkins School. The group outlined their

work thus far highlighting the area of individual portfolios,

candidacy report dates and upcoming parent questionnaires

and 2012 site visits.

Mr. Strobino commended the principals for their work. However,

he expressed concern with the amount of time and work that continues

to go into this process. Mr. Hebertechoed Mr. Strobino’s concern.

Mr. Hebert did state that thisprocess could be used as a blueprint

for future years.

Dr. Susan Martin, Superintendent introduced Dr. Jamesf. Centralization of School Assignment

Kelleher, Assistant Superintendent to give an overview

of the centralization of school assignments. Dr. Kelleher

outlined the draft policy and stressed the flexibility of

assignments. Mr. Hayes agreed. Mr. Johnston said he

was leary about moving children around.

On a motion by Mr. Strobino,

Seconded by Ms. Bowen,

It was voted: To table the draft policy until a future date.

The vote was 5-0.

Dr. Susan Martin, Superintendent introduced Ms. Judithg. Special Education

Norton, Director, Special Education to update the Summer Program

Committee on the summer programming. She referred

the Committee to the guildelines provided in the ESY

Planning 2011 manual and to the State guidelines and

comparison of surrounding town service chart. Ms. Norton

stated that Mr. Stephen Howley was hired as the Program


Mr. Strobino stated that he was glad that the district was

accommodating the C.O.R.S.E piece. He asked Ms. Norton

to compare last year’s teachers/positions to this year’s requested

positions. He also inquired about the data that was collected by

the team, analyzed and communicated to the parents.

Mr. Hayes inquired about the process of letting parents know

whether their children are eligible for EYS services in the summer.

Ms. Norton explained that the family is notified at their annual

meeting if their child is eligible for EYS services.

Mr. Hayes asked how many structured programs are in place? Ms.

Norton answered that there are 5 structured programs. Mr. Hayes

asked how many participants are in each program? Ms. Norton

agreed to email Mr. Hayes those numbers.

Mr. Hayes asked what recourse parents have if they believe they do

not have proper input into the process? Ms. Norton said the parent(s)

should speak directly with their child’s team.

Mr. Strobino asked Ms. Norton to include the name/telephone number

of the team contact person in the letter that is distributed to the parents.

Mr.Johnston did not believe the team and parents were reconvening to

discuss the summer services. He also asked Ms. Norton the definitions

of tutoring and summer services. As well as numbers of students participating

and number of hours.

There was reiteration that re-enforcement as per the IPEA Act that

parental input is one of the most important parts of the entire law.

Dr. Susan Martin, Superintendent asked the School Committeeh. Last Day of School (2011)

to address the last day of school.

On a motion by Mr. Strobino,

Seconded by Ms. Bowen,

It was voted: To approve the June 22nd, 2011 as the last day of school

and as a half day with no lunch.

The vote was 5-0.

3.Routine Matters

Mr. Zach Brazao updated the Committeea. Student Report

on the Scituate High School trip to Spain. They

visited the Guggenheim Museum and the International

World Peace Museum. He also gave a brief overview of the

Jr. Prom and Promenade and the upcoming SAT’s.

He also noted that the Seniors are enjoying their freedom

druing outdoor lunch.

The following monetary gifts were given: b. Acceptance of Gifts

(i)Mr. & Mrs. Fitzpatrick donation to Scituate High

School’s Life Skills Program.

(ii)CVS Caremark $3,000 donation to C.O.R.S.E. for their

Social skills program.

(iii)Mary Nell Henry over $4,500 donation to C.O.R.S.E. in

Memory of her sister, Bonnie Macksamie

(iv)Nicole Johnson - $100 to C.O.R.S.E. in memory of her

Grandfather, Joseph Kelley.

(v)Friends of Scituate Recreation - $1,000 to C.O.R.S.E.

All Stars Program.

On a motion by Mr. Strobino,

Seconded by Ms. Bowen,

It was voted: To approve the acceptance of gifts with great appreciation.

Mr. Hayes especially thanked the Fitzpatrick family for making a

donation year after year.

The vote was 5-0.

Dr. Susan Martin, Superintendent introduced Mr. Paulc. Wampatuck Project Update

Donlan, Director of Business and Finance. Mr. Donlan

updated the Committee on the project progress which has

included rough plumbing and boiler work. He also noted

that Alert Now updates are being sent out to Wampatuck

parents as well as bi-weekly updates which are posted

to the website.

Comments and Statements from the Public

Mr. Jamie Forde commended the C.O.R.S.E.

foundation for being a great supplemental program

to the Scituate Public School system. However, he asked

why the Scituate Public School system had to work

around the C.O.R.S.E. programming schedule?

Dr. Susan Martin reminded the Committee that

the Scituate Public School system was the one that

changed the schedule which caused some confusion.

She said the Scituate Public School summer services

will begin on July 5th. Dr. Martin reminded everyone

that each organization is vital to the school department

in their own way.

Mr. Hayes reminded Mr. Forde that this is about

Special Education parents being notified in the proper

manner with respect to summer services. He especially

noted that most parents had made certain assumptions

based upon prior years and this is where the confusion


4.Superintendent’s Reports

Dr. Susan Martin, Superintendent introduced Mrs.a. Kindergarten Update

Mari-An Fitzmaurice, Principal, Hatherly School and

Mr. Kevin Tarpey, Kindergarten Teacher. Mrs.

Fitzmaurice spoke about the Embedded Half Day

Kindergarten model.

Mr. Paul Donlan, Director Business & Financeb. Budget

did not present the April actuals. He noted that he

would distribute the April actuals at the May 16, 2011


5.Superintendent’s Correspondence

Dr. Susan Martin, Superintendent thanked Ms. DeMello a. Donna DeMello Commendation

for administering the Heimlich maneuver to a child

at lunchtime.

Dr. Susan Martin, Superintendent commended Ms. b. Kate Pescatore Commendation

Kate Pescatore for a job well done after receipt of a

parent letter commending Ms. Pescatore for her work.

Dr. Susan Martin, Superintendent commended Mr. c. Stephen Howley Commendation

Stephen Howley for his professionalism in dealing

with the evaluation process at Scituate High School.

Dr. Susan Martin, Superintendent thanked the d. Scituate Federal Savings Bank

Scituate Federal Savings Bank for donating their

time to the “Pennies for Leukemia Program”.

6. Other Business

Dr. Susan Martin, Superintendent reminded thea. Spring for the Arts

the Committee about Spring for the Arts scheduled

For May 12, 2011, 3:00 pm at Scituate High School.

Dr. Susan Martin, Superintendent told the Committee b. Sally Bailey Brown Dedication

that the Sally Bailey Brown dedication is scheduled

for May 26, 2011 but there was no further information.

None7.Communication from School Councils

8. Sub-Committee Reports


9. Personnel

There were no personnel changes to report at this time.

The following items were requested as future agenda items:10.Future Agenda Items

End of the Year activity calendar, Common Core Council, 2011-2012 Budget Plan, Wampatuck Building Updates, Summer Service Updates, Elementary Student Placement, Bullying

Incident Reports, Prom update,

On a motion by Ms. Bowen,

seconded, by Mr. Strobino,

It was voted:To adjourn from the meeting at 9:50 p.m.

The vote was 5 – 0.

Prepared by: Kim Peters


Mr. Jamie Strobino, Secretary