Your Name Your Street Address City, Province Postal Code
The Honourable Jane Philpott, Minister of Health (Canada)
Ministry of Health70 Colombine Driveway,
Tunney's Pasture
Postal Location: 0906C
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K9
Dear Ms. Philpott,
As a citizen of Canada, I feel it necessary to express my concerns regarding the upcoming legislation related to Physician Assisted Death in our country.
My first concern is about our doctors. They are overwhelmed today with work and with the responsibility of looking after the healing of so many patients. They have made an oath to support life. This legislation must respect the conscience of all physicians and those working in health care if they choose, for whatever reason, not to participate in Physician Assisted Death. They have a right to their beliefs and values, and these must always be respected and supported. They should never be forced to do what is objectionable to their principles as a physician or health care worker.
My second concern is for ‘faith based institutions’ that serve our people in so many ways in the public health care system. Much of our health care system was begun by faith-based organizations that continue to serve generously today. They should not be forced to engage in a service which is contrary to their beliefs or teachings, even though they receive public funding for their work. They already demonstrate their commitment to health care and healing and this should be recognized.
My third concern is for the need of proper hospice and palliative care for Canadians. Only a small percentage of Canadians currently have access to proper hospice and palliative care with long waiting lists for mental health care programs. Our government should be working to improve this access and improve these areas of health care for all Canadians, safeguarding and not endangering the lives of those who suffer or are most vulnerable in our society.
I am a person of faith and I believe in the sanctity of all human life and the dignity of every human person. This is not just a religious belief but is held by many as you know. We must respond to all types of suffering with compassion, responsibility and a commitment to care for all equally, and especially for the most vulnerable of our society.
I urge the government to respect my concerns and to create and uphold legislation that enhances human dignity, promotes life and family, and ensures the respect for freedom of conscience and belief for all. Thank you for your time and attention to my concerns.
[Your name and signature]
cc your Provincial Minister of Health