1. Svigos JM, Strasburg ER
Phaeochromocytoma and Pregnancy – A Case Report
Sth. Afr. Med. J. 52:496 1977
2. Svigos JM, Matthews CD
Assessment and Treatment of Female Urinary Incontinence by Cystometrogram and Bladder Retraining Programmes.
Obstet. & Gynecol. 50:9 1977
3. Svigos JM, Hopkins RE, Matthews CD
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease Associated with the use of Donor Sperm.
Infertility 1 (2): 185 1978
4. Svigos JM, Cox LW, Kirkland JA, Harvey NDM
Prognostic Aspects of Endometrial Carcinoma.
Aust & NZ J Obstet Gynaecol 18: 253 1978
5. Svigos JM, Matthews CD, Kerin JF, Hopkins RE, Broom TJ, Makin A.E.
Semen characteristics and their variability in fertile men.
Infertility 1 (3): 98 1979
6. Svigos JM, Pridmore BR, Stewart-Rattray SF
Meconium in the Midtrimester – Is It Significant ?
Aust & NZ J Obstet.Gynaec 21: 5 1981
7. Svigos JM
The Macrosomic Infant – High Risk Complication.
Med J Aust 1: 245 1981
8. Svigos JM
Preliminary Experience with the use of Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin therapy in women with Recurrent Abortion.
Clinical Reprod & Fertil 1: 131 1982
9. Svigos JM
Epilepsy and Pregnancy.
Aust & NZ J Obstet Gynaec 24: 182 1984
10. Svigos JM
Midtrimester Oligohydramnios : A sign of poor fetal outcome.
Aust & NZ J ObstetGynaec 27: 90 1987
11. Svigos JM
Endometriosis and Clomiphene Citrate : Is there a causal relationship ?
The Lancet 335: 868 1990
12. Svigos JM, Rudzki Z, Morris D
Selective Feticide in Twin Pregnancy : A Case Report.
Med J Aust 152: 492 1990
13. Svigos JM, Cave DG, Vigneswaran R, Resch A, Christiansen J
Silastic Cup Vacuum Extractor or Forceps – A Comparative Study.
Asia-Oceania J Obst &Gynae16: 323 1990.
14. Svigos JM
Alternative Styles of Perinatal Care.
Med J Aust 154: 640 1991.
15. Svigos JM, Norman J
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria and Pregnancy
Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol 34: 1 : 104 1994.
16. Svigos JM
The Pelvic Peritoneum Revisited – A Randomised Controlled Trial of Peritoneal Non-closure at Caesarean Section.
Fetal Diagn Ther 13 (Suppl): 68 1998.
17. Svigos J.M.
The Fetal Inflammatory Response Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy : Yet another challenge and dilemma for the obstetrician.
Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol41: 170-176, 2001.
18. Svigos JM
The Fetal Inflammatory Response and Cerebral Palsy: Recent Update.
J. Maternal- Fetal and Neonatal Medicine13: 352, 2003.
19. Svigos JM, McPhee A,Ford A.
Isolated Phrenic Nerve Palsy in a Neonate at caesarean section – A Case Report
Aust NZ J Obst Gynaecol44: 475 – 476, 2004.
20. Svigos JM
A simple alternative measure to control Severe Post Partum Haemorrhage.
Aust NZ J Obst Gynaecol 44: 588, 2004.
21. Svigos JM
The Future of Ob/Gyn Generalists and Gynaecological Surgery
ANZJOG 49:340, 2009
22. Svigos JM
Complementary Medications and Gynaecological Surgery
ANZJOG 50:582, 2010
23. Svigos J, Khurana S , Munt C, Sinhal S, Bernardo J :
Presentation of an umbilical cord cyst with a surprising jet: a case report of a patent
urachus F1000 Research 2013 2:38
24. Svigos JM
Transabdominal Cervical Cerclage Revisited
Bali Med J 2014 (in press)
1. Matthews CD,Elmslie RG, Clapp KH, Svigos JM
Mycoplasma and Fertility
Lancet 1:108 1974.
2. Matthews CD, Elmslie RG, Clapp KH, Svigos JM
The Frequency of Genital Mycoplasma Infection in Human Fertility
Fertil Steril 26: 988 1975
3. Medical Digest 1976
4. Year Book Obstet Gynec1976
5. Kerin JF, Matthews CD, Svigos JM, Makin AE
Migration of Stored Human Spermatozoa Through Cervical Mucus in Relation to the Preovulatory LH Surge
J. Reprod Fertil 46: 499 1976
6. Kerin JF, Matthews CD, Svigos JM, Makin AE, Symons RG, SmeatonTC
Linear and Quantitative Migration of Stored Sperm Through Cervical Mucus During The Preovulatory Period
FertilSteril 27:1054 1976.
7. ObstGynecSurvey 1977.
8. Matthews CD, Broom TJ,Crawshaw KM, Hopkins RE, Kerin JF, Svigos JM
The Influence of Insemination Timing and Sperm Characteristics on the Efficiency of a Donor Insemination Programme
FertilSteril31: 45 1979.
9. Matthews CD, Kerin JF,Hopkins RE, Wheatley BP, Makin AE,Svigos JM
The Characteristics of Thawed Semen and the Timing and Route of Insemination Associated with Conception in the Human.
Int J Fertil 23 (2) : 58 1979.
10. Mudge TJ, Svigos JM, Jones WR
Alice Through The Laparoscope.
Med J Aust. 1: 589 1981
11. Vivian D, Svigos JM
Impact of the Ovustick Urine LH on a Private AI Programme.
Clinical Reprod Fertil. 4: 482 1986
12. Haan EA, Furness ME, Knowles S, Morris LL, Scott G, Svigos JM, Vigneswaran R
Osteodysplastic Primordial Dwarfism
Amer J Med Genetics 33: 224 1988
13. Callen DF,Fernandez H, Hull E, Svigos JM, Chambers HM, Sutherland GR
A Normal 46, XX Infant with a 69 XXY/46XX Placenta: A Major Contribution to the Placenta is from a Resorbed Twin.
Prenatal Diagnosis 11: 437 1991
14. Turnbull DA,Wilkinson C,Yaser A, Carty V, Svigos JM, Robinson JS
Women’s Role and Satisfaction in the Decision to have a Caesarean Section.
Med J Aust 170: 580 – 583 1999
15. MacLennan A., et al, The International Cerebral Palsy Task Force : Svigos J.M. included
A template for defining a causal relationship between acute intrapartum events and cerebral palsy: international consensus statement
Brit Med J 319: 1054 – 1059 1999
16. Costa – Santos C., et al , Svigos JM included
An interactive website for research on fetal heart rate monitoring, with real data simulations.
Obstet Gynecol 95(2): 309 – 311 2000
17. Ayres de Campos D, et al,Svigos JM included
Sis Porto 2.0: A program for automated analysis of cardiotocograms
J. Maternal – Fetal Medicine 9 (5): 311 – 318 2000
18. Hannaford J,Dalton J,Svigos JM
Computer analysis of fetal heart rate to predict neonatal state.
Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaec 43: 180 2003
19. Moore YM, et al Svigos JM included
Dietary Composition of Pregnant Women is related to the size of the baby at birth.
J.Nutrition 134: 1820 – 1826 2004.
20. Megadhana W, Svigos JM, Surya IGP
Incarcerated Uterine Procidentia and Vesical Calculi : A Case Report.
Aust & NZ J Obstet Gynaecol 46: 59 – 60 2006.
21. Surya IGP, Soemohandjo S, Svigos JM
Hepatitis in Pregnancy
RCOG Dialog Vol 5 Issue 2 2007.
22. Crowther et al including Svigos JMas part of Birth After Caesarean Study Group: Planned vaginal birth or elective repeat caesarean: Patient Preference Restricted Cohort with Nested Randomised Trial.
PLOS Med 9(3) e1001192.doi.10.1371/journal 1001192 2012
23. Dodd JM et al including Svigos JM as part of Elective Birth at 37 weeks of gestation versus standard care for women with an uncomplicated twin pregnancy at term: the Twins Timing of Birth Randomised Trial
BJOG 03/2012 119: 964 - 973
24. Roberts DJ, Svigos JM
Neonatal Nerve Palsies: A Contemporary Obstetric Perspective
Bali Med J Vol 3 No 2:47-52 2014
25. Dodd JM et al including Svigos JM as part of the LIMIT Randomised Trial Group
The effects of antenatal dietary and lifestyle advice for women who are overweight or obese on maternal diet and physical activity: the LIMIT randomised trial
BMC Medicine 2014 12:161
26 Dodd JM et al including Svigos JM as part of the LIMIT Randomised Trial Group
The effects of antenatal dietary and lifestyle advice for women who are overweight or obese on neonatal health outcomes: the LIMIT randomised trial
BMC Medicine 2014 12: 163
1. Svigos JM
Photo Failure – Amniocentesis.
Australian Doctor – 12thMay 1995
2. Svigos JM
Continuing Controversies in the Management of Preterm Premature Rupture of the Membranes.
Journal Christian Medical College, Vellore, Alumni
Vol. XXIX : 3 – 9 1995
3. Svigos JM
Obstetricians - are we mugs or martyrs ?
O&G Magazine 4: 285 – 286 2001
4. Svigos JM
Bali Beckons You!
O&G Magazine 5: 212 – 213 2003
5. Svigos JM
Disturbing Trend in the Health of Executive Women
“in business” South Australia , Issue No. 12 , 2003
6. Svigos JM
Assessment of Overseas Trained Specialists and Area of Need Practitioners.
O&G Magazine 6: 326 – 327 2004
7. Svigos JM
Mode of Delivery of Twins: A 21st Century Obstetrician’s Dilemma
O&G Magazine 12: 22 – 23 2010
8. Svigos JM
Homebirth – What say the baby?
Medicus, Journal of the Australian Medical Association, Western Australia branch
Vol 52 / Issue 1, 1st Feb. 2012
9. Wilkinson C and Svigos JM
Caesarean in Indonesia
Global Challenges
O&G Magazine 15:2 Winter 2013
Editors: James DK, Steer PJ, Weiner CP,Gonik B
W.B.Saunders Co. Ltd. London 1994
Svigos JM,Robinson JS, Vigneswaran R.
Chapter 11: Threatened and Actual Preterm Labour Including Mode of Delivery.
Chapter 12: Premature Rupture of the Membranes
Second Edition 1999
Svigos JM, Robinson JS,Vigneswaran R
Chapter 56: Threatened and Actual Preterm Labour Including Mode of Delivery.
Chapter 57: Prelabour Rupture of the Membranes
Third Edition 2005
Svigos JM, Robinson JS, Vigneswaran R (deceased)
Chapter 62: Threatened and Actual Preterm Labour Including Mode of Delivery.
Chapter 63: Prelabour Rupture of the Membranes.
Fourth Edition 2010
Svigos JM, Dodd J, Robinson JS
Chapter 61: Threatened and Actual Preterm Labour Including Mode of Delivery
Chapter 62: Prelabour Rupture of the Membranes
Current list as of 16th October2014