EIFC Board Meeting Minutes, June 26, 2017 – City Hall Chambers
Call to Order: Teresa Larouere -7:05pm
Present: Teresa Larouere, Laura Smallhorn, Carol Hjort, Amy Caltry, Rich Sandefer, Jack McGrath, Ron Potsch, Dirk Bennett
Absent: Ed About-Zaid
Minutes: Minutes were reviewed with no corrections needed. Motion to approve minutes was made by A. Caltry and seconded by T. Larouere. Motion passed.
Financial Reports: High school and club financial reports were reviewed and no corrections were needed. Motion to approve both reports was made by T. Larouere, seconded by C. Hjort. Motion passed.
Old Business: EIFC the club seasons have all finished and plans will soon begin for the Fall. The U10’s will be coached by Paul Stranz and assisted by Laura Smallhorn. They continue to recruit more players and hope to hold try-outs in mid to late July. The U14s will be losing approximately 8 players to the highschool team. A. Caltry will contact remaining families to survey for interest in playing in the Fall and to look for a parent manager to assist with team scheduling and communication. The club and coach will have to consider a roster cap and how to implement that, perhaps with try-outs, if necessary.
Pre Academy ended successfully.
Academy ended the first week of June with positive feedback from families. Now is the time to search for sponsors for the t-shirts for the next two seasons (Fall and Spring). In the past, we have looked for 20 $200 donations with all names printed on the back of all the shirts. The board discussed the possibility of offering a tiered sponsorship for different amounts of advertising and possibly some sort of concession stand sponsorship. These ideas will be discussed more in the future.
Board Member Search: Megan Merrill expressed interest in joining the board. A vote was held and all members were in favor of accepting Megan onto the board.
This was the final meeting for T. Larouere and C. Hjort. The board thanks them for their service.
New Business:
The Chicago Fire camp is set to be held at Sister City from July 17 – 21. We are waiting to hear from them about how many participants there will be. There are still some drinks and candy in the concession stand which we can try to sell during this camp. The Ballinger family has offered to host the coaches in their home again this year. The board approved the allocation of $250 to the Ballingers to aid them in feeding the coaches.
The board discussed ways to continue to grow our concession stand sales during the academy season. Jack McGrath will check into buying a nacho cheese machine.
Ron Potsch discussed equipment needs. Two sets of goals are currently being powder-coated. We will likely need to purchase a new set of nets for Sister City, and some #5 balls. Hi-Cone has been cleared and the equipment is stored. The club may need to consider hiring someone other than the park department to mow the fields in the Fall to ensure they are done on a timely basis.
Adjournment: R. Sandefer moved to adjourn at 8:30, seconded by C. Hjort. The motion passed.
Next meeting: July 17, 2017 at 7:00pm