REVISED on Saturday, January 28, 2006 at 05:02 PM
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Life Science Ideas
- A study of marine growth on various surfaces.
- Ant control: natural vs. chemical repellents.
- Can insects pull more than their own body weight?
- Can mice determine shapes when associated with one food?
- Can mice see colors?
- Can you give a plant too much fertilizer?
- Chickens and colored corn - Which will they eat?
- Comparing the moisture content of five varieties of apples.
- Determining the horsepower of snails.
- Do earthworms help plants to grow?
- Do mirrors affect the way plants grow?
- Do plants grow better with tap water or distilled water?
- Do roots always grow down?
- Do seeds sprout better in cold or hot climates?
- Does a magnetic field affect the growth of beans?
- Does a mouse make right turns or left turns more often in a T-maze?
- Does acid rain affect the germination of seeds?
- Does electricity affect the growth of beans?
- Does leaf surface area affect plant growth?
- Does temperature affect the growth of plants?
- Does the phase of the moon affect the germination of seeds?
- Does your grass grow at the top or bottom of the blade?
- Effects of artificial vs. natural light on plants.
- Effects of caffeine on blood pressure.
- Effects of household pesticides on earthworms.
- Effects of the environment on popcorn (heat, cold, moisture, time etc).
- Effects of light on the feeding of fish.
- Hamster activity and the phases of the moon.
- How are various types of grass affected by excessive heat?
- How are various types of grass affected by extreme cold?
- How are various types of grass affected by lack of water?
- How detergents affect the growth of algae in pond water.
- How detergents affect the growth of plants.
- How do plants react to different kinds of music?
- How does a hamster respond to new stimuli in its environment?
- How does air movement affect the loss of water from plant leaves?
- Does being a male or a female affect a person's ability to have ESP?
- How does conditioning affect the responses of gerbils in a T-maze?
- How does different colored light affect insects?
- How does exercising (different types) affect the breathing rate?
- How does gravity affect the direction of growth of a seedling?
- How does gravity affect the growth of seeds?
- How does heat affect the interaction of saliva on starch?
- How does light affect the response of insects to it?
- How does light color affect the behavior of mice?
- How does light/dark affect the response of isopods in a T-maze?
- How does moisture affect the responses of isopods in a T-maze?
- How does moisture and temperature affect the growth of mold?
- How does music affect the activity level of a hamster?
- How does planting depth affect seed germination?
- How does practice affect your reaction time?
- How does root hormone affect the development of roots in making plant cuttings?
- How does soaking the seeds affect the amount of time for seed germination?
- How does soil temperature affect the germination of a seed?
- How does soil temperature affect the growth of a seedling?
- How does soil type affect the development of roots in making plant cuttings?
- How does surface texture affect an earthworm's movement?
- How does temperature affect seed germination?
- How does temperature affect the population growth of yeast cultures?
- How does temperature affect the rate of cricket chirps?
- How do tendrils react to objects in their path?
- How does the amount of fertilizer affect the growth of a seedling?
- How does the amount of light affect seed germination?
- How does the amount of light affect the growth of a seedling?
- How does the amount of moisture affect seed germination?
- How does the color of light affect the growth of a seedling?
- How does the temperature affect the activity of crayfish?
- How does the time of day affect the leaf movement of a shamrock plant?
- How does the type of fertilizer affect the growth of a seedling?
- How does the type of soil affect the growth of a seedling?
- How does the use of heat affect the development of roots in plant cuttings?
- How does the use of motion affect the growth of a seedling?
- How fast does a mealworm travel?
- How fast does a snail travel?
- How is a snail's pulling-ability affected by its size?
- How is a snail's pulling-ability affected by the surface it is on?
- How is a snail's pulling-ability affected by the temperature of the environment?
- How is an ant's food choice affected by particle size?
- How is mealworm metamorphosis affected by environmental temperature?
- How is mold growth affected by the amount of light?
- How is mold growth affected by the amount of moisture?
- How is the hatching time of brine shrimp affected by the amount of salt in the brine solution?
- How is the hatching time of brine shrimp affected by the temperature of the brine solution?
- How is the hatching time of brine shrimp affected by the storage temperature of the eggs?
- How is the hatching time of brine shrimp affected by the exposure to sunlight?
- How many grams of food does a rabbit eat per day?
- How much can you change a hamster's sleeping and/or waking cycle?
- How the amount of light affects the growth of marigolds.
- How will a snail's movement be affected by change in the amount of moisture?
- How will a snail's movement be affected by change in temperature?
- How will a snail's movement be affected by change in the amount of light?
- How will ants respond to different colors?
- How will earthworms respond to a change in the amount of light in the environment?
- How will earthworms respond to change in soil temperature?
- How will earthworms respond to various smells?
- How will earthworms respond to various sounds?
- Leaf size vs. location.
- Left-hand, right-hand transference using "mirror tracing."
- Testing different potting soils.
- Testing the tar and nicotine in five brands of cigarettes.
- The effect of different metals on snails.
- The effects of root-bounding on plant growth.
- The relationship between age and response time.
- The speed of snails on different surfaces.
- Under which color cellophane do plants grow best?
- Under which thickness of plastic do radishes grow best?
- What direction will a mealworm turn in a T-maze?
- What effect does gender have on a mouse maze-time?
- What food will a mouse respond to most often?
- What type of sweeteners do ants prefer?
- Which banana has the most sugar - green, yellow or brown?
- Which do mealworms prefer: light or dark surfaces?
- Which do mealworms prefer: oat-meal or bran cereal?
- Which do mealworms prefer: rough or smooth surfaces?
- Which do mealworms prefer: wet or dry surfaces?
- Which fresh fruits are flies attracted to most often?
- Which lawn grass has the fastest vertical growth rate?
- Which type of litter does a hamster prefer?
- Which type of bread molds quickest?
- Which will mold sooner, natural or imitation cheese slices?
- Will ants travel further on a warm or cool surface?
- Comparison of vitamin A content in frozen, canned and fresh peas.
EARTH Science Ideas
- Charting the apparent motion of Polaris.
- Composition of sand from different locations along the coast.
- Designing a computer program for identification of minerals.
- How acid is our rain?
- How clean is our air?
- How does the type of rock affect the scratch hardness test?
- How does the type of rock affect the streak test?
- How fast does water soak into different soil types?
- How much dust falls on your lawn in a month?
- Power from rising air.
- Power from waves.
- Splat! A study of droplet patterns.
- Terracing and how it affects erosion.
- The effect of wave action on different rocks (using a rock tumbler).
- The effects of water on different types of wood.
- Water retention of different soils.
- What kinds of soil resist wind erosion best?
- What plowing patterns prevent erosion best?
- Which soil does water evaporate from the quickest?
- Which soil does water evaporate from the slowest?
PHYSICAL Science Ideas
- A comparative study of various packing materials.
- A friction-less magnetic bearing.
- Calculating liquid density using light refraction.
- Can a roof overhang cut summer cooling costs?
- Can saltwater be desalted by freezing?
- Conductivity of various liquids.
- Determining the density of various materials.
- Do black bottom pools keep the water warmer?
- Do magnetic fields affect the sound quality on a recording tape?
- Do oil additives reduce friction on engine parts?
- Fishing lines take the strength test.
- The effects of washing on dyed materials.
- The efficiency of airspace as an insulator.
- The strength of a magnet over distance.
- The velocity of different materials through a tube.
- The velocity of water through different tubes.
- Up to bat - Wood or aluminum?
- Using electromagnets to power a car.
- Water solubility of suntan lotions.
- Waterproofing agents - Which is best?
- What are Styrofoam cups best suited for: keeping hot liquids hot, or cold liquids cold?
- What effect will lubrication have on rust prevention of metal tools?
- What is the voltage range of the GE-15 bulb?
- What materials make the best ice cube keepers?
- What shudder speed is needed to photograph a moving fan?
- What type of disposable cups maintain the temperature of a liquid longer?
- Which antacid tablets dissolve the quickest?
- Which battery is the best buy?
- Which candle is the best buy?
- Which color container absorbs the most heat?
- Which color container cools the quickest?
- Which color of liquid absorbs heat the best?
- Which container preserves food the best?
- Which food wrapping preserves food the best?
- Which detergent has the longest-lasting suds?
- Which detergent removes grass stains the best?
- Which fabrics are most fire-resistant?
- Which fast food burger wrapping retains heat the longest?
- Which firewood gives the most heat per dollar?
- Which foods have starch (or sugar, fat, protein or sodium)?
- Which light bulb is the most efficient?
- Which liquids will dissolve Alka-seltzer fastest?
- Which metals are the most rust-resistant?
- Which metals conduct heat best?
- Which paint protects wood the best?
- Which paper towel is most absorbent?
- Which solar panel is the most efficient?
- Which stain remover works the best?
- Which toothpaste is most abrasive?
- Which will an antacid dissolve quickest in.. an acid or a base?
- How do melting times of various chocolates compare?
- How do the dissolving times of sugar-free and regular sugar mints compare?
- How does changing the height of a ramp affect the distance a ball will roll?
- How does changing the height of a ramp affect the speed with which a ball rolls?
- How does lubrication affect the distance a ball rolls?
- How does temperature affect the solubility of a substance in water?
- How does the addition of salt to water affect the conduction of electricity?
- How does the amount of salt added to water affect the behavior of liquid?
- How does the amount of soap affect the rate at which drops move down?
- How does the angle of a heat source affect the absorption of heat?
- How does the beginning temperature of water affect the time it takes to freeze?
- How does the combination of different colors of light affect colors produced?
- How does the density of a liquid affect whether or not an object floats?
- How does the intensity of color affect the fading of colors in sunlight?
- How does the length of wire used affect the strength of an electromagnet?
- How does the position of weights affect a paper airplanes flight?
- How does the positioning of mirrors affect the angle of reflection?
- How does the shape of ice cubes affect their rate of melting?
- How does the size of ice cubes affect their rate of melting?
- How does the size of the core used affect the strength of an electromagnet?
- How does the surface affect how far a marble (or ball) will roll?
- How does the surface affect the rate at which soap drops move downhill?
- How does the tail affect the flight of a kite?
- How does the temperature of an aluminum bat affect its performance?
- How does the type of liquid affect the rate at which drops move down?
- How does the use of different bob weights affect the swing of pendulums?
- How does the use of different pendulum lengths affect pendulum swing?
- How does the use of different swing distances affect the pendulum swing?
- How does the use of different types of insulation affect ice cube melting?
- How does the use of salt affect the rate of freezing ice?
- How does using different shapes in building bridges affect its strength?
- How does water temperature affect dissolving time of sugar mints?
- How is crystal growth affected by light?
- How is crystal growth affected by addition of acid to the solution?
- How is crystal growth affected by moving air?
- How is crystal growth affected by temperature?
- How is crystal growth affected by surface area of the crystal container?
- How is the evaporation of a liquid affected by the size of the container that holds it?
- How is the evaporation of a liquid affected by the viscosity of the liquid?
- How is the evaporation of a liquid affected by the presence of moving air?
- How is the evaporation of a liquid affected by additives in the liquid?
- How is the evaporation of a liquid affected by the room temperature?
- How is the falling time of a parachute affected by the material used to make the parachute?
- How is the falling time of a parachute affected by the size of the parachute itself?
- How is the falling time of a parachute affected by the amount of weight added to the parachute?
- How is the falling time of a parachute affected by the length of the parachute strings?
- How is the falling time of a parachute affected by the shape of the parachute?
- How is the falling time of a parachute affected by making holes in the parachute?
- How is the rate of oxidation affected by the type of solution in which metal objects stand?
- How is the viscosity of different liquids affected by changing its temperature?
- How many rotor blades give maximum lift for a helicopter?
- How much money can a pool cover save?
- How strong is a spider-web thread?
- How temperature affects the amount of electricity given off by a solar cell.
- How temperature affects the height at which different balls bounce.
- How well do various fabrics absorb dye?
- In what ways do additives in water affect the water's freezing time?
- Ink evaluation with paper chromatography.
- Measuring the calories in peanuts, walnuts and pecans.
- Meat, fat and moisture content of hot dogs.
- Popcorn: A graphical analysis of pops per second.
- Shampoo evaluation including pH testing.
- Storing the sun's energy.
- Strength of different wood.
- Testing a car headlight as a satellite dish antenna.
- Testing different water turbine blades.
- Testing sugar in soft drinks.
- Testing various orange drinks for vitamin C.
- The amount of dissolved chlorine in drinking water.
- The amount of dissolved salt in drinking water.
- The effectiveness of different wood preservatives.
- The effects of deodorants on cloths.
- The effects of temperature on the strength of dry cells.
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