North Seattle Community College
HUM 110: “Introduction to American Film” Quickie Syllabus --Spring Quarter 2014
Note that the unabridged version of the Syllabus is available in our Canvas online classroom!

Instructor and Course Information
Name: / JC Clapp
Email: /
Online courseware: / We will be using Canvas online courseware to support our class. You're required to take your weekly quizzes in Canvas. To access our online course, go to: Your username is your complete 9-digit NSCC student ID number. Your password is the first six letters of your last name. If you have troubles logging on, contact the Distance Learning office help desk: (206) 934-3738.
Required Book & Films
/ Required Textbook:
Film Art: An Introduction, David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson, McGraw Hill, 10th edition, 2012, ISBN: 978-0073535104
Required Films:
1.  American Beauty (1999) Sam Mendes – 122 min. [Kevin Spacey, Annette Bening] The Graduate (1967) Mike Nichols – 106 min. [Dustin Hoffman, Anne Bancroft]
2.  Citizen Kane (1941) Orson Welles – 119 min. [Orson Welles]
3.  Blade Runner (1982) Ridley Scott – 117 min. [Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young]
4.  Psycho (1960) Alfred Hitchcock -- 109 min. [Anthony Perkins, Vivien Leigh]
5.  Annie Hall (1977) Woody Allen – 93 min. [Woody Allen, Diane Keaton]
6.  The Godfather (1972) Francis Ford Coppola – 175 min. [Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James Caan, Robert Duvall]
7.  Taxi Driver (1976) Martin Scorsese – 113 min. [Robert De Niro, Jodie Foster, Cybill Shepherd]
8.  Crash (2004) Paul Haggis – 112 min. [Don Cheadle, Sandra Bullock, Tony Danza, Matt Dillon]
9.  Saving Private Ryan (1998) Steven Spielberg – 169 min. [Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, Tom Sizemore]
10.  This Film is Not Yet Rated (2006) Kirby Dick – 97 min. [Kirby Dick, Eddie Schmidt]
Overview of Policies
·  I require you to show up in person and in class to turn in all of your assignments.
·  I don’t accept late assignments. Quizzes can’t be made up.
·  There are 5-points of extra credit available per week.
·  Quizzes are taken in our Canvas online classroom and you get two attempts.
·  We will be watching some R-rated films with adult subject matter and exceptions won’t be made.
Point Breakdown / Write-Ups are worth a total of 200 points.That works out to be 20 points for each of 10 write-ups Reflection is worth a total of 20 points (3% of your course grade).
Weekly Reading Quizzes are worth a total of 166 points. They vary per week, but are between about 20-30 points per week and are always due by 10:30 a.m. (see calendar for due dates).
"Create a Sequel" Project is worth 210 points.
That all adds up to 596 points total.