Web Page Design

Mr. Tamaccio

Rm. 103

In this course, you will learn:

  • How to write code for World Wide Web pages on the Internet and use Macromedia DreamWeaver
  • Introductory computer programming skills
  • How to make informed judgments about the maintenance of existing pages
  • The historical significance and future possibilities of the Internet
  • The importance of appearance when attempting to make an impression with information


The only supplies I require of you on a daily basis will be a folder and a pen for notes. We have a new textbook this year that we will be keeping in room 103. If you would like to take the book home, please let me know ahead of time. We will be also be using online documentation for a guide. It is extremely important for you to keep all of your printed documentation handy for the times when I can’t get to your desk right away for assistance.


Here is loosely an idea of what we will be covering this semester:

A.History of the Internet and the World Wide Web

1. Internet Introduction

2. HTML Introduction

a. Creation and rationale

b. Usage and abuse

c. Potential

B.The Minimal HTML Document

1. Basic Concepts

a. Body

b. Head

c. Title

d. Viewing source code of web pages

C. HTML Coding

1. Headings

2. Paragraphs and fresh lines

3. Alignment

4. Lists

a. Bulleted

b. Numbered

c. Nested

5. Pre-formatted text

6. Block quotes

7. Forced Line Breaks

8. Horizontal Rules

9. Character Formatting

10. Linking

11. Path names

a. Physical

b. Relative

12. Inline Images

a. Sizing of…

b. Aligning text with…

c. Background images and…

d. Background colors

13. Image maps

14. Tables

15. CSS

16. Drop down menus as a means of navigation

17. CGI Scripts and JavaScript


Quarter grades are based on percentages of total points accumulated during the semester as per the school grading system. Below is a list of the various items that are going to be graded:

  • 2 main projects. These projects will be two distinct web sites that I will grade at the halfway point and the end of the semester, respectively. The first site will be an entertaining site based on one of your interests. The second site will be created for a business for the purpose of promotion.
  • Quizzes
  • Weekly assignments

There will be NO midterm or a final exam given in this course.


I am always available for additional help before and after school. If you are having trouble, don’t wait until the day your project is due to come for help!


1. Come to class on time

2. Come to class prepared (folder, pen, diskettes, etc.)

3. Listen, take notes, ask questions

4. To be polite and respectful of individuals of the class

5. If you know you will be absent the day a project is due, see me ahead of time to arrange when you will make it up. If you arrive late to school and miss a test, you are still expected to see me and take the test that day. If you leave early, other than for an unexpected illness, you are responsible for turning in your project before you leave.

6. No eating or drinking in the class. Gum and candy are NOT permitted.

7. No file sharing programs such as Morpheus / KaaZaa, DC++, BearShare etc. are allowed.