Style Template
[All fonts/typesizes to be standard, typespec to follow, journals B5 and USA4]
CatchlineJournal name in full, Vol. X, No. X, Month 2004, xxx–xxx
Running heads(verso)A. N. Other and J. Bloggs or A. N. Other et al.
(recto)Short title, initial cap only
Article TypeReview Article [bold, flush left, initial caps]
(where applicable)
TitleInitial cap only, bold, centred
AuthorsA. N. OTHER*† and J. BLOGGS‡ [where * denotes corresponding author, see below]
Affiliation†University of Life, UK
‡University of Style, UK
[where each address is centred on its own line. NB – the footnote symbols are not superscript]
Dates(Received Day Month Year; in final form Day Month Year) [centred]
AbstractNo title. Roman, smaller font, indented both sides.
[If journal is A4, abstract is centred over the two columns of text.]
KeywordsKeywords: Keyword; Keyword
[If journal is A4, keywords are centred over the two columns of text.]
(where applicable.)
Correspondence*Corresponding author. Email: [note no full point; footnote rule]
FootlineJournal name in full
ISSN xxxx-xxxx print/ ISSN xxxx-xxxx online © 2004 Taylor & Francis Ltd
DOI: 10/1080.xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[each line centred]
Headings(A) Flush left, numbered, bold, initial cap only, spaces above and below.
(B) Flush left, numbered, bold, italic, initial cap only, spaces above and below.
(C) Flush left, numbered, bold, initial cap only, space above, text runs on after full point.
TablesCited as table 1
Caption: Table 1. This is a table. [centred]
Appearance: centred on page, first column left aligned, remainder centre aligned. [For A4 journals, tables should be set within single column if possible, or centred across double column.]
FiguresCited as figure 1
Caption: Figure 1. This is a figure.
Appearance: artwork centred on page, caption flush left and justified if greater than one line of text, otherwise centred under the figure. [For A4 journals, figures should be set within single column if possible, or centred across double column.]
EquationsCited as equation (1)
Equation centred, equation number flush right.
FootnotesFollow †,‡,§,¶ order, starting from beginning of sequence on each page. Footnotes should be avoided wherever possible.
Reference systemNumbered
Citation in text: [1], [5-9] or see [1].
Reference listRefs to be listed in numerical order. Smaller font than text.
[1] A.B. Bloggs, S. Simon, M. Caine, et al., Style guides are fun. Available online at: (accessed XX Month Year).
[2] J. Brown (Editor), Style Manuals Past and Present (Taylor & Francis, London, 1988), pp. xx–yy.
[3] A.N. Other, in Style Manuals Past and Present, edited by J. Brown (Taylor & Francis, London, 1988).
[4] C. Chaplin, Style guides for fun. PhD thesis, University of Milton Park (2002).
[5] J. Smith, J. Style 15 25 (1985).
[6] P. Trevor and C. David, paper presented at the 4th International Meeting of Minds, Chicago, IL, 1–4 April (1993).
[7] F. French, Title of a Book in Another Language, translated by P. Smith (Dover, New York, 1988; original work published 1923).
BiographiesTo follow references. Photo set on left-hand side, text on the right-hand side. Author name to be set in bold+italics.
(where applicable.) [For A4 journals, biographies should be set double-column width, underneath balanced columns of references.]
SpellingFollow back issues regarding British/American usage.
Book reviewsTitle, edited by A. Author and B. Author, Publisher,
Location, Year, pages, price, hardback (ISBN XXXXX), paperback (ISBN XXXXX).
One line space before text starts (first paragraph: no indent). At end of text, one line space and then reviewer’s name and affiliation to appear as:
Professor John Smith
University of Milton Park, UK