Science Project- Part I

Science is the observation and study of anything that takes up space, (scientists call this “matter”).

The science project will enable you to…

  1. Ask questions and make guesses (hypothesize)
  2. Observe and study something
  3. This is done in a variety of ways. Some of the most popular ways to study and observe something is by doing and experiment or watching it over a period of time. Another is looking up research that others have already done.
  4. Share your findings with others
  • The first part of your science project is to become curious. Attached to this sheet is a list of questions that a curious scientist might ask.
  • Choose three questions that you would like to observe and study. Bring this paper back on Monday, October 3______. I have helpful experiments on each of these questions and I will send them home with you on ____Thursday, October 6____, along with guidelines on how to set up the project.
  • If you have other ideas for a science project- please write them on the back of this paper and send them in for me to check.

Science Questions

Find a science question that you would like to investigate or make one up with a parent. Choose three that you would like to observe and study.

Animal Studies

Do ants like cheese or sugar better?

What foods do mealworms prefer?

Does holding a mirror in front of a fish change what a fish does?

What color of birdseed do birds like best?

Do mint leaves repel ants?

Which travels faster-a snail or a worm?

On which surface can a snail move faster-dirt or cement?

How far does a snail travel in one minute?

How much can a Caterpillar eat in one day?

Comparative Studies

What kind of juice cleans pennies best?

Do watches keep time the same?

How does omitting an ingredient affect the taste of a cookie?

Do suction cups stick equally well to different surfaces?

Which cheese grows mold the fastest?

Consumer Testing

What brand of raisin cereal has the most raisins?

Which dish soap makes the most bubbles?

Which paper towel is the strongest?

With which type of battery do toys run the longest?

Which laundry detergent works the best?

Human Studies

In my class who is taller-boys or girls?

Does anyone in my class have the same fingerprints?

In my class, who has the biggest feet boys or girls?

Which student in class has the greatest lung capacity?

In my class, who has the smallest hands-boys or girls?

How far can a person lean without falling?

Plant Studies

Do roots of a plant always grow downward?

Can plants grow without soil?

Will bananas brown faster on the counter or in the refrigerator?

Does temperature affect the growth of plants?

Can plants grow from the leaves?

Do different kinds of apples have the same number of seeds?

Do bigger seeds produce bigger plants?

Of what is the soil is my schoolyard made?

Does a plant grow bigger if watered with milk or water?

Physical Sciences

Can the design of a paper airplane make it fly farther?

Do wheels reduce friction?

What holds two boards together better a nail or a screw?

Does a ball-roll farther on grass or dirt?

Do all objects fall to the ground at the same speed?

What kind of things do magnets attract?

How can you measure the strength of a magnet?

How much salt does it take to float an egg?

Does water with salt boil faster than plain water?

Does on ice cube melt faster in air or water?

Can you tell what something is just by touching it?

Can you tell where sound comes from when you are blindfolded?

Can things be identified by just their smell?

Does the length of a vibrating object affect sound?


Does a bath take less water than a shower?

Does warm water freeze faster than cool water?

How long will it take a drop of food dye to color a glass of still water?

Which materials absorb the most water?

What materials dissolve in water?

Which dissolves better in water - salt or baking soda?

If you would like to choose a science question that is not on the list, write it below.

Science Project- Part II

  1. Create ascience question.
  1. Hypothesis: What do you think will happen and why?
  1. Method and Procedures: Create step by step directions that anyone could follow to recreate your project.
  1. Materials: Create a list of materials that you or others will need to complete the project.
  1. Explain Results: Use pictures, graphs, and writing to share your project.
  1. Conclusion: Explain if your hypothesis was correct or incorrect.
  1. Place your information on a display board. Create sections that would tell others about your question, hypothesis, procedure, materials, and show the results and the conclusion.
  1. You will also need to share your information with the class. Be prepared, (Practice reading and telling others about your project). You may also share your information with the class by ..
  2. recreating the experiment for the class
  3. letting the class perform your experiment
  4. writing about it
  5. dramatizing it
  6. creating a Power Point presentation
  7. videoing yourself
  1. Turn these papers in and be prepared to share your research on Thursday, October _27___. Have Fun!!!

Science Fair Project Grade Sheet


Question/Hypothesis: Did you write down your science question? __/10

Did you draw a picture of your science question? __/10

Method/Plan/Procedure:Did you explain how you plan to answer your

question with details, and turn in your science papers? ___/20

Conclusions:Did you explain what you learned?

Why did it work or not work?___/10

Display Board:Did you create a display board that explains

about the project? Is it eye catching and


Results:Did you share your information with the class

in a way that was understandable? Were you

prepared- Did you have a plan on how to do this?____/10

GrammarIs your writing easy to understand and read?

Are there grammar or mechanical errors?___/10


Sample Display Boards