Science Fair Contract 2012
Contract Due Date: December 20th, 2011
Curriculum Links:
–plan scientific investigations, identifying variables that need to be held constant to ensure a fair test and identifying criteria for assessing solutions
–use appropriate vocabulary, including correct science and technology terminology, to communicate ideas, procedures, and results
–compile qualitative and quantitative data gathered through investigation in order to record and present results, using diagrams, flow charts, frequency tables, graphs, and stem-and-leaf plots produced by hand or with a computer
– communicate the procedures and results of investigations for specific purposes and to specific audiences, using media works, written notes and descriptions, charts, graphs, drawings, and oral presentations
Welcome to Science Fair 2012 – an opportunity for you and your classmates to present, in a dynamic, interactive way, a scientific topic of interest. It is hoped that you will hone your scientific skills gleaned during your academic career thus far and choose an appropriate topic to share at the upcoming fair. What your science fair presentation must consist of will be described in detail at a later date and posted on our official web site. However, you must complete the contract below before commencing your work.
- ONE contract is due for each student. This is not a “group project” unless explicit permission has been provided by your science teacher.
- Clearly write down your name, (partner’s name) and appropriate information.
- Ensure you list the materials you need for your presentation.
- No demonstrations (e.g,, how a volcano works) will be permitted. You must choose either an experiment to perform/show or an invention.
Name: ______Class: _____
Teacher Sponsor: ______Class: ______
Type of Project: (Check off only ONE)
Title: ______
Equipment you intend to use: (list below, including power requirements if any)
Brief explanation of the invention/experiment: ______
What is the Purpose of your science invention/experiment?
Check off the resources you intend to use for your Science Fair presentation (√):
__internet web resources__films, videos, streaming video__science textbooks
__periodicals__ encyclopedias__print media (newspapers)
__scientific texts__ other: (specify: ______)
Who do you plan to consult as you develop your presentation? (√)
__teachers__peers__former students__library resource teacher
__on-line resources__parents__family relatives__other
Our Science Fair is scheduled for Thursday, February 9th, 2012
(student signature)(parent/guardian’s signature)
Important note: plan well in advance of the Fair. Consult your resources and conduct experiments well ahead of time. Your experiment/invention should be completed at least 2 weeks prior to the fair. Visit our official web site for all the assessment and organizational details including Science Fair topics: