Name: ______

Science Board Game Project

You will be making an education board game based on the subjects we learned about this year. (Diseases, protists, fungus, viruses, and chemistry are just a few).See the rubric for how it will be graded. You have many options for this: You could make a memory type game where they have to match the word to the definition, a trivia pursuit type game, or anything else you can think of as long as the game teaches about the subject.

You may work with a partner if you want but this can be only one other person and remember a good friend doesn’t always make a good person to do a school project with. Ms. Ricci does not mediate between partners.

If you receive an A on this 5 points will be added to your grade at the end of the 9 weeks, B =4 points, etc.

Look at the rubric carefully for all required components.

This project is due 3/11/13. No late projects will be accepted, even if you are absent.

Remember all questions, answers, and definitions must be in your own words!!!!

You must create all portions of your game including the board. The only exception to this is dice and if your game requires playing pieces you may use everyday objects from around the house.

All pictures must be hand drawn.

Category / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Accuracy of content
(Worth 2x) / All information included in game is correct / 1-2 pieces of incorrect information are included / 3-5 pieces of incorrect information are included / Several pieces of incorrect information are included
Aesthetics / Many colors were used; at least 4 original pictures were included, very neat, 1 or 2 grammatical/ spelling errors. / Many colors were used only 2 original pictures were included, 2-3 cross outs, writing not straight, 3-4 grammatical/ spelling errors / 2 colors were used, less than 2 pictures were included, 3-5 cross outs, writing not straight, 5-6 grammatical/ spelling errors / Only one color used, one or no pictures included, many cross outs, writing illegible, many grammatical/ spelling errors
Rules / Rules were written so that all could easily participate / Rules were written, but one part of game needed more explanation / Rules were not written, but more than one part of the game needed explanation / Rules were not written
Correct answers included / All answers to the questions are included in an orderly format, and all answers are correct / All answers to the questions are included in an orderly format and all but 2 or 3 answers are correct / All answers to the questions are included in an orderly format but more than 3 are incorrect / All answers are included but not in an orderly format