Science 101 – Principles of Physical Science (5 Units)
Fall Quarter, 2002

Instructors: / Dr. Alexander Dzyubenko / Dr. Kim Cohn
Office: / Science 2, room 166A / Science 2, room 252
Office hours: / M W 2 – 3:30
T 9:30-11:30 / TBA
Phone: / (661) 664 2096 / (661) 664 3118
Email: / /
URL: /


  1. Conceptual Physical Science, 2nd ed., 1999 by Hewitt, Suchocki, & Hewitt (Addison Wesley Longman);
  2. Investigations in Physical Science, 1991 by A. W. Todd (Saunders).

Class times

Section 1
(Lecture): / Mon & Wed / 11-12:25 / COB 153 / A. Dzyubenko,
K. Cohn
Section 2
(laboratory): / Mon & Wed / 3:30–5:55 / Science 2, room 283 / A. Dzyubenko
Section 3
(laboratory): / Mon & Wed / 6 – 8:25 PM / Science 2, room 283 / Y. Kang
Section 4
(laboratory): / Tue & Thurs / 8 – 10:25AM / Science 2, room 283 / K. Cohn
Section 5
(laboratory): / Tue & Thurs / 10:30-12:55 / Science 2, room 283 / K. Cohn

Dates to remember:
Oct 11. Last day to withdraw without a "W" being recorded.
Nov 12. Last day to withdraw for a serious and compelling reason.

By staying in the class, the student agrees to the terms in this syllabus.


14 Laboratory Exercises* / 28%
4 Exams (18% each) / 72%

*There are 16 exercises two of which may be missed without penalty. Each lab is 2 points for a total of 14x2=28 points. For each lab the student must turn in a pre-lab and a post-lab. If the student misses a lab the student will receive a zero for the post-lab. The student may turn in the pre-lab for the lab the student misses up to two working

days late. Example: A student attends the laboratory for the second and fourth lab, but misses the third that was scheduled for Thursday. In the second lab the student turns in the pre-lab 2 and post-lab 1. The pre-lab 3 and the post-lab 2 can be turned in up to two working days (in this case Monday) after the day scheduled for the third lab. The post-lab 3 can not be turned in because the student missed that lab. The student will turn in the pre-lab 4 at the time that lab is scheduled.

Approximate final grade range:

A / 90-100%
B / 76-89%
C / 61-75%
D / 51-60%
F / <= 50%

Make-up exams.You may miss any class you like except the days scheduled for tests. Any excuse other than health or a death in the family will result in a zero for the test you miss. If you miss the test because of health, you must bring in a doctor’s note that is dated and briefly describes your illness. If you miss a class because of a death in the family you must bring in a death certificate and a copy of the funeral announcement from a newspaper. There will be NO make-up exams! You must attend class on the dates the exercises are scheduled.

Academic dishonesty. Anyone found to be cheating automatically will get an F in the course.