Children and Young People’s Service

Commissioning and Partnerships

Meeting: Secondary Schools Health and Wellbeing Network

Date: Tuesday 28th June

Present / Lynn Powell – Service Integration and Evaluation Manager, CYP Commissioning Team; Helen Sanders – In-Schools Coordinator, Public Health; Nick O’Connor – Crossley Heath, Manjit Ahiar – CMBC Observer, Fran Wardle – Brighouse High; Jonathan Davies – Crossley Heath; Marsha Dawson – Rastrick High; Debbie Holmes – Park Lane Learning Trust; Emma Parker – Ryburn Valley High; Gemma Bailey – Sowerby Bridge High; Dave Wood – North Halifax Grammar; Daly Coulson – Crossley Heath; Kauser Parveen – Complex Needs Service; James Robinson – Medical Needs Team
Agenda Item / Details / Action / Lead & Timescale
Minutes of last meeting and matters arising / School nurses
Helen highlighted that work is ongoing around this contract and would appreciate any direct feedback from schools to support this process. Some discussion took place around how this team can be contacted. Contact details below.
Example of good practice with GPs
Some schools were able to give an example of some good joint working with GPs. This generally centred around good communication eg where a GP had phoned the school about a potential or existing referral to share information.
Ryburn High and Rastrick had specific examples of good joint working between the local GP practice and the schools. / All/HS / HS
Introduction to the Health and Wellbeing team / James Robinson gave an overview of this new service which is detailed in the attached handout .see attached

eHNA – feedback to date / Helen Saunders highlighted that the eHNA is now live and some schools have completed the survey. If a school has any technical difficulties with the site then they need to contact John Dotchin. John is able to respond very quickly although it is useful if a school can let home know when they are undertaking the surveys so John can be on standby.
If schools request this through the survey tick box their results can be downloaded within 24 hours.
If survey results are in red, it shows they are lower than schools last year – blue is significantly higher than last year.
Those schools that had completed the survey felt the questions are better but there are still some areas that could be improved.
A general discussion took place about the support that is given to students about being honest and putting the ‘true’ answer; for example about sex, drugs etc. Some concern was raised about the results from last year relating to self harm in Years 5 and 6 and it was agreed that this can be checked against this year 7 responses to look at discrepancies. Agreed that particularly younger students need support around their understanding of the issue.
It has been agreed that there will be 2 x ½ day conferences next year in March; Helen to distribute exact dates to colleagues. 1 will focus on results for primary schools and 1 for secondary schools. C&YP will be more involved in the conferences. Provisional eHNA Conference Date – 7th March 2017.
Trends and spine charts will be available in September and Helen will contact schools to see if they require any assistance with looking and analysing the data as well as producing the action plans. / Helen asked schools to send details of areas for improvement to feed into next year’s survey. There are plans to run another workshop for CYP who will feedback at the next eHNA conference. / All/HS
Better Living movement – schools working with communities survey / Better living movement have drawn down funding from IBM to become the most active Borough in the U.K. Part of the project will be to look at how schools can engage communities in becoming more active. A survey will be developed to ask schools for ideas. / Helen to invite a representative to the next meeting / HS
Emotional Health and Wellbeing Local Transformation plan priorities update / Lynn gave an overview of the LTP Year 1 update and also the priorities which have been agreed for Year 2. See attached

Some of the Year 2 priorities are particularly relevant to schools and Lynn was keen that this group and the Primary clusters are closely involved in the development of these proposals / Lyn to bring proposals for these projects to the next meeting / LP
Peer Support Grants / These have been approved and projects will be awarded the funding once signed Terms and Conditions are returned. It was mentioned that confirmation letters and Terms and Conditions have not been received. / Lynn to chase / LP
Parent and Carer grants / As above / As above / LP
Discussion re Ofsted requirements to support student emotional health and wellbeing / Some general areas were discussed e.g. Schools are required to have a named EHWB lead.
It was agreed that supporting examples for Ofsted would be the EHWB bulletin and 5 key messages and this schools network meeting. Schools are also required to monitor impact and outcomes for students and be able to evidence this. It was suggested that the SDQ is an excellent tool for evidencing outcomes and a discussion took place on how this was being used. E.g. Rastrick High School is using the SDQ at the start and end of counselling sessions. Impact could be looked at also in terms of improvements in attendance, attainment and behaviour.
Agreed it would be useful to identify some areas of good practice around EHWB from Ofsted reports where schools have achieved Good or Outstanding. / Lynn to bring to next meeting / LP
Date of next meeting and discussion topics / Thursday 22nd September, 1.30-3.30pm. The Crossley Heath School
AOB / School Parings for Youth Health champions – please can these be sent to CASH and ask if there are any particular months best to deliver the YHC training:
·  The Crossley Heath School
·  Park Lane Learning Trust
·  Venue
·  Brighouse High School
·  Lightcliffe Academy
·  Venue
·  Trinity Academy Halifax
·  The North Halifax Grammar School
·  Venue
·  Calderdale High School, a Specialist Technology College / Can these be passed to CASH via Wendy for consideration
Request for attendance / The Heads of clusters attend the Primary safeguarding forum and would like someone to attend to represent this group / Can this request be passed to CASH via Wendy for consideration
School nursing team contacts / Your School Nursing Team is made up of registered nurses some with a specialist qualification in School Nursing, a School Nurse Team Leader and School Nurse Assistants. This team works alongside children and families, school staff and other professionals.
•  Central and North Halifax
•  Carole Hoyle - Sue Henderson
•  Cheryl Hutchinson - Lisa Dobson
•  Denise Brason
•  Upper Valley
•  Judith Foster - Monika Rayne
- Joanna Binns
•  Lower Valley
•  Julie Haw - Sharon Mensah
•  Lucy Charlesworth - Jo Ambler
Each school has a school nursing team cluster assigned who are contactable via the admin hub number 0303 330 9974