Schools Forum

16thDecember 2015

Report of the Strategic Director for Children’s Services

High Needs Places 2016-17

1.Purpose of the Report

To seek Schools Forum support for the number of commissioned 2016-17 High Needs Places.

2.Information and Analysis

2.1Definition of High Needs Places

The funding of pupils with high needs underwent very significant changes in April 2013 and specific settings are now funded via a ‘Place plus Top Up’ methodology. Appendices 1 and 2 provide lists of the Derbyshire settings considered in this report.

The various funding streams are quite complex but, very briefly, the funding system has two main aspects:

  • Place Funding (either £6,000or £10,000); and
  • Top Up Funding (variable, need specific)

According to the DfE, place funding:

  • Is intended to provide the core education, basic programmes and costs up to a specified threshold
  • Is a base level of funding for the institution and is not reserved for a specific pupil or local authority
  • Will not necessarily match the exact number of places that are taken up
  • Provides institutions with a guaranteed budget for the year that gives them a degree of financial stability

Top Up funding is that which is required over and above place funding to enable a pupil with high needs to participate in education and learning. It is paid by the authority with responsibility for the pupil (which can be another local authority) and has to be paid on a ‘money following the pupil’ basis and therefore ceases when a pupil leaves.

Whilst, under revised regulations, any changes to the arrangements for paying Top Up funding has also become subject to consultation with the Schools Forum, the subject is not included in this report.

2.2Place Process for 2016-17

The methodology for determining places is set out by the DfE and has, so far, been different every year. The arrangements for 2016-17 can be found at:

In summary, for 2016-17, authorities:

  • Retain the flexibility to vary the pre-16 place numbers at maintained schools and PRUs,
  • Could apply to the EFA to vary the pre-16 places at academies and the post-16 places atFE Colleges but with a very strict deadline of 16thNovember 2015,
  • Cannot vary the post-16 places at either schools or academies; and
  • Must self-fund any costs arising from the above from within the existing High Needs Block of the DSG but equally can also retain any savings

2.3Existing Settings - Proposals for 2016-17

The Authority has reviewed its current funded places and compared them with the actual number of pupils actually occupying those places. Ensuring that funding and provision are closely aligned has become even more critical given the current pressures on the overall DSG and the DfE announcement that future years’ DSG allocations will be cash flat during the lifetime of this parliament.

A summary of the following proposals can be found in Appendix 1.

2.3.1Primary and Secondary Schools

A letter was sent to every school with Enhanced Resource School (ERS) provision on the 19thOctober 2015, setting out the Authority’s proposal to remove 50% of the unoccupied places with effect from April 2016. Schools were given the opportunity to lodge comments with the Authority by Friday 27th November 2015. Six schools responded andit has been agreed not to reduce the places at four of these. At the time of writing, the other two responses are still to be considered by the relevant officers.

2.3.2Secondary Academies

Of the three academies that could be considered for change, only one, Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School (QEGS), has significant unoccupied places. A request to reduce the number of funded places, with the agreement of QEGS, was therefore submitted to the EFA on 13thNovember 2015. At the time of writing, the outcome of the request is not known.

N.B. The place numbers at Primary and Secondary schools and academies need to be finalised by early January 2016 as the numbers form part of the Schools Block funding calculations. Appendix 1 shows the potential High Needs Block savings.

2.3.3Special Schools

Work is ongoing to agree the place numbers at special schools. However, as a starting point, where there are unoccupied places, it is proposed that 50% of such places are removed with effect from April 2016, i.e. applying the same principle as primary and secondary ERS provision. It is also proposed that any increases required will be funded with effect from September 2016, i.e. in line with the EFA’s assumptions.

The final proposals will be the subject of a further Schools Forum paper in the Spring Term.


Again, it is too early to determine the places required at PRUs. The same principles as above will be applied and the final proposals will be the subject of a further Schools Forum paper in the Spring Term.
The current position for Special schools and PRUs is shown in Appendix 2 for information purposes.

2.3.5FE Sector

Whilst the Authority had the opportunity to request an amendment to the number of post-16 places funded at Chesterfield College (91 places) and the University of Derby (13 x Buxton College places) via a submission to the EFA, it was felt that the existing funded place numbers are fairly accurate.

2.4Potential New ERS Provision

Two schools have expressed a strong interest in providing new ERS provision. Meetings have been held with the schools and the ERS Steering Group has been briefed on the proposals. Each proposal will require some building work and the legal requirements in respect of consultation will have to be considered.

2.4.1Pingle: Pre-16 Autism Unit (Band C)

Pingle already has a pre-16 Autism unit which provides for pupils who are able to participate, to a greater or lesser extent, in mainstream lessons. This additional provision would be for pupils for whom inclusion in mainstream will be very challenging and the ability to take part in mainstream lessons is very limited. The school is initially requesting 5 places, increasing to 12 places by September 2020; the timing being dependent on building work.

The minimum cost to the LA of funding 5 places,assuming none are actually occupied (full year effect at 2015-16 multipliers):

Places 5 x £10,000 = £50,000

Shadows5 x £2,554 = £12,772 (Top Up funding for unoccupied places)

Total £62,772

Offset savings are not easily quantifiable as the pupils that would occupy this new unit would normally be placed in special school provision, either in or out of the County. However, there are currently six YR6 pupils in the Autism unit at Springfield Junior, only one of whom would be able to manage in the existing provision at Pingle; the others will need alternative placements at secondary age.

The proposal to reduce existing places at Pingle under section 2.3 of this report will need to be considered in conjunction with this development.

2.4.2Pingle: Post-16 ‘Generic’ Unit (Band A)

Pingle already has a pre-16 ‘Generic’ unit. However, this provision would be for post-16 students who are not able to follow the normal ‘A Level’ route and for whom a college placement is not tenable because of their vulnerability and inability to travel independently. The provision would be personalised to individual need. The school is initially requesting 5 places, increasing to 10 the following year (i.e. 2 cohorts); the timing is dependent on some building work.

The minimum cost to the LA of funding 5 places, assuming none are actually occupied (full year effect at 2015-16 multipliers):

Places 5 x £6,000 = £30,000

Shadows5 x £5,262 = £26,308 (Top Up funding for unoccupied places, higher rate as post-16 places are only funded at £6,000)

Total £56,308

Offset savings are not easily quantifiable but these students typically request places atan out of county special school.

2.4.3Hilltop Infant: Physical Impairment (PI) Unit (Band D)

It is proposed that the Infant and Junior schools in Ashbourne all become primary schools in the near future. Hilltop Infant has a history of working with children with physical impairments and is the only one in the area that is accessible. The school is requesting 5 places; the timing is dependent on some building work.

The minimum cost to the LA of funding 5 places, assuming none are actually occupied (full year effect at 2015-16 multipliers):

Places 5 x £10,000 = £50,000

Shadows5 x £7,872 = £39,361 (Top Up funding for unoccupied places)

Total £89,361

In terms of offset savings, depending on when the unit would open, there are currently children in the school with SENTA statements for PI that could convert to ERS places. The existing Top Up for these pupils is up to approx. £14,590 each. There is currently no KS2 PI provision in the area so children often go to Stanton Vale special school or to out of county placements on leaving the infant school.

3.Other Considerations

In preparing this report the relevance of the following factors has been considered: prevention of crime disorder, equality of opportunity, finance, human resources, legal & human rights, environmental, health, property and transport considerations.

4.Background Papers

Working files held in Children’s Services Finance.

5.Strategic Director’s Recommendations

Schools Forum is asked to:

(i)Note and give its views on the High Needs places for primary and secondary ERS provision as set out in section 2.3 and Appendix 1;

(ii)Agree to consider the High Needs places for Special Schools and PRUs at its February meeting; and

(iii)Note and give its views on the potential new ERS provision as set out in Section 2.4.


Strategic Director for Children’ Services