Schools Forum Bullet Point Notes of Wednesday 13th February 2013

Item 1: Opening remarks and Apologies for Absence (and substitute notices):

The chair welcomed new Forum members Rosemary Lovatt (Secondary Foundation Governor), David Stephenson (Secondary Academy Headteacher) and Gary Smith (Maintained Special Schools Headteacher) to the meeting. The chair also welcomed Jeremy Crook substituting for Debbie Rogan, Caroline L’Estrange substituting for John Crane and Richard Thomas substituting for Carol Skewes.

Apologies were recorded from Cllr Castle, Debbie Rogan, John Crane, Dave Bolton, Carol Skewes and Caroline Haynes.

Item 2: SEN Invest to Save

The Forum supported further work being undertaken to produce a business case to be brought back to the next meeting.

Item 3: SEN Transport

Forum agreed to defer making a decision on providing a DSG contribution to SEN Transport to the next meeting where a report on High Needs Funding will be discussed.

Item 4: Scheme for Financing Schools

The report informed Forum of the results of the consultation with maintained schools on changes to the Scheme for Financing Schools. Based on the consultation results the Authority no longer proposes to list the banks and building societies that schools may use for opening new bank accounts. Instead the Scheme will read ‘schools are to contact the Authority’s Treasury Management Team for a list of UK Financial Institutions with an appropriate credit rating as at that point in time. It must be noted that this will serve purely as a guide and reliance cannot be solely placed on credit ratings, which will be regularly updated and could be subject to change’.

Forum approved the Authority’s changes to the Scheme for Financing Schools as consulted with schools and to the changed proposal above.

Item 5: Early Years and Childcare Update

The report highlighted the 2 year old Fee Early Education Entitlement and the budget requirement for 2013/14.

Forum endorsed the budget requirement of £56.358m for 2013/14.

Item 6: Schools Budget 2012/13: Third Quarter Report

The report highlighted a potential under spend this year of £373k

The report also suggested potential uses of the residual under spend from 2011/12 and following a detailed review of SEN funding a budget for enhanced provision not required as all enhanced provision funding was delegated to schools in 2013/14.

Forum noted the outturn position, supported the recommended use of the residual under spend from 2011/12 and earmarked the unrequired budget for enhanced provision for the SEN Invest to Save project.

Item 7: Schools Broadband

The report sought agreement from Forum for the charging methodology for broadband.

Forum had reservations with the charges presented, so the Authority offered to reduce the charges by utilising the under spend identified in the report and £140,000 of the funding earmarked for the SEN Invest to Save.

Forum approved the revised charges.

Item 8: Family Solutions 2013-15

Forum agreed to redirect existing funding for narrowing the gap, extended services and workforce development to the new Family Solutions Service for 2013/14 and 2014/15. Clarification of the continuation of School Facilitators was sought and will be provided by the Authority after the meeting.

Item 9: CAMHS Funding 2013/14

Forum agreed that the funding should be allocated to LDGs for them to plan and deliver intervention to improve the emotional and mental health of pupils with emerging issues.

Item 10: Carbon Reduction Commitment

Forum noted the report.

Item 11: Overstaffing Initiative

Forum agreed the continuation of the Overstaffing Initiative in 2013/14. Forum also agreed that any under spends are carried forward to the following financial year and the change in name of the funding to ASHE Targeted School Support.

Item 12: Schools Budget 2013/14

The report updated Forum on:

·  The outcomes of the Education Funding announcement for 2013/14;

·  The minimum funding guarantee continues at -1.5%;

·  Pupil Premium increases to £900 for children from deprived backgrounds and looked after children and to £300 for service children;

·  There is NO provision for inflation in the settlement; and

·  A list of the Authority’s service pressures and savings.

Forum agreed the level of contingencies in 4.3.10 and supported the service pressures and savings proposed by the Authority.

Item 13: Any Other Business and Feedback from Schools

Forum received feedback from the Essex Governors Association that a number of members have been successful in applying for places on the National Governors Association’s Leadership Programme.

Forum was also informed that the minutes of the SEN Sub Group were included within the agenda papers. Forum agreed that Gary Smith should be a member of the SEN Sub Group.

Item 14: Minutes of 20th December 2012

Forum agreed the minutes.

Item 15: Matters Arising from 20th December 2012

Forum noted the report.

Item 16: 2011/12 School Balances

Forum agreed that future scrutiny of school balances should include the balances held by Academies.

Item 17: Forward Plan

Forum was informed that the October meeting will now take place on 9th October 2013.

Forum approved adding the following agenda items to the next meeting:

·  SEN Invest to Save

·  High Needs Block Funding 2013/14

·  Schools PFI

Forum approved adding the Election of Chair and Vice Chair to the agenda for 12th February 2014.

Item 18: Schools PFI

Forum received a confidential verbal update on Schools PFI.

Item 19: Election of Chair and Vice Chair

Forum re-elected Rod Lane as Chair and Jeff Fair as Vice Chair.