• Be aware of other people’s personal space and property
  • Use equipment appropriately
  • Clean up after yourself
  • Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
  • SPEAK UP when feeling unsafe
  • Walk
  • Use chairs appropriately
  • Enter and exit room in an orderly manner
  • Care for the environment
  • Be aware of the environment – inform of potential harm (sticks, glass, snakes)
  • Participate in school approved games
  • Wear shoes and socks at all times
  • Be sun safe; wear a broad brimmed hat
  • Rails are for hands
  • Walk one step at a time on steps and pathways
  • Carry items
  • Keep passage ways clear at all times
  • Wash hands
  • Walk
  • Use water wisely – keep floor dry
  • Use own bike/scooter only
  • Walk bike/scooter to the gate
  • Wait inside the gate until the bus stops
  • Be road safe – look for vehicles

  • Ask permission to leave the classroom
  • Be on time
  • Be in the right place at the right time
  • Follow instructions when asked
  • Be honest
  • Be prepared
  • Complete set tasks
  • Take an active role in classroom activities
  • Keep work space tidy
  • Be a problem solver
  • Return equipment to appropriate place at the sports bell
  • Move in a responsible manner around the school
  • Use toilets during breaks
  • Inform teacher on duty if you are not catching the bus
  • Have your name marked on the bus roll
  • Leave school promptly

  • Share and look after equipment
  • Wait your turn
  • Always use appropriate language
  • Use manners
  • Be considerate of others’ feelings
  • Pride in yourself
  • Raise your hand to speak
  • Respect others’ right to learn
  • Talk in turns
  • Be a good listener
  • Keep classroom and personal belongings tidy
  • Play fairly – take turns, invite others to join in and follow rules
  • Return to class promptly following breaks
  • Keep school grounds tidy
  • Walk in a quiet and considerate manner so others are not disturbed
  • Respect privacy of others
  • Wait your turn
  • Keep your belongings nearby
  • Be considerate to teachers and other families

  • Have an open mind
  • Approach school life with enthusiasm
  • Focus on the positive
  • Celebrate achievements
  • Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem
  • Be aware of others’ feelings and help where you can
  • Support fellow class members in learning
  • Have a go 
  • Be a problem solver
  • Laugh out loud and have fun
  • Have a go 
  • Lend a helping hand
  • Lend a helping hand
  • Greet others with a smile