School Trip to Flamingo Land – Years 7-9

Friday 27th May 2016

Dear Parent/Carer,

Each year, the school cancels its normal routine and replaces it with what has become known as ‘Activities Day’. This year, our Activities Day is to take place on Thursday 7th July 2016 and for pupils in Years 7-9 only, will be held at Flamingo Land Theme Park.

As with any off-site activity, there is a cost involved, as the Theme Park itself has a set admission fee, plus there are the additional costs of transportation and insurance to cover. Based on the number of pupils who have shown an interest, the cost for this trip is £30.00 per person.

In order that the correct amount of tickets and coaches can be booked, the school will require the payment of £30.00, to be paid in one lump sum, by Friday 17th June 2016.

Should your child wish to go on this trip, please complete the reply slip andparental consent form attached and return with a payment of £30.00, to Mrs. J. Davison in the School Finance Office, by Friday 17th June 2016.

Payments can be made in cash or by cheque, made payable to Southmoor Academy, where a receipt will be issued. Alternatively, parents can pay for the trip online, using the ParentPay platform, the log in details for which were issued earlier this academic year. If you wish to use ParentPay and require the reissue of your personal log in details, please contact the School Finance Office on (0191) 5537600.

Please note that pupils going on the trip will be expected to arrive at school at the earlier time of 8.00am and will leave Flamingo Land at 4.00pm to return to Southmoor. The pupils are not required to wear school uniform and packed lunches will be provided for the trip for any pupils eligible for free school meals. Pupils not eligible for free school meals will be expected to bring their own packed lunch. Any pupils who do not wish to go will attend school as normal.

Please note that due to booking confirmation deadlines, no requests to attend the trip made after Friday 17th June 2016 will be accepted.

Yours sincerely

Mrs L Mellefont

Assistant Principal

School Trip to Flamingo Land – Years 7-9

Reply Slip

Pupil Name: ______

Year: ______

Tutor Group: ______

My child would /would not(please circle) like to take part in thetrip to Flamingo Land, to be held on Thursday 7th July 2016.

Please tick one of the choices below:

  • I enclose cash for the total amount of £30.00 
  • I enclose a cheque, made payable to Southmoor Academy,

for the total amount of £30.00 

  • I have made the full required payment of £30.00 via the online

ParentPay platform (please remember to submit this slip and the

attached consent form at the School Finance Office)

Signed ______Full Name______

(Parent/Carer) (Please Print)

Date: ______