SchoolNameSchool Travel Plan
Annual Monitoring and Review 20xx
Text in red is for guidance and should be removed once you have completed the review.
Please complete this document if you are not rewriting your travel plan in full. School Travel Plans should be reviewed annually, with a full plan update every three years unless stated as sooner within your plan or significant changes are occurring, e.g. major building work or substantial increase/decrease in pupil numbers.
The document should be completed electronically.
For help with completion, or any other school travel related assistance or information please contact the School Travel Advisor, James Hardie:
Tel: 01582 547236
Section 1: School Details.
School name:Name of reviewer:
Contact telephone number:
Contact email:
Date STP originally approved:
Date of last STP review:
Date of this STP review:
Number of pupils on roll:
Number of staff: (teaching and other)
Section 2: Travel Analysis
2.1 Pupil Travel
Conduct a hands-up survey or use your latest school census data if you’re confident of its accuracy.
Date of survey:Number surveyed:
How pupils usually travel to school
Walk* / Cycle / Car / Car Share** / School Bus / Public Bus / Train / Taxi / OtherNumber
Latest school census data (January 20xx)
Walk* / Cycle / Car / Car Share** / School Bus / Public Bus / Train / Taxi / OtherNumber
If you have any doubts as to the accuracy of your school census data, please review your collection method. This is the data that is used to produce the “School Travel Health check” maps.
*Walking includes journeys by non-motorised scooter, roller skates and skateboard
**Car share is defined as ‘travel in a car with a child/children from another household’
Comments on results.
For example has sustainable travel increased/decreased since you wrote your original/last reviewed your STP? Why do you think this is?
Section 3: Travel Issues
3.1 Problems identified in your School Travel Plan:
Problem / Is this still an issue?3.2 New problems/concerns that have arisen since your original travel plan:
Issue/Concern / Possible solutions?Page 1 of 6
Section 4:Objectives and targets
Looking at each of your objectives and targets, describe any progress made towards achieving them and state whether they are on track. If you have any new objectives, targets and actions please record them in this section.
Objective/Target(from existing STP) / Steps/Actions to date / Who is responsible? (must be named person or group) / Target/Deadline(month or term & year NOT “ongoing”)Highlight in the above table what stage each objective and target is at by using the colour-coded key below:
RED: No progress – target in danger of not being met/target missed
AMBER: Making progress towards target but some slippage
GREEN: Targets on track or met
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Section 5: Travel Plan Events
5.1 Travel related activities your school has taken part in over the last review period:(e.g. Walk to School Week, Cycle Training, Road Safety events, etc.)
5.2 Travel related activities your school plans to take part in over the next 12 months:
Section 6: Approval of STP annual review
6.1 School approval
For annual STP reviews, electronic signatures are acceptable. If the Headteacher returns this form by email, or the Headteacher and the Chair of Governors are cc’d on the email we will accept that the Headteacher and Chair of Governors have seen and approve the review. In this case, please type the names into the signature boxes.
The following signaturesconfirm the school management have read the contents of this document. By signing this document the school is committing itself to make every effort to resolve the problems and implement the actions identified.
Headteacher(compulsory) / Chair of Governors
School Council representative
(optional) / Parent Governor/Other
6.2 Local Authority signature
The following signatures confirm that the document has been quality checked by representatives of Luton Borough Council
School Travel AdvisorOnce complete, please return this review document to:
James Hardie
School Travel Advisor
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