School Survey About Walking and Biking in Lee Vining

Dear Parents or Caregiver,

Mono County wants to learn your thoughts aboutyour children walking and biking to/from school, and walking and biking in Lee Vining in general. This survey will take about 5-10 minutes to complete.We ask that each family complete only one survey per school your children attend. Your responses will be kept confidential and neither your name nor your child’s name will be associated with any results.Please return the survey to the office or your teacher by Thursday, Sept. 17.

Section 1: Questions about WALKING AND BIKING TO/FROM SCHOOL

  1. Which Lee Vining school does your child attend? (Circle one) High School Elementary School

  1. What is the grade of the child who brought home this survey? ______(TK, K, 1, 2, 3…12)
  2. How many children do you have in Kindergarten through 12th grade? ______

  1. Which community do you live in?

  1. Lee Vining West of US 395
  2. Lee Vining East of US 395
  3. Mono City
  4. Mono Basin, outside Lee Vining & Mono City
  1. Bridgeport
  2. Benton / Tri-Valley
  3. Other: ______

  1. On most days, how does your child arrive at and leave from school?(Select one choice per column)

Arrive at School / Leave from School
  1. Walk
  2. Bike
  3. School Bus
  4. Family vehicle (only children in your family)
  5. Carpool (children from other families)
  6. Transit
  7. Other ______
  1. Walk
  2. Bike
  3. School Bus
  4. Family vehicle (only children in your family)
  5. Carpool (children from other families)
  6. Transit
  7. Other ______

  1. At what grade would you allow your child to walk or bike to/from school without an adult?
  1. Grade: ______
  2. I would not feel comfortable at any grade
  3. We live too far away to walk or bike

  1. What changes or improvements are needed to encourage more children to walk or bike to school?

Section 2: General questions FOR PARENTS

  1. How often do you walk or bike in Lee Vining?

  1. Daily
  2. Frequently
  3. Sometimes
  1. Rarely
  2. Never

  1. Which of the following issues affect your decision to walk or bike?(Select ALL that apply)
  1. Would you probably walk or bike more if this problem were changed or improved? (Select one per line)

/ Distance ……………………………………………………..……………… / Yes No Not Sure
/ Convenience of driving ……………………………………………... / Yes No Not Sure
/ Time ………………………………………………………………………….. / Yes No Not Sure
/ Speed of traffic along route ……………………………………… / Yes No Not Sure
/ Amount of traffic along route …………………………………… / Yes No Not Sure
/ Sidewalks or pathways ………………………………………...……. / Yes No Not Sure
/ Safety of intersections and crossing …………………………. / Yes No Not Sure
If yes, which location(s) should be improved? ______
/ Violence or crime ………………………………………………………. / Yes No Not Sure
/ Weather or climate ……………………………………………………. / Yes No Not Sure
/ Other: ______/ Please suggest improvements: ______
  1. How safe it to cross, or walk / bike on, residential streets in Lee Vining?(Select one)

  1. Very unsafe
  2. Unsafe
  3. Average
  1. Safe
  2. Very safe
  3. Don’t know

  1. How safe it to cross, or walk / bike on,US 395 in Lee Vining?(Select one)

  1. Very unsafe
  2. Unsafe
  3. Average
  1. Safe
  2. Very safe
  3. Don’t know

  1. How safe it to cross, or walk / bike in, the area whereHighway 120 and US 395 intersect?(Select one)

  1. Very unsafe
  2. Unsafe
  3. Average
  1. Safe
  2. Very safe
  3. Don’t know

  1. Where is itthe most difficult to cross, walk, or bike?(Circle all that apply)

  1. Around or along US 395
  2. Residential areas west of US 395
  3. Residential areas east of US 395
  1. Around or along Highway 120
  2. None
  3. Other: ______

  1. Additional comments: ______
  1. Add me to the Mono County email list for future planning efforts:______

Thank you for your participation! Please share this survey – a versionfor residents without children in school (Section 2 only) is available at (website) and the Mono Market.