Welcome to 8th grade science! I am SO glad that you are here. I hope this will be a class that you will enjoy and always remember. I will do everything I can to assist you in your growth toward becoming a responsible and successful student. I have prepared this syllabus just for you, so that you will always know how this classroom is operated and what to expect. Please read over this information with your parents so that they too understand what is expected from you. The two of you need to sign the bottom of the back and bring it to class the next day. Again, I am extremely excited about this year and I think that we are going to have a lot of fun!
Mrs. Knust
Room C205 Phone: 713-740-0480 e-mail:
Conference Time 12:23-1:21
Course Outline
1st Semester / 2nd SemesterFirst Six Weeks
· Safety, Classroom and Lab Procedures
· Energy, Speed and Motion Graphs
· Force and Motion
· Newton’s Laws / Fourth Six Weeks
· Lunar Cycle
· Earth’s Rotation and Revolution
· Tides
· Plate Tectonics
· Topographic Maps
Second Six Weeks
· Atomic Structure
· Periodic Table
· Chemical Formulas
· Chemical Reactions
· Law of Conservation of Mass / Fifth Six Weeks
· Components of the Universe
· Our Sun and Galaxy
· Electromagnetic Spectrum
· Origin of the Universe
· STAAR Review
Third Six Weeks
· Convection in Oceans and the Atmosphere
· Weather Systems
· Organisms and the Environment
· Human Impact on Oceans / Sixth Six Weeks
· STAAR Test
· Rites of Passage
· Biology Preview
Safety Agreement
We will be performing many labs this year that could possibly be considered dangerous. It is important that you read over the safety agreement and follow all of the lab rules. The agreement needs to be signed and dated by both you and your parents. It is vital that you get this turned into me. You will not be allowed to participate during labs without this form.
Grading Policy
The following lists the categories for grading:
Formative Assessments 80%
· Includes daily work, labs, homework, and quizzes
Tests / Project Grades 20%
Materials needed for class
Students are required to have a pencil or pen, science journal, binder, and their laptop in class every day.
Tutoring is available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 7:45 – 8:05am and Monday afternoons from 3:35-4:05pm.
Follow all directions immediately
Work during all work times
Keep hands, feet and objects to self
Arrive to assigned area on time, with all materials, including binder and laptop
Keep spoken and written comments classroom appropriate
Follow all lab safety procedures
Teacher/Student Conference
Isolated Lunch
Parent Contact / Teacher Detention
Office Referral
All assignments and homework must be completed, well done, and turned in on time; if an assignment is not quality work, the student will be asked to continue working on it. Late work will be assigned a penalty of 10 points the first day late, and 25 points up until two weeks late. After two weeks, the assignment will receive a zero.
Absences and Make-up Work
When you are absent from school it is your responsibility to collect any make-up work you might have. To do this, I have provided an easy method you can follow. First, go to the “Were you absent” crate. Second, get the work you missed out of the folders labeled Monday, Tuesday and so forth. Third, sign the absence log and date it stating that you received your assignments. If there is not an assignment in the crate for the day you were absent, check the Project Share Calendar for assignments done online. You will have one day for every day that you are absent to make up any missed work so please get this done, you don’t want any zeros!
Your behavior for a substitute should continue to be exemplary. All guidelines apply when I am absent. If your name is left by a substitute it will be an automatic detention and a phone call home.
CHAMPs Procedures
Direct Instruction / Lecture
C Conversations Only as directed by teacher
H Help Raise hand, wait for teacher to acknowledge
A Activity Completed: notes to be used for next assignment
M Movement Remain seated until permission to leave
P Participation Take complete notes, cite page # from text
Independent Work
C Conversations None
H Help Raise hand, wait for teacher to acknowledge
A Activity Complete all sections of the assignment
M Movement Only to pencil sharpener or to teacher
P Participation Individual work, no sharing of work or engagement
Small Group Work
C Conversations Within group, on topic of assignment
H Help Raise hand or send one group member to teacher
A Activity Completed assignment as directed
M Movement Remain seated in group, unless directed for supplies
P Participation Equal participation by all members
Lab Work
C Conversations Within group, on topic of assignment
H Help Raise hand, wait for teacher to acknowledge
A Activity Follow procedures and lab safety expectations
M Movement As needed for assignment (one group at a time)
P Participation Equal participation by all members; each person may have specific/different tasks.
To make it easier for us to stay in contact, please give me your email address, phone number, and mailing address below.
Please sign and return this page to Mrs. Knust
I have read and understand the Eighth Grade Science Syllabus.
Parent ______
Student ______