School Site Council Elections –
Parent Applications
Due September 16, 2015
At Oak Park High School we believe that parents are an integral part of the educational process for our students. Each year parents are selected to be members of the OPHS Site Council. The primary task of the School Site Council (SSC) is to ensure that OPHS is continually engaged in identifying and implementing effective curriculum and instructional practices that result in both strengthening the core academic program and ensuring that students have access to and success in that program.
Oak Park High School’s SSC is an integral piece of the school-based management model. To ensure that the council operates within a school-wide improvement perspective, the legislation requires that the membership of the council be drawn from the total school community. Once established, the SSC is charged with the responsibility of developing a program that is responsive to the needs of every student in the school.
Our SSC is composed of administrator and teacher representatives selected by teachers at the school; other school personnel selected by the staff at the school; parents of pupils attending the school who are selected by such parents; and, pupils selected by pupils attending the school.
If you are interested in assisting our school and being a member of our SSC for the 2015-2016 school year, please return this form to the school office by 3:30 Wednesday, September 16. School Site Council elections will take place on Thursday, September 17 at our Back to School Night (the monthly meetings will be held the second Tuesday of each month at 3:30 p.m.). Parents unable to attend Back to School Night may cast a vote in the OPHS office anytime Thursday or Friday September 17 or 18.
Briefly explain why you would like to serve on Oak Park High School’s SSC as well as the attributes that you can bring to the group. This information will be conveyed to the parent community in written form prior to the general meeting at Back to School Night on October 9. You may attach a separate sheet if you prefer.
Please print name
Signature Date ______