Scholarly Essay Short Answer Questions
Each of the following four questions corresponds with one of the four scholarly essays provided to you. Answer only on the answer sheets provided. Any answers written outside of the space given will not be read. You may use pen or pencil, but no typing these answers. Part of the challenge is answering accurately and concisely.
The Points:
- You can earn up to 3 points on each of the 4 short answer questions.
- That means you can earn up to 12 points on this assignment
Grade Conversion Chart:
12 = 98%8 = 78%4 = 58%
11 = 93%7 = 73%3 = 53%
10 = 88%6 = 68%2 = 48%
9 = 83%5 = 63%1 = 43%
How you earn the points:
Basically each question will ask you to do THREE THINGS. Doing each of these in the most specific and accurate way will earn you the points. In APUSH short answers often ask for ONE example or piece of evidence. Try to give the best, most SPECIFIC, FACTUAL, evidence when answering what you’re asked. In other words, if you just write a more general answer without reference to specific factual knowledge you acquired from the essays than you will not earn points. Be careful to READ CAREFULLY the question. Sometimes one part of the question might ask for two things. Also, creating a thesis statement (we will talk lots more about this) is NOT NECESSARY. You simply have to answer what you’ve been asked.
Short Answer Question #1: Myths That Hide the American Indian, Oliver La Farge
Use the specific knowledge you aquired from reading, Myths That Hide the American Indian to answer parts a, b, and c.
a) Choose ONE of the “conflicting myths” about American Indians that La Farge mentions, explain it and why that myth exists.
b) Choose ONE of the American Indian groups from one of the regions mentioned in the article and explain how that group’s way of life was influenced by its environment.
c) Briefly explain ONE example of how contact between American Indians and Europeans brought change to Native American societies.
Short Answer Question #2: The Middle Passage, Daniel P. Mannix and Malcolm Cowley
Use the specific knowledge you aquired from reading, The Middle Passage to answer parts a, b, and c.
a)Explain how the slave trade was a part of the greater trans-Atlantic economic community in the 18th century.
b)Briefly explain ONE example of how slaves resisted their captivity.
c)Briefly explain ONE example of how slave traders tried to “protect” their “investments.”
Short Answer Question #3: George III, Our Last King, J.H. Plumb
A Boxing Match, or Another Bloody Nose for John Bull. 1813 (long after independence, but a good example of how the US looked at King George)
John Bull = the personafication of England
George III: "Stop...Brother Jonathan, or I shall fall with the loss of blood -- I thought to have been too heavy for you -- But I must acknowledge your superior skill -- Two blows to my one! -- And so well directed too! Mercy, mercy on me, how does this happen!!!"
James Madison: "Ha-Ah Johnny! you thought yourself a "Boxer" did you! -- I'll let you know we are an "Enterprize"ing Nation. and ready to meet you with equal force any day."
The artist gloats over naval losses suffered by England early in the War of 1812, in particular the defeat of the warship "Boxer" by the American frigate "Enterprise" in September 1813
Info provided by Library of Congress
Use the specific knowledge you aquired from reading, George III, Our Last King to answer parts a, b, and c.
a)Briefly explain ONE example of how/why George III DESERVES his reputation as the “incompetent” who lost the colonies.
b)Briefly explain ONE example of how/why George II DOES NOT DESERVE his reputation as the “incompetent” who lost the colonies.
c)After reading this article, do you think the author J.H. Plumb “succeeds brilliantly in achieving [his] objective” of presenting George the III fairly? Use ONE example to defend your position.
Short Answer Question #4: The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson, Bernard Bailyn
Use the specific knowledge you aquired from reading, The Ordeal of Thomas Hutchinson to answer parts a and b.
a)What were Thomas Hutchinson’s arguments AGAINST the Stamp Act?
b)Describe TWO reasons for Thomas Hutchinson ultimately being viewed as a traitor to the patriotic cause and misunderstood as a supporter of the Stamp Act?