Bowmore Primary School

School Security Policy


Our policies aim to create a safe environment for teaching and learning. We will take all practicable steps to ensure the security of staff and pupils. We aim to -

  • Be vigilant at all times.
  • Establish positive relationships with all stakeholders in relation to an ethos of safety and personal social development.
  • Have security procedures in place, which are shared with all, outlined in the staff handbook and monitored and reviewed regularly.


Arrival & Departure

  • Pupils should arrive no earlier than 25 minutes before school starts when the janitor will be on duty in the playground. Pupils arriving earlier than this will not be supervised.
  • The school should be informed if someone other than the parent/guardian will be picking up a child at the end of the day.
  • The school must be informed by 9.30am of an absence unless a letter has been sent previously or the absence is a continuing one. If this does not happen then the school will investigate the absence.

Missing Pupil

If the school is informed that a pupil has not returned home then the school will –

  • Check to see if the pupil was collected by anyone.
  • Check the school building and grounds.
  • Contact the child’s friends/emergency contact.
  • Inform the police if appropriate.
  • Parents are requested to keep the school appraised of the situation.

Unauthorised Absence of Pupils during the School Day

If a pupils is seen leaving the school premises without permission during the school day

  • Staff will substantiate the report.
  • The school will ascertain whether the child is in school grounds and can be persuaded to return to school.
  • If the child is missing the Headteacher will inform the parents by telephone.
  • If the parents cannot be contacted then the Emergency Contact will be notified. If this is not possible then the Headteacher will inform the police.
  • Staff will continue to search in the vicinity of the school and/or known favourite haunts.
  • Parents will inform the school when the pupil is found.


Arrival & Departure

  • All visitors must follow signs directing them to the school office.
  • The visitors log must be completed in the presence of a member of staff.
  • Visitors will be escorted to their destination within the school and to the front door on leaving.

Unauthorised Entry of Classroom

If an unknown visitor enters the classroom then staff should -

  • remain calm
  • ask them to identify themselves and the nature of their business
  • ask if they have reported to the school office?

If not satisfied with their answers the staff should –

  • ask them to leave
  • take them to the school office, alerting another member of staff

If the situation is judged potentially serious staff should –

  • remain calm
  • call for assistance


  • Intruders in the school grounds should be approached with caution.
  • They should be asked why they are in the school/school grounds and asked for identification. If no valid reason is given they should be escorted from the premises.
  • Under no circumstances should force be used to evict intruders.
  • The police should be summoned if intruders refuse to leave or if it is suspected that they have committed or are about to commit a criminal offence. Staff should continue to observe until the police arrive and then give a factual report to the police.

Aggressive Parent/Visitor

  • In dealing with an aggressive parent or visitor it is important to assess the situation – is the person’s aggression directed at a member of staff/school/pupil/themselves or are they in some form of distress.
  • If the situation is judged dangerous then staff should withdraw and seek assistance. The police should be called if staff feel the situation is potentially serious.
  • Staff should not respond aggressively nor be drawn into an argument, but in conducting any discussion should remain calm, speak clearly and gently while remaining on guard for any physical aggression.
  • Staff should not put a hand on the aggressor as this might be viewed as an aggressive act.
  • If the situation becomes potentially violent then staff should identify possible escapes routes and position themselves between the aggressor and the door. They should move gradually leave by moving backwards and keep talking to calm the aggressor to try to achieve a compromise situation. They should call for police assistance.

Unauthorised Removal of a Pupil

  • If a pupil is observed being taken from the playground then if it is possible, and safe to do so, a member of staff should intervene to prevent the snatch.
  • If a pupil is removed then the staff member should obtain a clear description of the person(s) and any vehicle used.
  • The Headteacher should notify the police giving the name of the pupil, an address and telephone number and the names of parents/guardians and persons entitled to access to the pupil together will a clear description of the event.
  • The Headteacher will contact the parents.

Cash Handling

All cash handling must be in accordance with Financial regulations.

Counting Cash after a school function

  • Several members of staff or parents will take the cash to a secure room to be counted.
  • Money will be secured in the school safe overnight.

Regular banking of school money

  • Money will be banked regularly by various staff.
  • Money will be carried in an unidentified bag.
  • In the case of robbery then no resistance should be offered if there is risk of injury but a description of the perpetrators/vehicle should be made to the police.

Other monies

  • Money collected by pupils should be locked securely in the school office.

Hoax Telephone Calls

If the school receives repeated hoax calls then –

  • A log of the number of calls, date, times will be made.
  • 1471 will be used to try and find the number of the caller.
  • Staff will not enter into conversation with the hoax caller but lay the handset down until the caller has rung off.
  • If malicious calls continue then BT and/or the police should be contacted as appropriate.

Bomb Scare

  • If a bomb threat is received/suspicious envelope received/suspicious parcel seen then staff should not touch the suspicious articles and the police should be informed.
  • The Headteacher will decide to evacuate the building following discussion with the police and taking into account the nature of the call and the nature of the site. He/she will refer to guidelines in the Emergency folder.
  • In case of serious threat the school will be evacuated by ringing the fire bell. Staff will follow normal fire procedures.
  • If any pupils are missing then the police will be informed before a decision is made to reenter the building to search. Any search will be undertaken by a nominated person(s) and the police. Staff may assist on a voluntary basis but no pupils may join the search.
  • Once the search is concluded then the Headteacher may return to the school building following consultation with the police and Head of Service taking into account the thoroughness of the search and threat deadlines.
  • If the building is declared unsafe then the Headteacher will decide how to dismiss the school, following emergency procedures.

School Events

Events may take place within the school building and grounds.

  • Extra vigilance should be shown by all members of staff.
  • If outdoors, then if certain areas of the school have to be open there should be some staff on duty in these areas.
  • Routes for visitors should be clearly marked.
  • Entrance(s) should be suitable supervised during the event.
  • During after-school activities parents should wait outside the building for security/health & safety reasons.


If vandalism is discovered in the school or school grounds then the Headteacher should be informed and the incident reported to the police if necessary. In the event of serious department the Head of Service should be informed.


  • Loss of keys should be reported to the Headteacher and Janitor.
  • All valuable items should be security marked.
  • The HT or PT should refer to the Critical Activity Recovery Plan in the event of a whole school evacuation. This is kept in the ‘Grab Bag’ folder in the school office. This contains current information relating to emergency closure procedures and an up-to-date list of contacts for children, staff and Argyll & Bute personnel.

Bowmore Primary School, August 2016