24th February 2016



Students should be punctual.

Students who are absent for one day should submit an excuse letter signed by the parent and if, absent for 02consecutive days or morethey should submita letter of excuse along with a Medical Certificate.

Students must attend all School activities scheduled for them.

Morning prayers should be observed daily by students from Year 4 to Form V.


  1. All students should come to School in uniforms and leave School in uniform. Prior permission should be obtained if there is a necessity to change attire during school hours.
  2. All students should be well groomed. The specified School Uniform is the accepted attire for all.

Please note:

Students whose attire does not conform to the rules laid down here, will be sent back home, after two warnings


The Skirt should be up to the knee with looseness for comfort and decency and should be worn at the waist and not the hip.

Shirt must be tucked in at the waist all the times. Girls from year 5 upwards should wear a petticoat with the shirt.

Black shoes and white socks (not ankle socks) should be always worn with the uniform.

Loose hair is not permitted. Hair should be neat with a plait in the case of long hair and a pony tail if the hair is short. Hair styles or piling up hair on top like a bun, is not allowed.

Hair ornaments and ribbons should be black. Coloured hair is not permitted. Permission should be obtained if jewellery is worn for any other reason.

Jewellery should be limited to a pair of simple ear studs and hanging earrings will not be permitted. No nail varnish should be used.


Trousers should be worn at the waist and at ankle length (not shorter or longer) Hipstersare not allowed. The shirt must be tucked in at the waist at all times.

Black shoes and white socks should be always worn with the uniform.

Hair should be cropped short but not shaven. No fancy or unconventional styles are allowed. All students must be clean shaven.


PT Kit should be worn by all students on days PT is scheduled on their timetable and also on days they are required to attend after schools sport activities. PT Kit should not be worn on other days.


  1. Every effort should be made to maintain the high moral standard of the school by excelling in good manners and conduct both within the school premises and outside.
  1. Respect, obedience and courtesy should be shown to every teacher at all times irrespective of the grades they teach.
  1. Use of bad language and any kind of violence or aggressive act or any activity aimed at embarrassing or harassing other students is prohibited.
  1. Any student who is persistently insubordinate or is willfully mischievous or is guilty of cheating in connection with examinations or has committed an act of indiscipline or misbehavior will be suspended from school for a specified period or will be expelled from school.
  1. Students are advised to act in accordance with the rules and avoid having entries made against their names in the book which is maintained in the office ondisciplinary matters. Entries in this book may affect School Leaving Certificates.


  1. All School property should be respected and protected. No student should engrave/write or deface walls or furniture in the School. Any damage caused to the premises/property should be made good by the offender.
  1. Classrooms must be kept clean and tidy at all the times. Litter should be placed in the receptacles provided.
  1. Students are not permitted to open another’s School bag or tamper with their belongings.


  1. No purchases should be made with vendors outside the school premises or its vicinity.
  1. All students are advised against entering into monetary transactions with fellow students. If any such transaction becomes necessary the respective parents and the school authorities should be notified of it permission obtained from the Principal. Collection of any kind should not be made by students without the approval of the Principal.
  1. Selling to or buying from students/persons not authorized by the School authorities is strictly prohibited.
  1. Permission of the Principal should be sought before any collections or donations are made.
  1. The sanction of the Principal should be obtained before any gifts are given to members of staff or activities orgainised to honour them.


  1. No arrangements should be made to leave the School Premises with classmates after school or during school hours for whatever reason, unless prior permission has been obtained from the parents. In such an event, permission of the Principal should be sought and permission would be granted at her discretion.
  2. Students are strongly advised not to organize any social activity outside their homes.

EXAMPLE:Picnics, matches, socials, parties or other celebrations which involve other children attending this school. Parents of those invited should check with the school in case they have doubts about such activities. It will be in the interest of parents hosting such parties/celebrations, etc. to notify the school authorities of such events. The school does not encourage children to have large parties even on birthdays. Clubs/hotels are not considered suitable venues for children’s parties.

  1. Students from FORM 1 upwards should inform the principal before holding private functions where students from school are invited.


  1. Only text books, reference books, books of literary value and any other study material should be brought into School. Comics and other extraneous journals/periodicals, audio or video cassettes are not allowed.
  2. No item/object which could harm/disturb/prove a nuisance or cast a slur on the image of the school is permitted within the school premises. Any such items found shall be confiscated and disciplinary action taken.
  3. Students are strictly prohibited from bringing phones to school under any circumstances.
  4. Cameras, cassette/CD Players, Radios, CDs or Flash Drives should not be brought into school without prior permission.
  5. During class hours, no student should walk into classrooms other than his/her own without good reason. Borrowing of books or collection of items carelessly left behind, does not amount to good reason.
  6. The school will not be responsible for books, money, clothes or any other articles that are lost. Students must learn to look after their own items and not leave anything behind. Use a small padlock on your bags for additional safety.
  7. Large sums of money or articles of value should not be brought into school. If it is necessary to bring in such items, they should be handed over to the office for safe keeping or till needed.
  8. No one should borrow another’s scooter /motor cycle, bicycle or any item of value. Driving a car to and from school is prohibited.
  1. Students are strictly warned against using web sites that would tarnish the image of the school or cast a slur on their own character. Photographs of students in school uniform or those taken within the school premises should not be uploaded to the web.


Return slip


I give my assurance that my daughter/son will abide by the school rules.

Name of the child: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Date: ……………………………….. Class: …………………………………………………………………………………..

Parents’ name : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Parents’ Signature

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