School Parent Involvement Plan* Template

(This is a Draft for use as a Work Copy! FLDOE has not released final version)

The FLDOE has allowed schools the option to utilize the word “plan” instead of “policy” if

they choose. The LakeCountySchool Board must approve school policy. This Plan will reflect what each school has written in the school’s School Improvement Plan under the Parent Involvement section (see page 4 in your handout)


  1. The Round Lake Elementary will take the following actions to involve parents in the joint development of its school parental involvement plan under section 1118 of the ESEA:

(List actions: What will be done, who will be doing it, when will it be done [timeline], how will it be done, and how success will be measured.)

What will be done / Who will be doing it / When will it be done / How will it be done / How will success be measured
School Advisory Council / School Advisory Council / August 2009 / meeting / Discussion and collaboration
  1. The Round Lake Elementary will take the following actions to build the school’s and parent capacity for strong parent involvement:

(List actions: What will be done, who will be doing it, when will it be done [timeline], how will it be done, and how success will be measured.)

What will be done / Who will be doing it / When will it be done / How will it be done / How will success be measured
Parent conference night / School faculty and administration / September 2009 / conferences / Conference documentation
  1. The Round Lake Elementary will take the following actions to coordinate and integrate parent involvement strategies Title I Part A with parent involvement strategies under other programs, such as Head Start, Reading First, Early Reading First, Even Start, Parents as Teachers, Home Instruction Programs for Preschool Youngsters, and state-run pre-school programs, such as Voluntary Prekindergarten:

(List actions: What will be done, who will be doing it, when will it be done [timeline], how will it be done, and how success will be measured.)

What will be done / Who will be doing it / When will it be done / How will it be done / How will success be measured
Monthly Preschool Story time / Michelle Chevalier, Curriculum Resource Teacher / Monthly / Through story time at local preschools / observation
  1. The Round Lake Elementary will take the following actions to conduct, with the involvement of parents, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the school’s parent involvement policy:

(List actions: What will be done, who will be doing it, when will it be done [timeline], how will it be done, and how success will be measured.)

What will be done / Who will be doing it / When will it be done / How will it be done / How will success be measured
Parent Surveys / parents / March 2010 / Through the district website / Data analysis
  1. The Round Lake Elementary will take the following actions to use the findings of the parent involvement policy evaluation to design strategies for more effective parent involvement and to revise, if necessary, the school’s parent involvement policy:

(List actions: What will be done, who will be doing it, when will it be done [timeline], how will it be done, and how success will be measured.)

What will be done / Who will be doing it / When will it be done / How will it be done / How will success be measured
School Advisory Committee, Leadership Team meetings / School Advisory Committee, Leadership Team meetings / April 2010, and throughout the year / Data analysis and discussion / Data analysis and discussion
  1. The Round Lake Elementary will take the following actions to involve parents in the activities of the school served under Title I Part A:

(List actions: What will be done, who will be doing it, when will it be done [timeline], how will it be done, and how success will be measured.)

What will be done / Who will be doing it / When will it be done / How will it be done / How will success be measured
Newsletters, marquee, PTO meetings, website / Home school liaison, leadership team / Throughout the year as needed / Through informing parents and discussion / Through discussion and feedback
  1. The Round Lake Elementary will take the following actions to notify parents of the school’s parent involvement policy in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provide it in a language the parents can understand. This policy shall be made available to the local community and updated periodically to meet the changing needs of parents and the school:

(List actions: What will be done, who will be doing it, when will it be done [timeline], how will it be done, and how success will be measured.)

What will be done / Who will be doing it / When will it be done / How will it be done / How will success be measured
Newsletters, marquee, PTO meetings, website / Home school liaison, leadership team / Throughout the year as needed / Through informing parents and discussion / Through discussion and feedback
  1. The Round Lake Elementary will take the following actions to convene an annual meeting at a time convenient for parents of participating children. All parents shall be invited and encouraged to attend, to inform them, and to explain the requirements of Title I, and the right of the parents to be involved:

(List actions: What will be done, who will be doing it, when will it be done [timeline], how will it be done, and how success will be measured.)

What will be done / Who will be doing it / When will it be done / How will it be done / How will success be measured
Title One Information Meeting in conjunction with PTO / Administrative Team / September 2010 / Meeting in evening / Sign in sheet, participation
  1. The Round Lake Elementary will take the following actions to offera flexible number of meetings and may provide with Title I funds, transportation, child care, or home visits, as such services relate to parent involvement:

(List actions: What will be done, who will be doing it, when will it be done [timeline], how will it be done, and how success will be measured.)

What will be done / Who will be doing it / When will it be done / How will it be done / How will success be measured
FBBR, Grade level curriculum nights / Literacy Coach, leadership team, teachers / September 2010 / Meeting in evening / Sign in sheet, participation
  1. The Round Lake Elementary will take the following actions toinvolve parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of Title I programs, including the planning, review, and improvement of the school parent involvement policy and the joint development of the school-wide program plan under section 1114 (b) (2):

(List actions: What will be done, who will be doing it, when will it be done [timeline], how will it be done, and how success will be measured.)

What will be done / Who will be doing it / When will it be done / How will it be done / How will success be measured
Surveys, School Advisory Council / SAC and parent / April 2010 / Data analysis and discussion / Data analysis and discussion
  1. The Round Lake Elementary will take the following actions to provide parents of participating children:
  • timely information about the Title I programs;
  • a description and explanation of the curriculum at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the proficiency levels the students are expected to meet; and
  • opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children.

(List actions: What will be done, who will be doing it, when will it be done [timeline], how will it be done, and how success will be measured.)

What will be done / Who will be doing it / When will it be done / How will it be done / How will success be measured
Title One information pamphlet / Leadership team / August 2009 / Distributed to all students and families / Questions and discussion received by parents
  1. School-Parent CompactThe Round Lake Elementary will take the following actions to develop jointly with parents a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved academic achievement. It will include the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve Florida’s high academic standards and include stakeholder responsibilities and communication between teachers and parents:

(List actions: What will be done, who will be doing it, when will it be done [timeline], how will it be done, and how success will be measured.)

What will be done / Who will be doing it / When will it be done / How will it be done / How will success be measured
Distribution of the compacts, as well as discussion at conferences / All staff / August 2009 / Distribution, discussion, and signing / Distribution, discussion, and signing

A sample school-parent compact is provided in the previously distributed draft of this technical assistance paper.

Note: the ESEA requires parent teacher conferences in elementary schools at least annually. At this time, the compact shall be discussed as it relates to the individual child’s achievement.

  1. The Round Lake Elementary will take the following actions to provide assistance to parents of children in understanding such topics as:
  • FL’s academic content standards,
  • FL’s student academic achievement standards,
  • FL’s and local academic assessments including alternative assessments,
  • the requirements of Title I Part A,
  • how to monitor their child’s progress, and
  • how to work with educators to improve the achievement of their children.

(List actions: What will be done, who will be doing it, when will it be done [timeline], how will it be done, and how success will be measured.)

Workshops / Conferences / Classes / Materials
Title One Information / Parent Conferences / Through parent workshops / Handouts, food
  1. The Round Lake Elementray will take the following actions to provide materials and training such as literacy training and using technology, as appropriate, to help parents work with their children to improve their children’s academic achievement to foster parent involvement:

(List actions: What will be done, who will be doing it, when will it be done [timeline], how will it be done, and how success will be measured.)

What will be done / Who will be doing it / When will it be done / How will it be done / How will success be measured
K-2 Workshops, 3-5 workshops / Literacy coach, teachers / Throughout the year / Workshops and conferences / Sign-in sheets, participation
  1. The Round Lake Elementary will take the following actions to educate teachers, student service personnel, principals, and other staff on the value and utility of contributions of parents and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners. Actions should include how to implement and coordinate parent programs and build ties between parents and schools:

(List actions: What will be done, who will be doing it, when will it be done [timeline], how will it be done, and how success will be measured.)

What will be done / Who will be doing it / When will it be done / How will it be done / How will success be measured
Staff Meetings / Leadership Team / Monthly / Staff meetings / participation
  1. The Round Lake Elementary will take the following actions, to the extent feasible and appropriate, to coordinate and integrate parent involvement programs and activities with Head Start, Reading First, Early Reading First, Even Start, Home Instruction Programs for Preschool Youngsters, the Parents as Teachers Program, public preschool, and other programs in order to help parents help their children at home. Schools must also help teachers, principals, and other staff work well with parents. The school will also conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children:

(List actions: What will be done, who will be doing it, when will it be done [timeline], how will it be done, and how success will be measured.)

What will be done / Who will be doing it / When will it be done / How will it be done / How will success be measured
Monthly Preschool Story time, Parent Resource located in guidance / Curriculum Resource Teacher / Monthly / Monthly visits / observation
  1. The Round Lake Elementary will take the following actions to ensure that information related to the school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities is sent to parents of participating children in an understandable and uniform format, including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand:

(List actions: What will be done, who will be doing it, when will it be done [timeline], how will it be done, and how success will be measured.)

What will be done / Who will be doing it / When will it be done / How will it be done / How will success be measured
Newsletters, marquee, PTO meetings, website / Home school liaison, leadership team / Ongoing, throughout the year / Through informing parents and discussion / Through discussion and feedback