7th Annual NCN-NEEDS Summer School:

Spintronics: Science, Circuits, and Systems

What: NCN-NEEDS Summer Schools connect the fundamental nanoscience of materials and devices to circuit and system level applications. The goal is to introduce students to new ideas and approaches emerging from research in nanoscience. A new partnership with NEEDS seeks to connect fundamental nanoscience to applications. Lectures are designed to be broadly accessible to students with a B.S. in engineering or physical sciences. The goal is to provide students with an understanding of how effects at the nanoscale can be exploited in novel devices and to provide a glimpse at the new applications that are possible. Previous summer school lectures can be viewed at: https://nanohub.org/topics/ElectronicsFromTheBottomUp

Where: Purdue University, Martin Jischke Hall (MJIS) Room 1001

West Lafayette, IN, 47907

When: Wednesday, July 23 through Friday, July 25, 2015

8:00AM- 5:30PM

Who: Graduate students, working professionals, and faculty working on

electronic devices and materials

Topics: Spintronics including fundamental science, experimental considerations, device designs, and circuit and system level applications.

Register for the 2014 NCN-NEEDS Summer School at


A limited number of travel scholarships is available to students. For more

information, see the registration page.

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7th Annual NCN-NEEDS Summer School:

Spintronics: Science, Circuits, and Systems

Course Schedule: (detailed schedule on course registration page)

Day 1: Fundamentals of Modern Spintronics

Sessions 1 and 2: Spin Potentials and Spin Currents S. Datta

Sessions 3 and 4: Spin Torque Science and Technology J. Sun

Day 2: Materials and Devices

Sessions 5 and 6: Spin Orbit Torque S. Salahuddin

Sessions 7 and 8: Materials and Fabrication of Spin Devices Z. Chen Session 9: Beyond-CMOS Device Benchmarking D. Nikonov

Day 3: Circuits and Systems

Sessions 10 and 11: Spin Memory and Logic K. Roy

Sessions 12 and 13: Computing with Spintronic Devices A. Raghunathan


Zhihong Chen (Purdue) summer school organizer) explores the physical properties of low dimensional materials, fabricates nano-devices and developing technologies such as All-Spin-Logic for a variety of applications.

Supriyo Datta (Purdue) has been a leader in nanoscale device physics since his 1990 paper that introduced the Datta-Das “spin transistor.”

Dmitri Nikonov (Intel) works on simulation and evaluation of exploratory devices and integrated circuits.

Kaushik Roy (Purdue) is a pioneer in low power electronic system design and an expert in technology-circuit co-design.

Anand Raghunathan (Purdue) explores system-on-chip design, computing with nanoscale post-CMOS devices, and heterogeneous parallel computing.

Sayeef Salahuddin (UC, Berkeley)'s group works on new phenomena and novel materials for potential device applications.

Jonathan Sun (IBM)’s pioneering experimental and theoretical work on spin-current- induced magnetic switching is enabling new technologies for writing magnetic information into sub-50nm magnetic structures.

Register for the 2014 NCN-NEEDS Summer School at
