Superintendent / 256-6063 / Ext: 3144
Deputy Superintendent / 256-6063 / Ext: 3452
Curriculum Director / 256-6063 / Ext: 3467
Central Kitchen / 256-2512 / Ext: 3510
Transportation / 256-3245 / Ext: 3135
District School Nurse / 256-2323 / Ext: 3511
Boomer Kids Club / 571-4616 / Ext: 3404
Principal / 256-5329 / Ext: 3103 / Music / 256-6517
Assistant Principal / 256-6669 / Ext: 3144 / Industrial Arts / 256-6306
Alternative School / 256-8713 / Ext: 3405 / Gymnasium / 256-6489
Counselor / 256-8703 / Ext: 3107 / Kitchen / 256-8411
Financial Secretary / 256-8703 / Vo-Ag / 256-6374
Football Stadium / 256-4042
Principal / 256-7901 / Ext: 3500
Assistant Principal / 256-8322 / Ext: 3604
Counselor / 256-5263 / Ext: 3518
Industrial Arts / 256-3854
Music / 256-2408
Gymnasium / 256-7025
Cedar Heights / 256-6521 / Ext: 3355
Highland Park / 256-2500 / Ext: 3255
Horace Mann / 256-2660 / Ext: 3307
WoodwardEarly Childhood Center / 256-2561 / Ext: 3352

Please check out our district web page ( for important information

concerning our district’s phone system.


Welcome to Woodward Elementary Schools. This handbook has been designed to answer some of the questions you may have about our schools. If you have any questions, please feel free to call your building principal. We want to work closely with you to provide the best education possible for your child.

The Woodward Public School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex/gender, age, or qualified disability.

Tara Burnett, PrincipalDawna Nelson, Principal

Highland Park ElementaryHorace Mann Elementary

Phones: 256-2500Phone: 256-2660

Debbie Jones, PrincipalBana Bogdahn, Principal

Woodward Early Childhood CenterCedar Heights Elementary

Phone: 256-2561Phone: 256-6521


Our basic curriculum includes instruction in reading, phonics, language arts, spelling, mathematics, science, and social studies. In addition, children attend physical education classes and music classes. Guidance classes are also offered as per individual site schedules. Our students will utilize the computer lab and the media center resources on a regular basis in conjunction with their basic studies.


In conjunction with Section 238.1 in the State Laws of Oklahoma, Woodward Public Schools participates daily in a “Moment of Silence.” “The board of education of each school district shall ensure that the public schools within the district observe approximately one (1) minute of silence each day for the purpose of allowing each student, in the exercise of his/her individual choice, to reflect, meditate, pray or engage in any other silent activity that does not interfere with, distract, or impede other students in the exercise of their individual choices. (70-11-1-1.2)”


***Every Monday will be Early Release for all Elementary Sites. Times will be given to parents at beginning of school.***

7:55School Begins/Tardy Bell Rings at Woodward Early Childhood Center

2:55School Dismissed at Woodward Early Childhood Center

8:10School Begins/Tardy Bell Rings at Cedar Heights, Highland Park, Horace Mann Elementary Schools

3:10School Dismissed at Cedar Heights, Highland Park, Horace Mann Elementary Schools

Students are to be picked up promptly at dismissal times. If a child is not picked up at our dismissal time, the parent/guardian will have to come in to the front office to sign that child out.


CALENDAR 2018-19

August 17 / First Day of Classes / January 7 / Site Day/Teachers Only
September 3 / Labor Day / January 8 / Classes Resume
September 17 / Professional Day / January 21 / Professional Day
February 18 / Professional Day
October 12 / End of 1st Quarter / March 8 / End of 3rd Quarter
October 18-19 / Fall Break / March 18-22 / Spring Break
October 26 / Parent/Teacher Conferences / March 15 / Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 19-23 / Thanksgiving Break / April 19 / Good Friday
December 21 / End of 2nd Quarter / April 26, May3, May 10 / Free Fridays
December 24-31 / Christmas Break / May 22 / Last Day of Classes
January 1-4 / Christmas Break / May 23 / Site Day/Teachers Only

*NOTE: Inclement weather days may be made up on Free Fridays.

WE ARE HERE TO HELP: From now until the time a child leaves Woodward Elementary School, we will have student progress reports, parent-teacher conferences, and a monthly newsletter to keep parents informed about student progress. Parents are encouraged to call the school offices with any questions or concerns.

STUDENT ENROLLMENT: Parents must provide student information at the time of registration. This information is used to verify guardianship, custody, and to notify parents in case of an emergency. This information is also included in the student’s permanent record. It is imperative that the school office be notified immediately of a change of address, home or office telephone number, or of a change in emergency information during the academic school year.

Any legal court document relating to custody or guardianship should be presented at the time of enrollment/or at time of activation. A notarized statement regarding guardianship is insufficient and will not be accepted.

Current immunization and official state birth certificate must be on file for each student enrolled.

It is also very important that the school know of any physical impairment such as hearing loss, vision problems, allergies, convulsions, hearing defects, etc. Parents should notify the school principal if their child has any existing physical or emotional conditions requiring medication.

VISITORS: Parents are encouraged to visit school frequently and actively participate in the education of their child. We request that parents avoid conferences with the teacher during such visits, but rather schedule a conference for a mutually acceptable time. A valid photo identification is required before checking your child out of school.

For the protection of the students, all visitors must report to the office upon entering the building. You will not be allowed to go directly to the classroom.

If you need to give your child a message, medication, homework, lunch money, supplies, etc., please go to the office. Interrupting class hampers valuable instruction time. Also, standing in the hall while waiting on your child or the teacher may be disruptive to the learning environment. Students from other schools or siblings are not permitted to visit class with your child.

USE OF PHONE: Students will be allowed to use the phone in the office only to contact their parent/guardian in case of emergency. Students who use the phone must have permission from their teachers, the secretary, or the principal. Long-distance calls that will be charged to the school phone are not allowed. We ask parents not to call their child at school as phone calls interrupt the student’s academic learning time. Please make all necessary arrangements for your child ahead of time.

ANIMALS AT SCHOOL: The classroom teacher and/or principal must give advance approval before bringing animals to school. The parent of the student must accompany animals. The animal must leave with parent. The parent assumes all responsibility and liability for any animal brought to school.

CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: Parents are asked to inform the school of changes in address, phone numbers or persons to contact in case of an emergency. It is absolutely necessary to have phone numbers available to reach parents. In the event none of the contacts listed on your child’s enrollment sheet can be reached then the school may enlist assistance from other agencies.

CHANGES IN TRANSPORTATION: Parents must send a note with their child if there will be a change in transportation for that day. Please send a note if you know ahead of time that your child will be going home in an alternate way. If you cannot make transportation plans ahead of time, please call the office BEFORE 2:00 p.m. If there is no note or phone call by 2:00 p.m. the student will follow regular transportation procedures. There is no need to call if you have sent a note. If your child rides our district transportation, the ‘yellow school bus,’ any changes to their regular routine must be cleared through the Director of Transportation.

COMMUNICATIONS: Woodward Public Schools has access to the SwiftK12 messaging system for our families. We will utilize this calling process to alert our families to any changes and/or events within their student’s day.

When severe weather creates hazardous conditions, the regular school schedule may be suspended to ensure students’ safety. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to monitor news reports via television and radio stations.

Should school be postponed due to inclement weather, announcements will be made on Woodward schools SwiftK12 calling system, local radio stations, or television channels 4, 5, or 9 in the morning between 5:30 and 7:00 a.m. During this time an announcement will be made if classes are to be cancelled. If Woodward Public Schools are NOT mentioned in the closings, school will go on as usual. School will continue the following day unless otherwise noted on radio or TV.

ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Cell phones and other electronic devices will fall under the guidelines of the “District Technology Usage Agreement” set forth by Woodward Public Schools. Students in possession of these devices must have on file a signed usage agreement. Students will be required to check their cell phones into the office daily.In addition, students are not to have in their possession any type of laser light. Any laser light that is in sight during the school day will be confiscated. The school is not responsible for any lost or stolen devices. Unauthorized or inappropriate use of cell phones/electronic devices will result in disciplinary action, which could include In School Detention (ISD) and/or Out of School Suspension (OSS) depending on the severity and circumstances.

MONEY/VALUABLES: All cash/checks must be sent to school in an envelope labeled with the student’s name, the teacher’s name and the purpose for the money. Do not send large amounts of money with your child. The school has no way of making change and cannot accept responsibility for it. If children bring toys, games, cell phones, electronic devices or other valuable items to school, they could be damaged or stolen. If brought to school, these items will be confiscated and disciplinary action will follow. Physical education/playground equipment is supplied by the school district and items such as footballs, baseballs, etc., should not be brought to school

LOST AND FOUND: A “Lost and Found” box is kept at each school site. PLEASE BE SURE ALL ITEMS OF OUTERWEAR CLOTHING HAS YOUR CHILD’S NAME CLEARLY MARKED ON THEM. All items left at the end of the school year will be donated to a local charity.

LUNCH PRICES: Breakfast begins at 7:20 a.m. and ends at 7:50 a.m. at the Early Childhood Center. Breakfast begins at 7:40 a.m. and ends at 8:05 a.m. at Cedar Heights, Highland Park and Horace Mann Elementary Schools. Breakfast may be purchased for $1.50 and adults are $2.25 for breakfast. Students may purchase a hot lunch for $2.00 and adults $2.75which includes milk. Students who bring a sack lunch may purchase milk for $.40. To help our breakfast/lunch program operate efficiently, it is requested that your child’s meals be purchased on a weekly or monthly basis. Free and reduced meal prices are available to students who qualify. Forms may be obtained in the school office. Extra milk is $.40. Breakfast/lunch prices are subject to change by Board approval.


LUNCH (OFF CAMPUS): Only a parent/guardian may check their student out for lunch during the scheduled lunchtime for their class. They will be excused only for their scheduled lunchtime. Additional time is considered as unexcused absence time.

Lunch can be brought in only for your student.

RETURN OF SCHOOL PROPERTY: Students/parents will be held accountable for lost/damaged books, property, etc.

FUNDRAISING PROJECTS: The Woodward Elementary Schools encourage all students to contact only family and friends when participating in any fundraising event and not to go ‘door-to-door’. Please remember participation in any fund-raising event is optional. Students and parents are held accountable for any money/products collected for fundraising activities. Students who fail to return and or abuse any school property (EX: books, fundraiser products, uniforms, etc) will not be allowed to participate in fundraisers or extra curricular activities until the property is returned or funds are paid to the school.

PARTIES: We have two parties per year. Surprise parties or birthday parties during class time are not permitted. If you would like to bring treats for birthdays or some other special occasion, you must make prior arrangements with your child’s classroom teacher. Please no balloons or treat sacks. These items can cause disruptions and behavior problems on our school transportation. All treats need to be either pre-packaged or commercially prepared. No party invitations may be delivered at school or on the school bus. All elementary sites are now Certified Healthy Schools. Please look at the approved healthy snack list on our district webpage for suggestions. Any items brought for birthdays and school class parties must come from the approved snack list.

***DELIVERY OF FLOWERS, GIFTS, BALLOONS, ETC.: Sending items, (i.e. flowers, gifts, balloons) to students at school is often disruptive and can cause problems among students. Therefore, it is the policy of Woodward Elementary Schools that such items should not be delivered to school.

PROMOTION & RETENTION POLICY: If the teacher recommends a student be retained in the present grade level, the parent(s) may appeal the decision to the superintendent or his/her designee within five (5) calendar days after the grades have been issued by the teacher(s). The parent(s) may appeal the decision of the superintendent or his/her designee to the Board of Education. The decision of Board of Education shall be final. The parent(s) may prepare a written statement to be placed in and become a part of the permanent record of the student stating the reason(s) for disagreeing with the decision of the board.

HEALTH AND SAFETY: Children should not come to school when they are ill, have an elevated temperature or a suspected contagious condition. Children should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. This is for the protection of all students. Students will be sent home if they have elevated temperatures, head lice, are vomiting, have diarrhea, have an undiagnosed skin rash, or have red inflamed eyes. Parents are required to call the school offices by 9:00 a.m. if their child will be absent or tardy.

FIRE AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANS: Exit plans for fire and emergency situations are posted in each classroom. Teachers are to discuss pathways and alternate routes with students. Emergency Action Plans provide teachers with definite steps to follow for specific emergencies. An elementary school crisis response team has a step-by-step plan ready should a crisis occur.

PRESCRIBED MEDICATION AT SCHOOL: If a child is to receive any medication during the school day, the parent or guardian must fill out a “Parental Authorization to Administer Medication” form, which must be signed by your family physician. The medicine to be dispensed will be kept in the office and dispensed according to the doctor’s instructions. The medication must be properly labeled and in the original container. Parents must always bring the medication to school along with the authorization form. Never send medication with your child. Students should not bring cough drops or any over-the-counter medication to school. Refer to school medication information on the following two pages.

IMMUNIZATION: Immunization of school-age children is a very important way of protecting and promoting the health of children in Oklahoma. In accordance with Oklahoma State Law, students entering school during the 2017-18 school year must have the following immunizations:

Pre-School/Pre K / KDG thru 9th
4 DTP/DTaP/Td / 5 DTP/DTaP/Td*
3 Polio / 4 Polio
1 MMR / 2 MMR
3 Hep B / 3 Hep B
2 Hep A / 2 Hep A
Varicella / Varicella

*If the 4th dose of DTP and/or 3rd dose of polio vaccine is administered on or after the child’s 4th birthday, then the 5th dose of DTP and/or the 4th dose of polio vaccine are not required.

**If child has had the Varicella (chickenpox) virus, immunization is not required – parent/guardian must complete and sign a “Statement of History of Disease” form available in school office.


HEAD LICE: The school nurse will examine students for head lice (Pediculosis) at the start of the year and as necessary, thereafter. Students identified as positive for head lice will be excluded from school in accordance with the Oklahoma Department of Health recommendations and Woodward School District’s “NO NIT POLICY.” Students that are excluded for head lice will be readmitted after clearance through the school nurse’s office located at Woodward Early Childhood Center.


School staff may not administer medications at school, except for those students with chronic conditions such as: asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, attention deficit disorder, behavior problems, and bee sting or food allergies. These students may need medication in order to participate in the educational program.

The principal or principal’s designee may administer medications to students under the following conditions.

  1. Prescription medication must be in an original prescription container that has affixed to the container, the name of the student, the name and the strength of the medication, the name of the licensed physician or dentist, the date, name address, and phone number of the pharmacy, an expiration date, the directions for administration, and other directions as appropriate, Medications not properly labeled will not be accepted.
  2. The medication in its original container must be delivered to the principal’s office by the parent or guardian of the student. Medications are to be kept in the office, not the classroom, unless specifically ordered by the physician.
  3. The medication must be accompanied by a dated, written authorization form signed by the parent or legal guardian and the physician requesting that the student be allowed to take the medication at a specified time. New forms must be signed and a new prescription bottle presented at the beginning of each school year and whenever a medication, dose or time is changed.
  4. Up to one month supply of medication may be kept at school. Parents are responsible for resupplying the medication. As required by Senate Bill 343, the parent or guardian of any student self medicating for asthma is required to provide the school an emergency supply of the student’s medication.
  1. A student may carry medication on their person only if specifically ordered in writing by the physician for the health and safety of the student, and only if authorized in writing by the parent. Parents and physicians who authorize self-medication accept that the school district is not responsible for safeguarding the medication accept that the district is not responsible for safeguarding the medication or specialized equipment, or for any adverse reactions or injury arising from the self-administration of medication by the student. Provided, further that:
  1. Any such authorizations will terminate at the end of the school year and must be renewed annually.
  2. Students who self medicate are prohibited from sharing or playing with their medication, special equipment, i.e., inhalers, etc. If a student engages in these activities the parent will be contacted and a conference will be scheduled with the parent, student, nurse, and other appropriate persons.
  3. Students will not be allowed to self-administer any other medication.
  4. The school district strongly recommends that students who must self medicate should wear Medic Alert bracelets or necklaces.
  1. A daily log will be kept to record all medication that is given, except those medications that are self-administered by the student.
  2. Confidentiality shall be maintained concerning students who receive medications.
  3. Over-the-counter (OTC) medications shall not be given by Woodward Public School personnel. Parents or legal guardians will be notified if a student requires OTC medications.
  4. Medication that is given on an “as needed” (PRN) basis must be reviewed with the school nurse at the beginning of each school year, or as prescribed by a physician during the school year.
  5. Topical medications for first aid may be used under the direction of the school nurse or the athletic trainer.
  6. No over the counter medications or prescription medications for non-chronic illnesses may be brought to school by students.
  7. Parents or legal guardians may administer over the counter medication or medication for non chronic illnesses at school after making arrangements as to the time and place for such administration with the principal of the school.
  8. The school district retains the discretion to reject request for administration of medication and to discontinue the administration of medications at school. Reasons for rejection or discontinuing administration would include, but not be limited to:
  1. A legitimate lack of space of facility to store medication.
  2. Lack of cooperation by the student, parent, or guardian and/or prescribing physician.
  3. All unexpected and/or adverse medical reaction to medication i.e., mood changes, allergic reactions considered to be deleterious to the health and safety of the student.
  4. Any apparent change in medication’s appearance, odor or other characteristics that question the quality of the medication.
  5. All medication passed the expiration date on the bottle.
  1. All medications not picked up within one week after the completion of the school year will be discarded in an irretrievable manner and disposal documented on the cumulative health record.


Parent Permission