SECTION 01 74 23



1.01 This section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for final cleaning at

substantial completion.


A. Perform a thorough cleaning of the site, buildings, or other structures where work has occurred prior to Owner occupancy of the buildings, and prior to Final Completion. Leave the project clean and ready for occupancy.


A. Provide data for maintenance per Section 01 78 27, Operating and Maintenance Data.


A. Use experienced workmen or professional cleaners for final cleaning.



A. Furnish the labor and products needed for cleaning and finishing as recommended by the Manufacturer of the surface material being cleaned.

B. Use cleaning products only on the surfaces recommended by the Supplier.

C. Use only those cleaning products which will not create hazards to health or property

and which will not damage surfaces.



A. Thoroughly clean the entire site and make ready for occupancy.

1. Remove construction debris, boxes, and trash from the site.

2. Remove construction storage sheds and field offices.

3. Restore grade to match surrounding condition and remove excess dirt.

4. Sweep all drives and parking lots clean of dirt and debris. Use water truck or hose down paved site to like new appearance.

B. Clean floors and inspect for damage.

1. Remove oil, grease, paint drippings, and other contaminants from floors, then mop repeatedly until thoroughly clean. Replace damaged flooring.

2. Clean resilient flooring with an approved cleaner and provide one (1)

coat liquid floor polish as recommended by the flooring Supplier. Polish to a buffed appearance with powered floor buffer.

3. Vacuum all carpets with powered floor sweeper to remove dirt and

dust. Remove glue or other substances from nap of carpet.

C. Clean and polish inside and outside glass surfaces. Wash with window cleaner and

water, apply a coat of high quality glass polish and wipe clean. Do not scratch or otherwise mar glass surfaces.

D. Clean wall surfaces to remove dirt or scuff marks. Remove excess adhesive along top edges of wall base. Remove adhesive from surfaces of vinyl wall coverings.

E. Align tile to fit properly in grid and replace cracked or damaged tile. Remove smear

marks and other dirt from tile and clean surface of grid system.

F. Spot paint nicks and other damage. If spot‐painting does not blend into the existing color and texture of the surrounding surfaces, repaint wall from inside corner to inside corner. Touch up damaged surfaces on factory finished equipment using special paint furnished by the Manufacturer.

G. Clean plumbing fixtures, valves, and trim. Clean toilet seats and covers. Remove

labels and adhesive from fixtures. Remove floor drains and clean baskets or buckets. Polish strainers and exposed chrome or brass.

H. Remove dirt, oil, grease, dust and other contaminants from floors, equipment and

apparatus in mechanical and electrical rooms with vacuum.

I. Clean and polish ceramic tile floors and wall surfaces to remove mildew or other stains. Tuck point defective joints.

J. Inspect exterior painted surfaces. Spot paint any damaged surfaces.

K. Clean permanent filters and replace disposable filters on heating, ventilating, and air

conditioning systems. Clean ducts, blowers, and coils if units were operated without filters during construction.

L. Clean roof areas of debris; flush roof drainage systems with water until clear.

M. Broom clean exterior paved surfaces and rake clean other surfaces of the grounds.

N. Clean and polish all electrical equipment and exposed conduits. Remove paint

overspray. Provide a blemish free appearance on all exposed equipment and conduits.