MINUTES of a meeting of Ringwould with Kingsdown Parish Council held at Ringwould Village Hall 2nd September 2009 at 7.30pm

PRESENT Cllr P Macwilliam (Chair)

Cllr D Clark, Cllr S Danby, Cllr H Paice. Cllr M Dewhurst, Cllr N Jackaman, Cllr A Shepherd

Community Warden Malcolm Wells

PCSO Lisa White

Clerk Sarah Spanner

4 members of the public

APOLOGIES Cllr M Fish, Cllr C Edwards

1. Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting (1st July 2009) were subject to one amendment; Cllr Jackaman indicated that he had not reported a crime to the PCSO, but had reported information relevant to the problem of gangs of youths holding parties on the recreation ground at Ringwould. Minutes were duly amended and agreed and signed by the Chair as a true record.

2. Declaration of member’s interests relating to items on the agenda.


3. Community warden / Partners and Community Together (PACT)

Lisa White was introduced as the new PCSO to replace Andy Palmer. Cllr MacWilliam asked whether PCSO had received information reported by him regarding young people on the Recreation Ground, this was confirmed and acknowledged as a continuing problem. Cllr Jackaman expressed concern that no progress was being made, Cllr MacWilliam advised that as it was private land the Parish Council needed to consider setting specific by-laws and that this was currently under investigation.

In response to a question from Cllr Shepherd regarding camping on the beach, the Community Warden and PCSO confirmed that that the Police have no authority to act unless those on the beach are committing an act of trespass. Cllr Shepherd expressed concern that such camping could threaten the adjacent land, designated as SSSI. It was agreed that this should be formally raised with the owners of the beach area.

ACTION Clerk to write to Tingdene regarding camping on the beach

Crime Statistics were not available but the Community Warden reported

·  There are still break ins from sheds/garages

·  Dog fouling remains an intermittent issue.

·  Parking outside the school has not been a problem for the past couple of months but it will be again when the children are back.

·  Some of the footpaths have become overgrown

·  Motorcycles have been on the freedown and around the woods at odd times, notably at weekends

·  Trading standards are alerting the public to be aware of and report any instances illegal money lending scams and activities

4. Questions from the public.

The meeting was adjourned for the following questions from the public

A disused boat and trailer remains on Kingsdown Beach, although this has already been reported to DDC. The Parish Council was asked if they could assist. ACTION Clerk to contact Dover District Council Property Services in relation to expediting removal of the boat and trailer.

Concerns were raised about the management of waste at the Zetland Arms, over flowing waste bins, cooking oil spillages were cited as examples. It was agreed that these issues should be raised as they could pose a health hazard as well as being detrimental to this area ACTION Clerk to contact Environment Health regarding waste management at the Zetland Arms

A question was asked about the poor road surface conditions around the beach at Kingsdown. Cllr Macwilliam stated that as a private road this was outside the jurisdiction of the Parish Council. In relation to parking along Undercliffe Road in Oldestairs Bay it was agreed that the issue of shingle being dragged onto the road by parked cars would be pursued. ACTION Clerk to report to Kent Highway services shingle on the roadway.

Questions were raised in relation to the use and planning status of the ex Scout Camp at Kingsdown, which was felt by the resident to be bringing in high levels of traffic to the area. This included an issue relating to a party held on the scout camp over the summer. It was suggested by a member of the public thatthat thishad beena commercial activity for which tickets had been sold in and around the local area. The Parish Council wasadvised that thepolice had been informed by local residents of this party on the evening that it took place but that no further action had been taken

In response to previous correspondence regarding the planning status of this area, the Parish Council had checked with Dover District Council who had identified that the planning status was a Scout Camp following an approved application made in 1956. The Parish Council was asked to investigate this matter further, as the current status was disputed by the local resident, and also to address other issues as (documented in a letter to the Parish Council dated 14th August (correspondence item 09/08 refers). Cllr Macwilliam advised that the limit of the Parish Council’s authority in regard to such matters was to report any suggestions of breach of planning law to the relevant enforcement authorities. Cllr Paice reminded members of the public how important it was that they should also report such concerns directly to agencies such as Dover District Council, Kent Highways. ACTION Clerk in discussion with Cllr Mac William to review all issues raised in recent correspondence in relation to the scout camp

A question was raised relating to the permissive pathway alongside the scout camp and how this could be adopted as a definitive public footpath. Cllr Macwilliam explained that local residents would need to gather evidence that this path had been in continuous use and submit this to Kent County Council. There was however a very long waiting time and it could take several years. It was agreed that the Parish Council would provide information to support local residents who wished to gather evidence, in order to progress such an application. ACTION Clerk to provide information to residents enable the preparation of an application for a change of status of a permissive footpath.

The meeting was re opened

5. Matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda.

The clerk’s report, identifying progress made on actions arising from July meeting, was noted.

6. Kingsdown Village Hall.

A request had now been made to draw down the small works grant of £225 agreed at the July Parish Council meeting.

The Clerk reported that she understood that the project officer for the refurbishment project might wish to come along to the October Parish Council Meeting. Cllrs Paice and Clark expressed a concern that the Trustees may not be seeking funding from other sources such as KCC in time to meet the deadlines for the receipt of applications believed to be during September and October.

7. Highways

Traffic in the Rise at Kingsdown

Kent Highways had made details of proposed new signage for HGV’s to deter them from accessing Kingsdown via The Rise. The lead time to the commencement of placing such signs was however likely to be several months

Details are awaited as to the timescales for the planned trial of limited waiting restrictions in the Rise junction with Upper Street and Upper Street in area of junction with St James Road. The public will have the opportunity to comment during the first 6 months of the trial scheme

Ringwould 20mph voluntary Speed Limit

Following feedback from Kent Highways and Kent Police, indicating a lack of support and enthusiasm for such schemes, no further action will be taken

8. Recreational Land

Play Areas

The lease has now been signed for the Ringwould areas and work is underway to develop an affordable design to re quip these areas. One contractor has been asked to quote and others are being sought

ACTION Cllr Shepherd to provide the clerk with details of a local play area contractor

ACTION Cllr Danby to investigate the removal of existing matting, which is in poor condition and must be replaced, and its potential re use in riding stables

The Annual RoSPA safety inspection was carried out in Kingsdown on 29th July, overall the site was deemed to be in good condition and well maintained. Minor low risk items were identified and these would now be addressed. Malcolm Wells (Community Warden) confirmed that he would now include the Ringwould play areas in his weekly safety inspections.

Access to Kingsdown Recreational Area

Cllr MacWilliam advised that it had not proved possible to obtain an easement for access, as the Parish Council did not own the land onto which access was required, currently used as a car parking area. In addition planning consent would be required to obtain a change of use which, as a commercial development, would be a major cost for the Parish Council.

An alternative access had been proposed involving the release of additional farmland but the landowner was not, prepared at this stage to release more land for Parish Council use. Councillor MacWilliam advised that more work would be required to try and identify the owner of the land in question, previous attempts have proved un successful

9 Footpaths

Cllr Danby raised an issue in relation to posts alongside route ER3 and Cllr Shepherd indicated that hedging and fence structures were now encroaching on the same footpath between Climdown and The Rise.

ACTION Clerk to progress continuing maintenance of boundaries to footpaths

10. Land Issues

Cllr Macwilliam confirmed that the grazing licence and lease for the land in Ringwould had been renewed and the first rental payment received.

11. Planning applications

The following recommendations of the planning committee were announced:


Location Site R/O 43, Balmoral Road Kingsdown

Erection of detached bungalow

OBJECTIONS, the development is over intensive and not in keeping with the general layout of the area, particularly when the development of the adjacent plot at the rear of 41 Balmoral Road is taken into consideration. The roof at no 41 is prominent in the landscape, because of its position in the foreground from the special landscape area and the roof of the proposed development will compound the intrusion on the landscape area

Status: DDC granted permission


Five Bells Public House

Erection of single storey side and rear extensions


Status: DDC Granted permission


The Zetland Arms Public House

Change of use to external seating area.


There were mixed views about the commercialisation of this area, so close to an area of SSSI but also acknowledging the positive benefits of allowing more people to enjoy the area. Should the application be granted the Council would wish to be sure that:

·  the slipway would not be obstructed in any way, the allocation of parking bays was felt to be very optimistic in this regard given that the area is all beach shingle and pebbles so impossible to formally mark out

·  that the tables and chairs be removed in winter so that the area reverts back to its normal condition


Calmwater, Queensdown Road, Kingsdown

Erection of Extensions

OBJECTIONS Property is too large for the plot and out of keeping with the area.


Bowden Lodge, Oldstairs Rd, Kingsdown

Erection of detached garage


Status: DDC Granted permission


Chevin House, Claremont Rd, Kingsdown

Erection of single story extension, side and rear dormer roof extensions

AMBIVALENT– the lot is sufficiently large to prevent impact on neighbouring properties but some doubts about the design of the roof extension itself

Status: withdrawn


Kingsdown Chalet Park

Additional play equipment in childrens’ play area



Glendale Lodge

Erection of detached building to use as staff room

AMBIVALENT with comment about builders hut style of building


Daisy Cottage, The Rise Kingsdown

Erection of single storey rear extension



Victory Cottage, Wellington Parade, Kingsdown

Erection of front extension

POSITIVELY SUPPORTS proposals will enhance the buildings appearance


Kingsdown Holiday Village, erection of signs and flagpoles

OBJECTIONS strong objections these are out of keeping in style and colour within a conservation area

The following decisions of the Planning Department, Dover District Council were announced

Applications withdrawn:


Chevin House, Claremont Rd, Kingsdown

Erection of single story extension, side and rear dormer roof extensions


Kingsdown Holiday Village

Erection of 2 non-illuminated signs (previous application)

Now subject to a new application no 000724

Applications Granted Permission


Aysgarth Upper Street Kingsdown

Erection of dormer roof extension to Front


Land North East of Cambria, Upper Street, Kingsdown

Erection of detached dwelling and vehicular access


8 Alexandra Road, Kingsdown

Erection of a single storey rear extension


Furzebrook, St Monica’s Road, Kingsdown

Erection of a single storey rear extension


St Andrews House, Upper Street, Kingsdown

Erection of new conservatory


Location Site R/O 43, Balmoral Road Kingsdown

Erection of detached bungalow


Five Bells Public House

Erection of single storey side and rear extensions


Bowden Lodge, Oldstairs Rd, Kingsdown

Erection of detached garage

Cllr Shepherd expressed a concern about the low levels of public response and involvement in local planning applications, particularly those with a potential major impact on a local community. He asked how the Parish Council could address this. Cllr Paice and Cllr Jackaman stated that councillors could make contact with local residents when planning applications were circulated and ensure that they were aware of those currently under review and where they could get further information. Cllr Paice confirmed that he does make contact with local residents and neighbours as appropriate when he receives information on applications.

12. Correspondence

The following items of correspondence were discussed


Parish News Issues 341 distributed

I copy per councillor and a copy for the clerk


Letter received from a Deal resident regarding a local Kingsdown contractor against whom she has a case pending in small claims and with Trading Standards. The resident enquired whether the Parish Council has a Rogue Traders List and is anxious that by making the PC aware of the case, that no one else has to experience similar problems and stress.

ACTION Clerk to respond, expressing concern but advising that the Council has no jurisdiction in such matters and does not maintain a rogue traders list