School of Business - Wolfson Campus

“Enrich Business, One Learner at a Time”

Course Name/Number/ Reference:Business Ethics – MAN3065 - 808240

Semester/Credits:Mini Term – Fall 2014

Class Days/Time/Location:S / 8:00 – 11:40 AM / Room 7A16

Instructor:Lilian Chaves, MBA


Instructor/Department Phone: 305-469-4020 (until 8:00 pm only)

Office Hours:S 11:45 – 12:45 PM – by appointment only

Course website: / Angel Course Site

Additional Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday from 6 pm to 9pm on Angel. Please expect up to 2 business hours for feedback

Course Description:

The student will learn how personal values and ethics influence the decision-making capacity of the manager within an organization. The student will learn about ethical theories and the roles they play in the social and corporate behavior of organization. The student will acquire an understanding of how an organization can institutionalize its ethical system.

Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in the BAS program.

Required Text: Business Ethics, 9th edition, 2013, by O.C. Ferrell, John Fraedrich, and

Linda Ferrell, South-Western Cengage Learning.

Course Competencies:

Competency 1: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the application of ethics in business by:

1. defining ethics in business.

2. identifying desirable from undesirable ethical actions.

3. describing a code of ethics.

Competency 2: The student will differentiate between truth, lies, and costs by:

1. defining the truth.

2. defining a lie.

3. describing the costs of unethical behaviors.

4. describing influences that might lead to unethical behaviors

Competency 3: The student will differentiate between impetus and imperative by:

1. defining impetus.

2. defining imperative.

3. contrasting impetus and imperative

Competency 4: The student will demonstrate the ability combine ethical behaviors with normal supervision and management behaviors by:

1. describing where ethics intersect with everyday supervision and management.

2. defining ethical behaviors in supervision and management.

3. understanding how personal values could influence a supervisor or manager.

4. understanding how organizational values could influence a supervisor or


Competency 5: The student will be capable of analyzing an ethical case example by:

1. understanding what constitutes legal behavior.

2. understanding what constitutes responsible behavior.

3. understanding what constitutes ethical behavior.

4. adjusting their values to do the right thing and make responsible, not just legal


5. behaving as an ethical role model.

Miami Dade College Learning Outcomes:

Purpose: Through the academic disciplines and co-curricular activities, General Education provides multiple, varied, and intentional learning experiences to facilitate the acquisition

of fundamental knowledge and skills and the development of attitudes that foster effective citizenship and life-long learning. As graduate of Miami Dade College, students will be able to:

  • Communicate effectively using listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.
  • Formulate strategies to locate, evaluate, and apply information.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of ethics thinking and its application to issues in society.

Grading Policy:

90 - 100 = A

80 - 89 = B

70 - 79 = C

60 - 69 = D

below60 = F

Grading Criteria:

Activity / Points
Exams (2) / 200 (100 points each)
Case studies / 150 (75 points each)
In class assignments / 100 (20 points each)
Quizzes / 100 (25 points each)
Discussion Questions / 100 (20 points each)
Attendance / 60 points
Total / 710 Points

Academic Honesty:

Students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity. Students found texting, talking or helping other students during exams will receive a grade of zero. Any students found guilty of plagiarism will receive a grade of zero for their assignments. Students should refer to the Student’s Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.

Exams and Quizzes:

There will be one Midterm and one Final Exam given. Each exam will cover materials from the text, lectures and other materials presented in class. Exams will be in multiple-choice format. There will beno makeup examswithout proper documentation and no extra credit assignments will be given. If the student completes both exams, the student may elect to replace their lowest quiz grade with the corresponding exam grade (Midterm – Chapters 1 – 5; Final – Chapters 6 – 10). Quizzes are in class and are open notes but not open book.

Case Studies:

There will be two case studies assigned during the term. All instructions will be given in class and will be posted on the class website. All entries must be typed, double-double spaced and no less than two pages in length.

In Class Assignments:

There will be fivein-class assignments worth 20 points each. The assignments will be either individual or in group format, and will involve hands-on learning for the aspects discussed in class. A clean write-up of the in-class assignments will be due during the following class. All assignment due dates are posted on the grid below.


Students are expected to attend class. Attendance will be taken and turned in

with final grade reports. Each student is expected to be an active participant and to make meaningful comments on cases being discussed. If you missed a class, it is your responsibility to find out what was covered and to make it up. There will be weekly discussion questions.

Grade of Incomplete Policy:

When a student has failed to complete the requirements of a course, the student may be given an incomplete or “I” grade as long as the student has completed 80% of the assigned work. To be awarded an “I”, the student must present to the instructor valid reasons for not having completed the course requirements. The instructor and the student then complete an

Agreement for Grade of Incomplete form. This agreement will determine the requirements

for a course grade, including due dates for assignments, projects or tests; which must be completed by the end of the next major term, or a failing grade is assigned. An incomplete form signed by student and instructor is required to be submitted with any recorded grade of incomplete.

The Professor reserves the right to modify this syllabus and all due dates with

notice to students.

Date / In-Class Activities/ Due / Due on Angel by Friday
October 25 / Syllabus Review
Chapters 1- 2
In-class activity 1
Review Case Study 1
November 1 / Write up from in-class activity 1
Quiz 1
Chapters 3 – 4
In-class activity 2 / Discussion question and comments due on Angel
November 8 / Write up from in-class activity 2
Quiz 2
Chapter 5
In-class Activity 3 / ***Case Study 1 due
Discussion question and comments due on Angel
Review for Midterm
November 15 / Write up from in-class activity 3
Ch. 6 – 7
In class activity 4
Review Case Study 2 / Discussion question and comments on Angel
November 22 / Quiz 3
Chapter 8 – 9 / Discussion question and comments due on Angel
In class activity 5
Write up from in-class activity 4
November 29 / No Class – Thanksgiving Break / Discussion question and comments due on Angel
December 6 / Write up from in-class activity 5
Quiz 4
Chapter 10
Review for Final – Study break in class
*** Final exam / ***Case Study 2 Due
Discussion question and comments on Angel

*All ‘Due on Angel’ items are due on Angel by 11:59 pm on Friday evenings. In-class write-ups will be turned in to the next class (one per group) and must include all partner names. Write-ups should be typed and 12 point. Discussion questions are due the day before class andstudents must respond to at least two other posts for full credit. Case studies are due through Turnitin on Angel site.

Syllabus Confirmation

I (print name), ______, certify that I have read and understood the syllabus for this class.

Preferred email address: ______

Preferred contact number: ______

Emergency contact (name): ______

Emergency contact (phone): ______

Signature: ______

Date: ______

1 | MAN3065 Syllabus| Prof. Chaves | S8:00 – 11:40AM | Room 7A16