Public Schools of RobesonCounty

2011-2012 School Improvement Plan

School Name:Fairgrove Middle School Number _324___

Approved by Staff:

Date of Approval by Staff: ___10/03/11______Results (% Approval)_____98%

Principal’s Signature______

Vision Statement: / Striving toward excellence in education, character development, and community involvement is Fairgrove Middle School’s primary goal.
Mission Statement: / Learning Today For A Better Tomorrow.
Beliefs: /
  • Every child can learn.
  • Quality education involves teaching life skills to become productive citizens of tomorrow.
  • Respect should be shared by teachers and students toward each other.
  • An atmosphere of mutual respect is enhanced by collaborative teamwork among facilitators, students, and parents.
  • Students learn through varying teaching strategies which include the use of technology to accommodate diverse learners.

Projected Outcomes: / All students will achieve and excel academically, emotionally, and physically.

School: Fairgrove Middle Year: ______2011- 2012______

School Profile

Please provide a brief description of your school, student composition, and community.

Fairgrove Middle School is one of ten middle schools in Robeson County, the largest county in the state of North Carolina. The county in bounded to the south by South Carolina state line. Per the 2000 census, the county is tri-racial with 38 percent American Indian, 39 percent White, and 25 percent Black. Fairgrove Middle School is one of two middle schools in the Fairmont community.
The middle school serves approximately 311 students in grades 4-8 with 85.7 percent qualifying for free or reduced price lunches; 32 percent are African American, 63 percent are American Indian and 9 percent are White with the remainder of the population being other ethnic groups. Approximately 19.4 percent of the students are identified as “special needs.” The attendance rate for the school in 2010-2011 was 94.3 percent. Students are scheduled in blocks daily of 93 minutes while receiving one block of resource time of 63 minutes.
The school is in an older facility that has seen additions and renovations. Although older, it is a clean and inviting facility. The school district has upgraded science labs at FMS, allowing students at each grade level to have hands-on laboratory experiences.
There are twenty-seven classroom teachers at FMS 14percent of whom have more than 10 years teaching experience. The teacher retention rate at the end of the 2010-2011 school year was 78%.
According to the North Carolina Accountability Program, FMS did not make AYP in 2010-2011 having met only 15of 21 performance targets.

Revised 9/19/2011


SCHOOL : Fairgrove Middle PRINCIPAL : Charles Locklear


School Central Office

A.Cover Sheet (School's Name, Principal's Name and Date,

Mission) page 1______

B.School Improvement Team Members (this sheet) page 2______

C. I. High Academic Performance______

Grades PreK-8: Reading, Writing, Math

Grades 9-12:English I & II, Algebra I & II, ELPS, Biology, U. S. History,

Geometry, Chemistry, Physics, Physical Science (Final Grade count 25%)

*Required for all PreK-12 schools

*A. Data analysis/Comprehensive Needs Assessments______

*B. Teacher Involvement in Data Analysis______

*C. Strategies to improve academic performance______

*D. Remediation/Acceleration______

*E. Parental involvement______

*F. Site based management______

*G. Partnerships______

*H. Technology______

*I. Integration of funding (Title I, Indian Ed., Migrant Ed., all grants)______

*J. High expectations (Integration of Federal, State, and Local Services)______

*K. Address needs of diverse populations (E.C., A.G., 504, others)______

*L. Attendance/Drop-out Prevention/Graduation Rate/Cohort______

*M. SAT Preparation/Test Taking Skills______

*N. NCLB (Addressing Subgroup Strategies) ______

*O. DSSF Strategies/Funding______

*P. Highly Qualified Staff______

*Q. Transition Plans______

*R. Rigor, Relevance, Relationships______

II. Title I Plan (include parental involvement) – K – 8 ______

III. SafeSchool Plan______

IV. High Quality Staff Development Plan______

(Must also include specific strategies to address lateral entry and new teachers)

V. IndividualSchool Waivers______

VI. School Improvement Plan Summary______

VII. Resources Needed______

The following team members collaborated with school staff to develop the School Improvement Plan for our school.

School Improvement Team Members / Review Team
Signature / Position / Signature
Charles Locklear / Principal
Donnie Hunt / Noncertified Staff Member
Emily Wood - Chairperson / 4th Grade Teacher
Ashley Bailey / 5th Grade Teacher
Sharon Hunt / 6th Grade Teacher
Bob Waddell / 7th Grade Teacher
Tonya Brown / 8th Grade Teacher
Barbara Baker / Teacher Assistant
Belinda Hunt / Parent
Sharon Luellen / EC Teacher
Ronald Watson / Resource

Data Sheet (K-8)

School: Fairgrove MiddleBeginning Time of Instructional Day 7:50 a.m.

Year:2011 - 2012Ending Time of Instructional Day 2:50 p.m.

EOG Scores / Reading / Math / Writing
2008-2009 / 2009-2010 / 2010-2011 / 2008-2009 / 2009-2010 / 2010-2011 / 2008-2009 / 2009-2010 / 2010-2011
Grade 3
Grade 4 / 32.0 / 30.6 / 46.7 / 55.0 / 50.0 / 43.5 / CNA / CNA / CNA
Grade 5 / 40.0 / 32.3 / 31.9 / 55.0 / 40.3 / 40.3
Grade 6 / 49.0 / 50.8 / 42.9 / 44 / 54.0 / 46.0
Grade 7 / 32.0 / 33.3 / 42.9 / 54.0 / 56.1 / 61.2 / CNA / CNA / CNA
Grade 8 / 36.0 / 44.3 / 43.6 / 49.0 / 65.7 / 89.0 / Currently / Not / Available
2008-2009 / 2009-2010 / 2010-2011
K-2 Assessment Data
AYP Targets Met / 11 / 16 / 15
AYP Target Not Met / 10 / 5 / 6
Computer Skills / 77.7% / 72% / N/A
Attendance % / 94.0% / 93% / 95%
Teacher Retention Rate / 69.2% / 72% / 78%

School Data and Summary Analysis

School: ______Fairgrove Middle_______Year: ______2011-2012______

Guiding Questions: Review school data and consider a variety of perspectives including overall school/student performance, sub-group performance, attendance, teacher satisfaction, instructional practice (from walk-through/observations), and student learning (also from walk-through/observations as well as data).

  1. What does the analysis tell you about your schools strengths?

Small class sizes
-Well maintained facility
-Highly qualified/certified personnel
-Availability of Technology
  1. What does the analysis tell you about your schools gaps or opportunities for improvement?

-Parental involvement
-Student and staff attendance
-Academic performance
-Staff Development
  1. What data is missing, and how will you go about collecting this information for future use?

Parental Involvement (conduct parental surveys)
-Staff Development (Needs Assessment)
-Student Academic Needs Assessment (conduct student surveys)
  1. Based upon the analysis conducted, what 3-5 top priorities emerge for the school?

-Parental Involvement -Staff Development -Staff Attendance
-Academic Achievement -Student Attendance

Cite relevant evidence from your analysis to support these priorities.

Low attendance supported by sign-in rosters
-NCEOG scores
-NC Teacher Working Conditions Survey (2010)
-NCWISE reports
-IDENT-A-KID Staff Attendance Report

Public Schools of Robeson County



School Name: ______Fairgrove Middle______

State Goal(s)/District Goal(s)One: / NC/Public Schools of Robeson County will produce globally competitive students.
School ObjectiveOne: / To provide a balanced English Lanugage Arts program that will enable studentsto write effectively across the curriculum.
ABC Standard(s): / High Student Performance
NCLB: AYP Standard(s): / Adequate Yearly Progress
Measure/Result (Present Score and Target Scores) – must match Stated Objectives: / State/Local Writing results for grades 4 & 7 will increase.
Strategies (Processes) / Staff Development Plan Alignment
(# only) / Timeline / Method of Evaluation / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline for Monitoring / Resources Needed/List all funding sources / System Focus
1.1.1Utilize Best Practices in writing across the curriculm. / Annual / Lesson Plans
PLCs / Admin.
Curriculum Specialist
Curriculum Supervisors
Instruction Specialist-DPI / Ongoing / Best Practices in Writing
Online Moodle Training / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.1.2Develop and deploy rigorous lessons aligned with the NCSCOS daily. / Annual / Lesson Plans
Department Meetings / Admin.
Curriculum Specialist
Curriculum Supervisors
Instruction Specialist-DPI / Ongoing / NCSCOS
Pacing Guides / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.1.3Maintain a student portfolio that
contains writing samples. / Annual / Observation
Conferencing / Admin.
Curriculum Specialist
Curriculum Supervisors / Ongoing / Portfolios / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.1.4Attend local/state staff development
when available to increase knowledge base of writing across the curriculum / Annual / Observation
Conferencing / Admin.
Curriculum Specialist
Curriculum Supervisors
Instruction Specialist-DPI / Ongoing / Staff Development
Title 1 / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.1.5Require students to write across the
curriculum in order to increase writing competencies. / Annual / Lesson Plans
Department Meetings / Admin.
Curriculum Specialist
Curriculum Supervisors / Ongoing / Journals
Writing prompts / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.1.6 Align AIG and EC writing
instruction with regular curriculum. / Annual / Lesson Plans / Admin.
Curriculum Specialist
Curriculum Supervisors / Ongoing / ELA Department Meetings w/EC & AIG teachers / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.1.7 Disaggregate and analyze all student testing data in order to increase student achievement in writing. / Annual / Lesson Plans
Department Meetings
PLCs / PSRC Testing Coord.
Curriculum Specialist
Curriculum Supervisors / Ongoing / Relevant Testing data
Writing Assessments
Writing Moodle / Teaching
Instructional Support

Public Schools of Robeson County



School Name: ______Fairgrove Middle______

State Goal(s)/District Goal(s)One: / NC/Public Schools of Robeson County will produce globally competitive students.
School ObjectiveTwo: / To provide a balanced English Lanugage Arts program that will enable studentsto read and comprehend a variety of materials in order to apply information at or above grade level.
ABC Standard(s): / High Student Performance
NCLB: AYP Standard(s): / Adequate Yearly Progress
Measure/Result (Present Score and Target Scores) – must match Stated Objectives: / EOG Reading Comprehension results for grades 4 – 8 will meet or exceed all state/local/federal requirements.
Strategies (Processes) / Staff Development Plan Alignment
(# only) / Timeline / Method of Evaluation / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline for Monitoring / Resources Needed/List all funding sources / System Focus
1.2.1Disaggregate and analyze all student testing data in order to increase student achievement in reading comprehension. / 1,2,3,6,7,9,11 / Annual / Lesson Plans
PLCs / PSRC Testing Coor.
Data Manager
Curriculum Specialist / Ongoing / Goal Summaries
Composite Scores
Released Testing Data Collection
Benchmark results
Discovery Education
Renissance Place / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.2.2Develop and deploy rigorous lessons aligned with the NCSCOS daily in order to increase reading comprehension. / 1,2,3,6,7,9,11 / Annual / Lesson Plans
Department Meetings / Admin.
Curriculum Specialist
Curriculum Supervisors / Ongoing / NCSCOS / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.2.3Develop and honor a Required
ReadingList(s) for each grade level (4-8). / 1,2,3,6,7,9,11 / Annual / Lesson Plans
Department Meetings / Admin.
Curriculum Specialist
Curriculum Supervisors / Ongoing / Library
Novel sets
Varied reading materials / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.2.4Attend local/state staff development
when available to increase knowledge base of readingacross the curriculum / 1,2,3,6,7,9,11 / Annual / Staff Development Rosters
Staff Development Request / Admin.
Curriculum Specialist
Curriculum Supervisors / Ongoing / Staff Development
Substitute Teachers
Common Core Curriculum Training / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.2.5Utilize Best Practices in reading
across the curriculm. / 1,2,3,6,7,9,11 / Annual / Lesson Plans
Department Meetings
Literacy Team Meetings / Admin.
Curriculum Specialist
Curriculum Supervisors
Instructional Coaches - DPI / Ongoing / Best Practices in Reading
Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.2.6 Utilize computers in all classrooms
for curriculum enhancement
through online initiatives. / 1,2,3,6,7,9,11 / Annual / Online reports / Principals
Guidance / Ongoing / Study Island
Discovery Education
Success Maker
Renissance Place / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.2.7Align AIG (acceleration) and EC
(accomodations) reading instruction
to the grade level reading
instructionand NCSCOS. / 1,2,3,6,7,9,11 / Annual / Lesson Plans
Department Meetings
PLCs / Principal
AIG Teachers
Curriculum Specialist / Ongoing / NCSCOS / Teaching
Instructional Support

Public Schools of Robeson County



School Name: ______Fairgrove Middle______

State Goal(s)/District Goal(s)One: / NC/Public Schools of Robeson County will produce globally competitive students.
School ObjectiveThree: / To provide a balanced Mathematics program which enables students to understand basic mathematical concepts and apply processing skills to analyze problems at or above grade level.
ABC Standard(s): / High Student Performance
NCLB: AYP Standard(s): / Adequate Yearly Progress
Measure/Result (Present Score and Target Scores) – must match Stated Objectives: / EOG Math results for grades 4 – 8 will meet or exceed all state/local/federal requirements.
Strategies (Processes) / Staff Development Plan Alignment
(# only) / Timeline / Method of Evaluation / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline for Monitoring / Resources Needed/List all funding sources / System Focus
1.3.1Disaggregate and analyze all student testing data in order to increase student achievement in mathematics. / 1
7 / Annual / Lesson Plans
Test Results / PSRC Testing Coor.
Data Manager
Curriculum Specialist / Quarterly / Goal Summaries
Composite Scores
Released Testing Data Collection
Benchmark results
Discovery Education
Renissance Place / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.3.2Utilizegrade level/department meetings to address math deficiencies and to discuss/target/implement Best Practices for improvement. / 1
7 / Annual / Minutes of meetings, tests, observations. / Teachers
Principal / Quarterly / Best Practices in Math
Curriculum Specialist
Department Chair / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.3.3 Provide remediation and
aligned toNCDPI resources
during after schooltutoring. / 1
3 / Annual / Lesson Plans
Data Analysis / Teachers
Tutors / Quarterly / Title I
SAF Funds
21st Century Tutoring / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.3.4Use technology and calculators
regularly in all math classrooms. / 3
8 / Annual / Lesson Plans
Observations / Principal
Teachers / Quarterly / Title I
DSSF / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.3.5Utilize computers in all classrooms
for curriculum enhancement through online initiatives. / 1
8 / Annual / Online reports / Principals
Technology Coordinator / Quarterly / Study Island
Discovery Education
Success Maker
Renissance Place
EOG Test Maker / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.3.6Align AIG (acceleration) and EC
(accomodations) math instruction to the grade level math instruction and NCSCOS. / 1
7 / Annual / Lesson Plans
Department Meetings / Principal
EC, AIG & Regular Teachers / Quarterly / NCSCOS / Teaching
Instructional Support

Public Schools of Robeson County



School Name: ______Fairgrove Middle______

State Goal(s)/District Goal(s)One: / NC/Public Schools of Robeson County will produce globally competitive students.
School ObjectiveFour: / To provide a balanced Science program which enables students to understand basic science concepts and apply processing skills to analyze problems at or above grade level.
ABC Standard(s): / High Student Performance
NCLB: AYP Standard(s): / Adequate Yearly Progress
Measure/Result (Present Score and Target Scores) – must match Stated Objectives: / EOG Science Test for grades 5 & 8 will reflect an increase in science proficiency by 10%.
Strategies (Processes) / Staff Development Plan Alignment
(# only) / Timeline / Method of Evaluation / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline for Monitoring / Resources Needed/List all funding sources / System Focus
1.4.1 Disaggregate and analyze all
relevant student testing data in
order to increase student
achievement in science. / 1, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11 / Annual / Lesson Plans
Test Results / PSRC Testing Coor.
Site Testing Coor.
Data Manager
Curriculum Specialist / Quarterly / Goal Summaries
Composite Scores
Released Testing Data Collection
Benchmark results / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.4.2 Use grade level/department meetings to address science deficiencies and to offer Best Practices for improvement. / 1, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11 / Annual / Minutes of meetings
Test Data
Observations / Teachers
Principal / Quarterly / Best Practices in Science
Curriculum Specialist
Department Chair / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.4.3 Provide remediation and
aligned to NCDPI resources
during after school tutoring. / 1, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11 / Annual / Lesson Plans
Data Analysis / Teachers
Curriculum Specialist
Curriculum Supervisors / Quarterly / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.4.4Conduct relevant labs to augment
curriculum. / 1, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11 / Annual / Lesson Plans
Data Analysis / Teacher
Curriculum Supervisor
Department Chair
Curriculum Specialist / Quarterly / Lab equipment/materials / Teaching
Instructional Support
1.4.5Utilize computers in all classrooms
for curriculum enhancement and discovery. / 1, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11 / Annual / Lesson Plans
Data Analysis / Teacher
Curriculum Supervisor
Department Chair
Curriculum Specialist / Quarterly / Computers
Internet connectivity
Discovery Education
Study Island
EOG Test Maker / Teaching
Instructional Support

Public Schools of Robeson County



School Name: Fairgrove Middle

Goal:Use all resources and best practices to reduce the dropout rate, increase academic performance, and increase the graduation rate.

Strategies (Processes) / Timeline / Method of Evaluation / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline for Monitoring / Resources Needed/List all funding sources
Provide active learning that engages and involves students in the learning process. / Annual / Observations
Test results
Class participation / All school personnel / Quarterly / Teachers
Lesson Plans
Provide Mentoring and tutoring in small groups or one-to-one in a caring and supportive relationship that inspires trust. / Annual / Test Results
Absentees / All school personnel / Quarterly / Teachers Counselor
Peer Mediator
Provide a safe and caring learning environment. / Annual / Student surveys
Teacher surveys
Parent surveys / SRO and school personnel / Quarterly / All personnel
Central Office
Increase parental involvement by:
  • School and classroom newsletters (online)
  • Phone call system
  • Teacher contacts
  • School Website
/ Annual / PTA Attendance
Open House Attendance
Parent Volunteers / All school personnel / Quarterly / Teachers
Title I Parent Involvement Funds
Provide extra curricular activities to keep students actively involved in school. / Annual / Student Rosters / All school personnel / Quarterly / Faculty & staff
Staff will receive training in best practices related to dropout prevention. / Annual / Staff development roster / School administration / Quarterly / Administration
Central Office

Public Schools of Robeson County



School Name: Fairgrove Middle

Goal:Improve the system’s SAT average by 50 points

Strategies (Processes) / Timeline / Method of Evaluation / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline for Monitoring / Resources Needed/List all funding sources
Provide opportunities for students to take practice PSAT and SAT test. / Annual / Test registration rosters / Guidance Counselor / Quarterly / PSAT/SAT information and dates
Incorporate higher order thinking skills in activities for students. / Annual / Lesson plans / Teachers
Administrator / Quarterly / Teachers
Staff development
Ensure that all eligible students are referred to the Duke Talent Identification Program (TIP). / Annual / TIPS Participation / Counselor
AIG Teacher / Quarterly / TIP information packet and applications.
Test-taking skills are integrated in all subjects. / Annual / Observation / Teachers
Administrators / Quarterly / Proven Strategies Handouts

Public Schools of Robeson County