School-Level Multi-Tiered System of Support Implementation Plan – Elementary Level

This document provides an example of school-level multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) implementation plan that aligns with the installation work School Leadership Teams(SLTs) will engage in for the installation and use of an integrated behavior and reading MTSS framework. This first portion of the plan focuses specifically on Tier 1 School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS). SLTs will add to the plan as they continue to install and use an integrated behavior and reading MTSS framework.

Author: Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI)


Date:September 2017


  • Install the components of an integrated behavior and reading MTSS framework
  • Use behavior and reading MTSS data, systems, and practices with fidelity to improve student outcomes

Goal 1: Install the components of an integrated behavior and reading MTSS framework


Complete 100% of the installation tasks for School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) by August of 2018.

Table 1. Objective 1 Status

Assessment Measure / Data Measured / Status
SWPBIS Installation Checklist One / February 2018
SWPBIS Installation Checklists One & Two / March 2018
SWPBIS Installation Checklists One, Two, & Three / April 2018
SWPBIS Installation Checklist One, Two, Three, & Four / August 2018


Implement School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) with fidelity as measured by a Tier I scale score of 70% or higher on the SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) by Fall of 2018.

Table 2. Objective 2 Status

Assessment Measure / Data Measured / Status
SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory Tier I / February/March 2018
SWPBSI Tiered Fidelity Inventory Tier I / August/September 2018

Table 3. Activities for Objectives 1 & 2

Activity / By Whom? / By When? / Status
  1. Develop an “introduction to PBIS” for school staff

  1. Present “introduction to PBIS” to school staff

  1. Establish School Leadership Team (SLT) membership and communicate out to full staff

  1. Establish SLT meeting schedule (at least monthly) for the reminder of the current school year, complete the SLT Start Up Packet and send to the District Implementation Team (DIT)

  1. Establish communication plan and feedback loops between SLT and staff, students, and families

  1. Develop a compelling why for SWPBIS work

  1. Establish staff commitment to SWPBIS (at least 80% of staff agree)

  1. Deepen staff learning around the purpose of having 3-5 school-wide behavioral expectations

  1. Develop 3-5 school-wide behavioral expectations with staff, student, and family input

  1. Deepen staff learning around defining school-wide expectations in all settings

  1. Create a behavior matrix with staff and student input

  1. Deepen staff learning around teaching expectations

  1. Create lesson plans with staff for teaching behavioral expectations in all school settings

  1. Develop a plan with staff for teaching the lessons in all settings

  1. Complete Tier I of the SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)

  1. Work with SWIS Facilitator to complete SWIS Readiness requirements to obtain a SWIS license

  1. Work with staff to develop a discipline referral form that is SWIS compatible

  1. Deepen staff knowledge around monitoring behavior

  1. Create a plan with staff for monitoring behavioral expectations school-wide

  1. Deepen staff knowledge around acknowledgements

  1. Develop a school-wide acknowledgement system with staff and students

  1. Deepen staff knowledge around correcting behavior (including using the poster your team creates around exclusionary practices)

  1. Work with staff to create a consistent response system for behavioral correction

  1. Create setting specific posters of SWPBIS expectations and other visual displays of expectations for the school

  1. Ensure all items for the acknowledgement system are ready for the fall

Goal 2:

Use the behavior and reading MTSS data, systems and practices with fidelity to improve student outcomes


Implement Tier 1 SWPBIS with fidelity by maintaining a score of at least 70% on the Tier 1 scale of the SWPBIS TFI by May of 2019 resulting in a decrease of discipline referrals.

Table 4. Objective 3 Status

Assessment Measure / Data Measured / Status
SWPBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory Tier I / May 2019
SWIS Average Referrals per Day per Month / September 2018
SWIS Average Referrals per Day per Month / October 2018
SWIS Average Referrals per Day per Month / November 2018
SWIS Average Referrals per Day per Month / December 2018
SWIS Average Referrals per Day per Month / January 2019
SWIS Average Referrals per Day per Month / February 2019
SWIS Average Referrals per Day per Month / March 2019
SWIS Average Referrals per Day per Month / April 2019
SWIS Average Referrals per Day per Month / May 2019
SWIS Average Referrals per Day per Month / June 2019

Table 5. Activities for Objective 3

Activity / By Whom? / By When? / Status
  1. Establish School Leadership Team (SLT) monthly meeting schedule for the 2018-19 school year

  1. Invite SWIS Facilitator to initial SLT meetings for Fall of 2018 to ensure support for use of SWIS data in problem solving

  1. Share SWIS data with school staff at least monthly throughout the 2018-19 school year.

  1. Add on to this MTSS implementation plan the installation activities for School-wide Reading Model

  1. Attend school-level data reviews in Winter and Spring of 2018-19 school year


Complete 100% of the installation tasks for Tier 1 of a School-wide Reading Model (SWRM)

Table 6 Enter Status Update based on the percent of items completed on the installation checklist.

Assessment Measure / Date Measured / Status
SWRM Installation Checklist / October 2018
SWRM Installation Checklist / November 2018
SWRM Installation Checklist / December 2018


______Elementary will implement School-wide Reading Model with fidelity as measured by a Tier 1 scale score of ______or higher on Reading Tiered Fidelity Inventory (R-TFI) Elementary Level Edition by May of 2019

Table 7 Enter Status Update based on the Tier I scale score on the R-TFI.

Assessment Measure / Data Measured / Status
Reading Tiered Fidelity Inventory – Tier I scale score / January 2019
Reading Tiered Fidelity Inventory – Tier I scale score / May 2019

Table 8 Add details specific to the column headings for each row. Teams can add additional activities as needed to fully develop their plan.

Activity / By Whom? / By When? / Status
  1. Develop a description of the School-wide Reading Model and how it links to the Third-Grade Reading Legislation to be used when communicating with staff
/ Intentionally left blank / Intentionally left blank / Intentionally left blank
  1. Complete Tier I of the R-TFI Elementary Level Edition with support from MIBLSI Reading Data Coordinator
/ Intentionally left blank / Intentionally left blank / Intentionally left blank
  1. Develop a S.M.A.R.T. objective for R-TFI Elementary Level Edition and record it in this MTSS Implementation Plan
/ Intentionally left blank / Intentionally left blank / Intentionally left blank
  1. Share the current status and S.M.A.R.T. objective for R-TFI Elementary Level Edition with staff
/ Intentionally left blank / Intentionally left blank / Intentionally left blank
  1. Develop a compelling why for a school-wide reading model as a part of the MTSS framework to use when communicating with staff
/ Intentionally left blank / Intentionally left blank / Intentionally left blank
  1. Complete the summary of School-wide DIBELS Next Data from Fall
/ Intentionally left blank / Intentionally left blank / Intentionally left blank
  1. Create an MTSS update for staff that includes all of the following: (a) most recent SWPBIS TFI Tier I scale score, (b) summary of progress since initial SWPBIS TFI Tier I assessment, (c) description of School-wide Reading Model and how it aligns with the Third-Grade Reading Legislation, (d) summary of Fall DIBELS Next Universal Screening data, (e) compelling why message for School-wide Reading Model, and (f) next steps
/ Intentionally left blank / Intentionally left blank / Intentionally left blank
  1. Plan for when and how the MTSS Update will be shared with staff
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  1. Complete the Leadership Team Self-Assessment and determine what needs to be done to strengthen or maintain your team’s functioning
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  1. Create the agenda for your next SLT meeting that is sure to incorporate both reading and behavior

  1. Conduct refresher trainings for DIBELS Next universal screening in winter and spring of the current school year
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  1. Collect DIBELS Next administration and scoring fidelity data for winter and spring of the current school year
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  1. Determine how and when school-wide universal screening data will be shared with key stakeholder groups

  1. Establish structures to support grade level team meetings including meeting norms, standard agenda, and time for meetings
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  1. Identify common professional learning needs for your school related to a School-wide Reading Model (e.g., DIBELS Essential training, DIBELS Administration & Scoring training, Grade-Level Problem-Solving Team training) and communicate with staff who will be attending these trainings
/ Intentionally left blank / Intentionally left blank / Intentionally left blank
  1. Develop school-wide schedule that allows for a minimum of 90-minutes of reading instruction daily at each grade level
/ Principal / January 2018 / Intentionally left blank
  1. Identify time to allocate for reading intervention above and beyond the 90-minute reading block
/ Principal / January 2019 / Intentionally left blank
  1. Conduct an audit of how much time is currently being allocated for core reading instruction at each grade level
/ Principal / January 2019 / Intentionally left blank
  1. Identify specific curriculum resources at each grade level that address each of the big ideas of reading at each grade level
/ Principal / January 2019 / Intentionally left blank

Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI) funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through
the Michigan Department of Education.

Title of document matching H1 (Month, Year)

Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MIBLSI) is a Grant Funded Initiative (GFI),

funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) through the Michigan Department of Education.