VOLUME X Number 45 Sunday, November 1, 2009

Annual Theme: Our Trust Is In Jesus

Jeremiah 32:27

Please send Deaconess Angela Heath any news or announcements that need to be included in Second Hands. She may be reached at home 301-627-1191 or via the church email:

Welcome Visitors!

Welcome to The Second Baptist Church of Washington founded in 1848. We are pleased that you have chosen to worship with us. It is our prayer that you feel blessed by your worship experience and the Christian fellowship. If you are visiting from another city or church, we wish you a safe and blessed return. If you do not have a church home, we invite you to become a member of ours!

Rev. Dr. James E. Terrell, Pastor



Sunday, November 1, 2009

Daylight Saving Times Ends

November 1, 2009

11:00 a.m. Stewardship Sunday

After Service Meetings:

Pastor & Group Leaders Mtg

Youth Ushers Mtg.

Monday, November 2, 2009

7:00 p.m. Joint Board Meeting

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

6:00 p.m. Prayer Mtg, & Bible

Study - Deacons in Charge

Thursday, November 5, 2009

6:30 p.m. Prayer Mtg, & Bible


Saturday, November 7, 2009

10:00 a.m. Board of Deaconesses Mtg.

11:00 p,m, Quarterly Church Meeting

Sunday, November 8, 2009

11:00 a.m. Communion Worship Service

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

6:00 p.m. Prayer Mtg, & Bible

Study – Deas. in Charge

Verse of the Week

“The God of heaven, He will prosper us; therefore we His servants will arise and build.”

Nehemiah 2:20

Weekly Bible Reading

“For the word of the LORD is right; and all his works are done in truth.” Psalm 33:4

Monday Exodus 19:1-4

Tuesday Exodus 19:5-9

Wednesday Exodus 19:10-14

Thursday Exodus 19:15-20

Friday Exodus 19:31-23

Saturday Exodus 19:24-25

Prayer of the Week

ETERNAL GOD, OUR FATHER, in this moment of prayer, may we

be inspired with a resolute determination to have a larger part in bringing to a victorious issue mankind’s struggle to build the kingdom of freedom and peace, of justice and righteousness.

Gird us with the faith and fortitude of our fathers and mothers who bequeathed us the Church, which we enjoy and charged us with the responsibility of safeguarding the great traditions of our beloved community.

May the members of this Church be sensitive and responsive to the needs of humanity and find their hearts enlarged with a vision of the dawning of a better day for all persons everywhere. We pray in Christ’s name. Amen.

Prayer Requests

Please remember to pray for:

Bro. Baron Anderson, at home

Sis. Almeta Bartley, at home

Bro. Nelson Love, at home.

Sis. Rebecca King, at home.

Sis. Ruth Richards, at home

Deac. Charles Thomas, at home

Deas. Georgia Thomas, at home

Sis. Geneva Walker, WHC

And the bereaved,

The Lyde Family

The Jones Family

The Epps Family

And those shut-in,

Bro. Robert Barnes, at home

Deas. Patricia Ireland, at home

Sis. Clarice Jones, Spring Brook

Nursing Home

Deas. Effie Lawings, at home

Sis. Martha McDonald,

Stoddard Baptist Home

Sis. Eudora White, WV

Sis. Rosa Saunders, at home

Special Prayer Requests

Please remember to pray for our church at noon each day that we will make out repairs and return to our beloved sanctuary.

Pray for our school system.

Also, pray that the church grows more to understand and live as examples of Jesus.

Please pray that God will continue to bless our tenure at Howard University Divinity School and bless Dean Pollard and his staff.

Pray for our President, Barack Obama

The Bartley Family

Ruth Battle

Tamika Beasley

The Bradley Family

Elizabeth Braxton

Patricia Braxton

Joyce Bunn and Family

Marian Carrick

Edward Carson & Family

Priscilla Cornelius & Family

E. Austin Dandridge

Deborah-Denise Dubose

Mamie Epps

Geneva Gardner

Geraldine Geter

Naomi Ginyard

Ruth Gordon

William Gray

The Hamit Family

Anna Harris Nathaniel Harris

Sheila Harris

Theodore Hughes

The Jackson Family

Mary Johnson

Myrna Jolly

Helen Jones

Michael & Dona Kelly

Keisha Lawrence

The Lawrence Family

Tony Lightfoot

William & Doris Little, Jr.

Michraviate Love & Family

Irene Lopez

Margarite Mathis

Evonne McCants

The Melby Family

Sheila Miller

Marlene Mitchell

Jessie Partridge

The Prince Family

Amanda & Sonja Risdon

Amy Robinson

Howard & Valier Smith

The Smith-Bost Family

Cathera Talbert

Thomas Whitfield

The Wilson Family

The Wiseman Family


Ernestine Bartley / 8-Nov
Lisa Carrington / 8-Nov
Ricky Carrington / 11-Nov
Grace Davis / 8-Nov
Shalaya Fields / 30-Nov
Helen Harris / 7-Nov
Laruen Prince / 9-Nov
Kevin Smith / 29-Nov
Rev. James Terrell / 3-Nov
Donald Thompson / 14-Nov

Additional October Birthdays:

Lecola Whittaker 31-Oct

Maxim Saunders 10-Oct

Rev. Ray E. McKissic 6-Oct

Is your birthday listed? If not call the Church office.


Historical Video

A documentary of Second Baptist Church is being prepared for the end of October. If you have old photographs, that tell the story of Second Baptist Church, please submit them as soon as possible to Deas. Angela Heath.

Temporary Location

The church family will continue to worship at Howard University School of Divinity, 1400 Shepherd St NE until September 2010 while our sanctuary is being repaired.

All auxiliaries and key members can get their mail from the ushers after the service.

Tape Ministry

DVD’s of our services are now available. Please see an usher for a copy. A donation of $3.00 each is appreciated.

Thanksgiving Committee

November 26th is Thanksgiving Day. The committee is asking for names of persons who may be in need of a basket. Names should be turned in by November 15, 2009, to Chairperson Rosa Saunders.


The Church van leaves the Church at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday. If you would like to ride, please plan to be at the Church no later than 9:30 a.m.

Thank You

Thank you to our members and the Voices of Jubliee who traveled to Tabernacle Baptist Church on October 28 to celebrate their 98th Church Anniversary. We had a wonderful time and the Voices really sang!

Pastor’s Office Hours

Wednesdays 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Thursdays 10 a.m. – 12 noon

And by appointment

Please send any news or announcements that need to be printed in the Second Hands to the church email: .

All items must be submitted prior to 10:30am on the preceding TUESDAY to be considered for entry.