Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held Tuesday 20 February 2018.

Jason Zerner opened the meeting and welcomed all in attendance at 6.23pm

Present: Helen Grogan, Stacey Seed, Reegan Cunningham, Janessa Keogh, Kelda Krafft, Julie Baker, Peta Shuttlewood, Carol Flikweert, Trina Morley, Terri Williams, Jess Dunn, Lisa McAulay, Julie Blake, Louise Younger, Jason Zerner, Jaime Young, James Watt, Codie Hughes, Tammy Pengelly

Apologies: Col Morley, Claire Doak.

MINUTES The minutes of the previous meeting held Tuesday 20 February 2018. Jason Zerner read through the minutes for all to hear.

Motion: that the minutes be adopted as a true and correct record, and the motion was carried.

Moved Jason Zerner SecondedJames Watt

Business arising from the minutes of the previous general meeting:

  • Nil

ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (without these statements the meeting cannot continue to the election of officers).

Audited reports tabled and discussed. Louise read through the information. Louise spoke about the building fund and the necessity for it to be audited too even if there are minimal transactions. Unfortunately this is then an expense born by the P&C. It will need to be decided whether the building fun will continue.

Motion: That the Annual Financial Statements be accepted, and the motion was carried.

Moved Louise YoungerSeconded Julie Baker

Jason Zerner thanked James, Tammy and the Admin Team for organising the welcome BBQ.


Report tabled, please see attached. Jason read through Col Morley's report.

Motion: That the President's Report be accepted, and the motion was carried.

Moved Jason ZernerSecondedJaime Young

Louise Younger updated all in attendance on the tuckshop happenings, how the tuckshop is ultimately a small business and should operate as one. The P&C must abide by all the governing rules as an employer

and has obligations to meet. The President can be held responsible for all of this however it is expected it will be a team effort. We spoke about the Vice-President being the tuckshop line management liaison person and fulfilling that role as a support network for the tuckshop convenor. Jason Zerner mentioned that the fundamental service the tuckshop provides to the school community and how important it is that this be run efficiently.

Jason Zerner declared all positions vacant, James Watt Chaired the meeting from here.

The meetings will continue to be held on the third Tuesday of each month. The time will change to 6.30pm.


Election of Officers/Executive Committee

Call for nominations for the position of President – Reegan Cunningham

Moved Tammy PengellySeconded Helen Grogan Carried Yes

Call for nominations for the position of Vice President – Trina Morley

MovedStacey SeedSecondedJanessa KeoghCarried Yes

Call for nominations for the position of Secretary – Carol Flikweert

MovedTammy PengellySecondedJason ZernerCarried Yes

Call for nominations for the position of Treasurer – Peta Shuttlewood

Movedby herselfSecondedTammy PengellyCarried Yes

Call for nominations for the position of Assistant Treasurer – Codie Hughes

MovedPeta ShuttlewoodSecondedTrina MorleyCarried Yes

James Watt welcomed everyone.


Motion: that the bank signatories be changed to Louise Younger, Trina Morley, Reegan Cunningham, Peta Shuttlewood, Codie Hughes and Carol Flikweert. Each of these individuals is to be provided with access to the internet banking service also.

Remove – Col Morley, Jason Zerner, Claire Doak, Carmel Window and Jaime Young from the previous year.

MovedLouise YoungerSecondedLisa McAuleyCarried Yes


Ongoing subcommittees must be confirmed at the AGM

Motion: that a Fundraising subcommittee will continue to operate in the coming year

Moved Kelda Krafft Seconded Jason ZernerCarried Yes

Call for nominations for the position of Fundraising Co-Ordinator – Kelda Krafft

MovedKelda KrafftSecondedJason ZernerCarried Yes

Motion: that a tuckshop committee be established to assist the Vice-President with the management of the tuckshop.

Moved Jaime YoungSeconded Stacey SeedCarried Yes

Motion: that the Building Fund Committee continue to operate in the coming year

MovedJason ZernerSeconded Jaime YoungCarried Yes

Building Fund committee members will be James Watt, Reegan Cunningham, Trina Morley and Kelda Krafft.

Other positions

Unlike previous years, it has been determined that a tuckshop convenor will no longer be voted upon. The Tuckshop Convenor is a paid employee and should not be elected.

Call for nominations for the position of Grants Officer – Tammy Pengelly

MovedTammy PengellySecondedJaime YoungCarried Yes

Call for nominations for the position of Bookclub Co-ordinator – Annaliese Cameron

MovedLisa McAuleySecondedJason ZernerCarried Yes

Due to Lowes now managing our uniform sales the previous Uniform Convenor position has been changed to a Uniform Liaison Officer.

Call for nominations for the position of Uniform Liaison Officer – Kelda Krafft

MovedKelda KrafftSecondedJason ZernerCarried Yes


Motion: that Brown Macaulay and Warren Chartered Accountants be appointed as auditor for the coming year (must be confirmed with the auditor that they are willing to be the auditor for the coming year.)

Moved Louise YoungerSecondedKelda KrafftCarried Yes

There have been changes to the constitution.

Motion: that the new constitution be adopted. Copy attached.

Moved Jason ZernerSeconded Kelda KrafftCarriedYes

The Student Protection Policy will be adopted at the next General Meeting on Tuesday 20 February 2018.

NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Association will be held on 20 February 2018.

CLOSURE Chair closed the meeting at 7.42pm.

Minutes endorsed as true and correct …/…./….
