EDA:National Technical Institute for the Deaf(OSERS)
FY2010Program Performance Report(System Print Out)
Strategic Goal3
Direct Appropriation
EDA, Title I, Part B and Section 207
Document Year2010Appropriation: $
CFDA / 84.908A: National Technical Institute for the Deaf Operations
84.908B: National Technical Institute for the Deaf Endowment Program
84.908C: National Technical Institute for the Deaf Construction Program
Program Goal: / To provide deaf and hearing students in undergraduate programs and professional studies with state-of-the-art technical and professional education programs, undertake a program of applied research, and share NTID expertise.
Objective1of4: / Provide deaf and hearing students in undergraduate and professional studies with outstanding state-of-the-art technical and professional education programs, complemented by a strong arts and sciences curriculum and supplemented with appropriate student support services.
Measure1.1of3: The number of undergraduates enrolled in the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. (Desired direction: increase)1353
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
1997 / 1,069 / Measure not in place
1998 / 1,085 / Measure not in place
1999 / 1,080 / 1,135 / Target Exceeded
2000 / 1,080 / 1,084 / Target Exceeded
2001 / 1,080 / 1,089 / Target Exceeded
2002 / 1,080 / 1,121 / Target Exceeded
2003 / 1,080 / 1,093 / Target Exceeded
2004 / 1,080 / 1,064 / Did Not Meet Target
2005 / 1,080 / 1,055 / Did Not Meet Target
2006 / 1,080 / 1,013 / Did Not Meet Target
2007 / 1,080 / 1,017 / Made Progress From Prior Year
2008 / 1,045 / 1,103 / Target Exceeded
2009 / 1,045 / 1,212 / Target Exceeded
2010 / 1,045 / 1,237 / Target Exceeded
2011 / 1,045 / 1,263 / Target Exceeded
2012 / 1,045 / (October 2011) / Pending
2013 / 1,045 / (October 2012) / Pending
2014 / 1,045 / (October 2013) / Pending

Source.National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Registrar Office records.

Frequency of Data Collection:Annual

Data Quality.Enrollment data does not include part-time students or non-degree seeking students, with the exception of those students who are part-time in taking their final courses toward completion of their degrees. This is consistent with IPEDS methodology in calculating enrollment of undergraduate students.

Target Context.In FY 2011, the target for the number of undergraduates enrolled in NTID remained constant.

Explanation.Below is a table showing the number of undergraduate students who are deaf and who were enrolled in the baccalaureate programs at Rochester Institute of Technology and the sub-baccalaureate programs at NTID.
2001 447 642 1,089
2002 440 681 1,121
2003 449 644 1,093
2004 434 630 1,064
2005 427 628 1,055
2006 438 575 1,013
2007 439 578 1,017
2008 443 660 1,103
2009 451 761 1,212
2010 478 759 1,237
2011 495 768 1,263
As seen from this table, NTID has increased the undergraduate enrollment of students who are deaf and hard of hearing from 1,237 students during the 2009-2010 academic year to 1,263 students in FY 2010 (2010-2011 academic year). Baccalaureate students account for most of this growth, increasing by 17 students, while sub-baccalaureate students increased by nine students.

Measure1.2of3: The number of students enrolled at National Technical Institute for the Deaf's interpreter education program. (Desired direction: increase)1354
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
1997 / 72 / Measure not in place
1998 / 84 / Measure not in place
1999 / 100 / 93 / Made Progress From Prior Year
2000 / 100 / 77 / Did Not Meet Target
2001 / 100 / 75 / Did Not Meet Target
2002 / 100 / 53 / Did Not Meet Target
2003 / 100 / 65 / Made Progress From Prior Year
2004 / 100 / 92 / Made Progress From Prior Year
2005 / 100 / 100 / Target Met
2006 / 100 / 116 / Target Exceeded
2007 / 100 / 130 / Target Exceeded
2008 / 100 / 130 / Target Exceeded
2009 / 100 / 135 / Target Exceeded
2010 / 100 / 138 / Target Exceeded
2011 / 120 / 147 / Target Exceeded
2012 / 120 / (October 2011) / Pending
2013 / 120 / (October 2012) / Pending
2014 / 120 / (October 2013) / Pending

Source.National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Registrar Office records.

Frequency of Data Collection:Annual

Data Quality.Enrollment data for students in the interpreter education program does not include part-time students or non-degree seeking students, with the exception of those students who are part-time in taking their final courses toward completion of their degrees. This is consistent with IPEDS methodology in calculating enrollment of undergraduate students.

Target Context.NTID has reported that the Interpreter Education Program receives more applicants than the program is able to accept. NTID allowed the program to expand in FY 2009 to address the increasing demand for qualified interpreters. As a result of the expansion, the target was revised upward to 120 students for FY 2011.

Explanation.Enrollment in this program has increased from 72 students in 1997 to its highest level to date of 147 students in FY 2011 (2010-2011 academic year), while the target has remained at 100 students. This does not include one additional ASL-English Interpretation student who has a double major within another college at RIT and is counted as a RIT student.

Measure1.3of3: The number of students enrolled in National Technical Institute for the Deaf's graduate/Master's in Special Education program. (Desired direction: increase)1355
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
1997 / 32 / Measure not in place
1998 / 36 / Measure not in place
1999 / 50 / 50 / Target Met
2000 / 50 / 59 / Target Exceeded
2001 / 50 / 55 / Target Exceeded
2002 / 75 / 60 / Made Progress From Prior Year
2003 / 75 / 73 / Made Progress From Prior Year
2004 / 75 / 114 / Target Exceeded
2005 / 90 / 126 / Target Exceeded
2006 / 120 / 127 / Target Exceeded
2007 / 120 / 101 / Did Not Meet Target
2008 / 105 / 110 / Target Exceeded
2009 / 105 / 103 / Did Not Meet Target
2010 / 105 / 99 / Did Not Meet Target
2011 / 105 / 112 / Target Exceeded
2012 / 105 / (October 2011) / Pending
2013 / 105 / (October 2012) / Pending
2014 / 105 / (October 2013) / Pending

Source.National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Registrar Office records.

Frequency of Data Collection:Annual

Data Quality.Enrollment data does not include part-time students or non-degree seeking students, with the exception of those students who are part-time in taking their final courses toward completion of their degrees.

Target Context.In FY 2008 Performance Plan, the target for the number of students enrolled in NTID's graduate/Master's in Special Education program was reduced from 120 students to 105 students.
From 2003 until 2005, NTID and Nazareth College fulfilled the terms of an agreement for a group of Nazareth College's Speech Pathology students to attend several classes at NTID each year. The 34 students who attended classes at NTID were included in the enrollment totals for those three years. With the termination of the program, enrollment of graduate and Master's in Special Education students declined, but were still significantly above pre-FY 2003 levels..

Explanation.The below table reports the total enrollment for NTID, includes: (1) deaf and hard of hearing sub-baccalaureate students; (2) deaf and hard of hearing baccalaureate students; (3) baccalaureate students in the ASL-English Interpretation program; (4) deaf and hard of hearing graduate students at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT); and (5) deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing students in NTID's Master of Science in Secondary Education of Students Who Are Deaf or hard of Hearing (MSSE) program.
Fiscal YearTotal Enrollment
1999 1,278
2000 1,220
2001 1,219
2002 1,238
2003 1,231
2004 1,270
2005 1,291
2006 1,256
2007 1,250
2008 1,343
2009 1,450
2010 1,474
2011 1,521

Objective2of4: / Maximize the number of students successfully completing a program of study.
Measure2.1of8: The percentage of first-time, full-time degree-seeking sub-baccalaureate students who were in their first year of postsecondary enrollment in the previous year andwho are enrolled in the current year. (Desired direction: increase)89a097
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
2004 / 72 / Measure not in place
2005 / 65.6 / Measure not in place
2006 / 64.5 / Measure not in place
2007 / 72.4 / Measure not in place
2008 / Set a Baseline / 75.5 / Target Met
2009 / Maintain a Baseline / 71.9 / Did Not Meet Target
2010 / 70 / (April 2011) / Pending
2011 / 70 / (April 2012) / Pending
2012 / 70 / (April 2013) / Pending

Source.National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Registrar Office records.

Frequency of Data Collection:Annual

Data Quality.In April 2010, NTID reported to the Department the FY 2009 persistence rate of its sub-baccalaureate students, including interpreter education students, who returned from the 2008-2009 academic year to their second year in 2009-2010 academic year. NTID will report to the Department the FY 2010 persistence rate in April 2011, with a sub-set of disaggregated data on the persistence rates of sub-baccalaureate students who are deaf and interpreter education students.

Target Context.The target for the persistence rate of NTID's sub-baccalaureate students is 70%. In comparison, IPEDS data indicate that two-year public colleges have an average persistence rate of 52.5%, and four-year private colleges have an average persistence rate of 60.1%. Based on this comparison with IPEDS data, the Department and NTID determined that the target of 70% for FY 2010 and subsequent years is an ambitious, yet achievable, goal for NTID.
(Source: National Collegiate Retention and Persistence to Degree Rates, retrieved from this Web site:

Explanation.This is along-term measure.
This measure was added to the FY 2008 Performance Plan and is consistent with the methodology used by the IPEDS and other Department programs in measuring the persistence of postsecondary students. The persistence rate is the percentage of first-time, full-time degree-seeking sub-baccalaureate students who were in their first year of enrollment in the previous year and who are enrolled in the current year.

Measure2.2of8: The persistence percentage ofsub-baccalaureate students, including transfer students. (Desired direction: increase)1360
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
1997 / 85 / Measure not in place
1998 / 73 / Measure not in place
1999 / 69 / Measure not in place
2000 / 73 / 69 / Did Not Meet Target
2001 / 74 / 68 / Did Not Meet Target
2002 / 74 / 72 / Made Progress From Prior Year
2003 / 74 / 70 / Did Not Meet Target
2004 / 74 / 70 / Did Not Meet Target
2005 / 74 / 70 / Did Not Meet Target
2006 / 74 / 70 / Did Not Meet Target
2007 / 70 / 73 / Target Exceeded
2008 / 70 / 74 / Target Exceeded
2009 / 70 / 75 / Target Exceeded
2010 / 72 / (October 2010) / Pending
2011 / 72 / (October 2011) / Pending
2012 / 72 / (October 2012) / Pending

Source.National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Registrar Office records.

Frequency of Data Collection:Annual

Data Quality.In an e-mail to NTID on August 13, 2009, the Department informed NTID that this measure on the persistence percentage of sub-baccalaureate students would be eliminated from the FY 2011 GPRA Performance Report and subsequent years. By that time, the new IPEDS-consistent persistencemeasure would have sufficient data to beof utilityto the Department.
In its FY 2010 GPRA Performance Report to the Department, NTID did not submit data for this measure.


Measure2.3of8: The percentage of first-time, full-time degree-seeking baccalaureate students who were in their first year of postsecondary enrollment in the previous year and are enrolled in the current year. (Desired direction: increase)89a098
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
2004 / 91.9 / Measure not in place
2005 / 82.6 / Measure not in place
2006 / 86.3 / Measure not in place
2007 / 75.7 / Measure not in place
2008 / Set a Baseline / 85.9 / Target Met
2009 / Maintain a Baseline / 88 / Did Not Meet Target
2010 / 85 / (April 2011) / Pending
2011 / 85 / (April 2012) / Pending
2012 / 85 / (April 2013) / Pending

Source.National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Registrar Office records.

Data Quality.In April 2010, NTID reported to the Department the FY 2009 persistence rate of its baccalaureate students, including interpreter students, who returned from the 2008-2009 academic year to their second year in 2009-2010 academic year, along with a sub-set of disaggregated data on the persistence rates of baccalaureate students who are deaf and interpreter education students. The following data was submitted to the Department by NTID:
All studentsDeaf studentsInterpreter education students
FY 2008 - 87.5%FY 2008 - 85.7% FY 2008 - 87.5%
FY 2009 - 88.0%FY 2009 - 87.7% FY 2009 - 89.5%
NTID will report to the Department the FY 2010 persistence rate of its baccalaureate students in April 2011, with a sub-set of disaggregated data on the persistence rates of baccalaureate students who are deaf and interpreter education students.

Target Context.The target for the persistence rate of NTID's baccalaureate students is 85%. In comparison, IPEDS data indicate that four year public colleges have an average persistence rate of 69.9%, and four-year private colleges have a persistence rate of 70.6%. Based on this comparison with IPEDS data, the Department and NTID determined that the target of 85% for FY 2010 and subsequent years is an ambitious, yet achievable, goal for NTID.
(Source: National Collegiate Retention and Persistence to Degree Rates, retrieved from this Web site:

Explanation.This is a long-term measure.
This measure was added to the FY 2008 Performance Plan and is consistent with the methodology used by the IPEDS and other Department programs in measuring the persistence of postsecondary students. The persistence rate is the percentage of first-time, full-time degree-seeking baccalaureate students who were in their first year of enrollment in the previous year and who are enrolled in the current year.

Measure2.4of8: The persistence percentage ofbaccalaureate students, including transfer students. (Desired direction: increase)1361
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
1997 / 84 / Measure not in place
1998 / 81 / Measure not in place
1999 / 84 / Measure not in place
2000 / 84 / 85 / Target Exceeded
2001 / 84 / 86 / Target Exceeded
2002 / 84 / 87 / Target Exceeded
2003 / 84 / 86 / Target Exceeded
2004 / 84 / 86 / Target Exceeded
2005 / 86 / 85 / Did Not Meet Target
2006 / 86 / 86 / Target Met
2007 / 86 / 85 / Did Not Meet Target
2008 / 86 / 86 / Target Met
2009 / 87 / 86 / Did Not Meet Target
2010 / 87 / (October 2010) / Pending
2011 / 87 / (October 2011) / Pending
2012 / 87 / (October 2012) / Pending

Source.National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Registrar Office records.

Frequency of Data Collection:Annual

Data Quality.In an e-mail to NTID on August 13, 2009, the Department informed NTID that this measure on the persistence percentage of baccalaureate students would be eliminated from the GPRA Performance Report in FY 2011 and subsequent years. By that time, the new IPEDS-consistent persistence measure will have sufficient data to be of utility to the Department.
In its FY 2010 GPRA Performance Report to the Department, NTID did not submit data for this measure.

Measure2.5of8: The percentage of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking sub-baccalaureate studentswhograduate within 150% of the program-based length of time. (Desired direction: increase)89a09d
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
2004 / 25.3 / Measure not in place
2005 / 23.3 / Measure not in place
2006 / 25.4 / Measure not in place
2007 / 25.3 / Measure not in place
2008 / Set a Baseline / 26.9 / Target Met
2009 / Maintain a Baseline / 37.4 / Did Not Meet Target
2010 / 26 / (April 2011) / Pending
2011 / 26 / (April 2012) / Pending
2012 / 27 / (April 2013) / Pending

Source.National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Registrar Office records.

Frequency of Data Collection:Annual

Data Quality.In April 2010, NTID reported to the Department the FY 2009 percentage of its sub-baccalaureate students (those who were initially enrolled in the 2003-2004 academic year), including interpreter education students, who graduated within 150% of the program-based length of time, along with a sub-set of disaggregated data on the graduation rates of sub-baccalaureate students who are deaf and interpreter education students. The following data was submitted to the Department by NTID:
All studentsDeaf studentsInterpreter education students
FY 2008 - 26.9%FY 2008 - 26.9% FY 2008 - 0.0%
FY 2009 - 37.4% FY 2009 - 37.8% FY 2009 - 33.3%
NTID will report to the Department the FY 2010 graduation rate of its sub-baccalaureate students in April 2011, with a sub-set of disaggregated data on the graduation rates of sub-baccalaureate students who are deaf and interpreter education students.

Target Context.The target for the graduation rate of NTID's sub-baccalaureate students is 26%. In comparison, IPEDS analysis of data on 100 community colleges indicated an average graduation rate of 23% for full-time, first-time degree/certificate-seeking students within 150% of program-based length of time. Based on the comparison with IPEDS data, the Department and NTID determined that the target of 26% for FY 2010 and FY 2011 is an ambitious, yet achievable, goal for NTID. The target will be increased by 1% to 27% in FY 2012 and subsequent years.

Explanation.This measure is a long-term measure.
This measure was added to the FY 2008 Performance Plan and is consistent with the methodology used by the IPEDS and other Department programs to measure the graduation rate of postsecondary students. Program-based length of time refers to whether the stated program length for sub-baccalaureates is two or three years. The measure will allow the Department to obtain data that is comparable with what is being submitted to IPEDS by other institutions on their graduation rates.

Measure2.6of8: The percentage of sub-baccalaureate students who graduate within seven years. (Desired direction: increase)1358
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
1997 / 50 / Measure not in place
1998 / 50 / Measure not in place
1999 / 50 / Measure not in place
2000 / 51 / 50 / Did Not Meet Target
2001 / 51 / 50 / Did Not Meet Target
2002 / 52 / 54 / Target Exceeded
2003 / 52 / 52 / Target Met
2004 / 52 / 51 / Did Not Meet Target
2005 / 52 / 48 / Did Not Meet Target
2006 / 53 / 49 / Made Progress From Prior Year
2007 / 51 / 49 / Did Not Meet Target
2008 / 51 / 52 / Target Exceeded
2009 / 52 / 52 / Target Met
2010 / 52 / (October 2010) / Pending
2011 / 52 / (October 2011) / Pending
2012 / 52 / (October 2012) / Pending

Source.National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Registrar Office records.

Frequency of Data Collection:Annual

Data Quality.In an e-mail to NTID on August 13, 2009, the Department informed NTID that this measure on the graduationpercentage of sub-baccalaureate students would be eliminated from the GPRA Performance Report in FY 2011 and subsequent years. By that time,the new IPEDS-consistent graduation measure would have sufficient data to be of utilityto the Department.
In its FY 2010 GPRA Performance Report to the Department, NTID did not submit data for this measure.


Measure2.7of8: The percentage of first-time, full-time, degree-seeking baccalaureate students who graduate within 150% of the program-based length of time. (Desired direction: increase)89a09k
Year / Target / Actual
(or date expected) / Status
2004 / 50 / Measure not in place
2005 / 62.1 / Measure not in place
2006 / 62.9 / Measure not in place
2007 / 53.3 / Measure not in place
2008 / Set a Baseline / 60.5 / Target Met
2009 / Maintain a Baseline / 62.2 / Did Not Meet Target
2010 / 60 / (April 2011) / Pending
2011 / 60 / (April 2012) / Pending
2012 / 61 / (April 2013) / Pending

Source.National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Registrar Office records.

Data Quality.In April 2010, NTID reported to the Department the FY 2009 percentage of its baccalaureate students (those who were initially enrolled in the 2003-2004 academic year), including interpreter education students, who graduated within 150% of the program-based length of time or within six years, along with a sub-set of disaggregated data on the graduation rates of baccalaureate students who are deaf and interpreter education students. (Note: There were no first-time, full-time degree seeking baccalaureate students enrolled in NTID's ASL-English Interpretation program in Fall 2002 or Fall 2003.)
NTID will report to the Department the FY 2010 graduation rate of its baccalaureate students in April 2011, with a sub-set of disaggregated data on the graduation rates of baccalaureate students who are deaf and interpreter education students.

Target Context.The target for the graduation rate of NTID's baccalaureate students is 60%. In comparison, IPEDS data on four-year public and private colleges indicates that all four-year institutions have an average of 55% graduation rate, with four-year public colleges at 51.9% and four-year private colleges at 63.5%. Based on the comparison with PEDS data, the Department and NTID determined that the target of 60% for FY 2010 and FY 2011 is an ambitious, yet achievable, goal for NTID. The target will be increased by 1% to 61% in FY 2012 and subsequent years.