Ballantyne Elementary School

School Leadership Team Meeting

November 18, 2016

Members Present: Dr. Sharon Mazurek, Gina Flowers, Sherlene Sharpless, Maxine Seivwright, Maxie Dixon, Mandy Cecile, Aaron Plummer, Laura Korkowski, Christine Cregan, Lisa Moore, Naomi Morin, Fakhra Chaudhry, Brooke Christmas, Heather Christman, Maria Rachal, Amy Horner, Lori Goodman


  1. Brooke to reach out to a parent for upcoming elections
  2. Yearly we elect a co-chair

●Concerns about student talk after the election

  1. Students were upset about the election and issues related to the candidates
  2. Belief that students were misinformed by peers
  3. Raise an awareness about this issue
  4. Teachers are going to be listening for these conversations and re-direct students
  5. Teachers reported that these “hot topic” conversations have slowly diminished
  6. Teachers re-addressed the importance of parents communicating student concerns to the teachers due to the majority of the conversations occurring at minimally supervised times (recess, lunch, etc.)
  7. Elections historically have been a teaching point, this election was different from the past
  8. Statements about the election from other counties
  9. Dr. Mazurek is to send out a statement to parents about the election from the SLT (Connect Ed)
  10. Note to add into the statement: include character ed terms: respectful
  11. Monday morning news topic: how to communicate with you peers
  12. What is important communication?
  13. Qualities of a communicating: Sympathetic Listener

●State Professional Development Monies

  1. Got $1,325 from the state
  2. Typically we put this in a substitute fund to pay for substitutes so teachers can receive professional development during the school day
  3. Dr. Mazurek is asking the team to put this in the substitute fund again
  4. $80 non-certified substitute/$103 certified substitute per sub for each day
  5. Consensus: Approved

●Superintendent Ann Clark Coffee

  1. Monday, November 21, 5:30-7:00
  2. Community is invited
  3. Terri to get snacks for this as well

●Student assigned plan

Phase 1: magnet school options and lottery

  1. County divided into 3 sections
  2. No boundary changes to homeschools until Fall of 2018
  3. Board is ground in homeschools
  4. Will be zoned for your magnet option based on your homeschool
  5. Ballantyne will remain a homeschool
  6. SES (socioeconomic system) block system - high, medium and low socioeconomic system
  7. School options will be a rolling 4 year plan
  8. 8 of the 11 schools that were closed are being re-opened
  9. Winget Park will become a partial-magnet

Phase 2: discussion begins in January

  1. Feeder patterns for high schools
  2. Looking to keep neighborhoods together
  3. Dr. Mazurek encouraged them to be a part of the community meetings

For all questions, please refer to the school assignment website:

  1. Have they looked at “grandfathering”?
  2. Is the budget for this process the same or was there an increase in the budget?
  3. School Board Elections: How frequent and when?

●June 2017 Board will vote on the final assignment plan, including the home school

●Schedule our representative, Paul Bailey, for another coffee in January (Brooke)

●Concern for educating parents about the roles and responsibilities of the school board and county commissioners

  1. Suggested: PTA member to host a meeting to outline these responsibilities


  1. Secretary: Kelly Compton
  2. Time Keeper: Amy Horner
  3. Chairperson
  4. Teacher: Lisa Moore
  5. Parent: Fahkra Chaudhry

●Next Meeting Scheduled: December 16, 2016 at 7:30

●Meeting Adjourned: 8:15am