Microbial Disease Assignment
- To determine that there are many diseases caused by microbes.
- To research a microbial disease.
- To create an accordion book for one specific microbial disease.
Microorganisms have caused problems for humans throughout history by causing a wide variety of infectious diseases. Microbial diseases have killed or disabled more people than all the wars ever fought. It is considered that infectious diseases account for nearly 30% of all the annual deaths throughout the world and, therefore, pose significant public health problems.
Directions: After several class periods actively engaged in hands-on microbiology lessons, create an accordion book for a microbial disease.
- You will receive the name of a microbial disease/illness from your teacher.
- Spend your scheduled time in the library researching this microbial disease and complete the research collection sheet.
- Follow the directions described and modeled by your teacher to create the book. You can use as many pages as you find necessary to include all the necessary categories.
- The book will include hand drawn illustrations completed using colored pencils.
- The title of the bookcan be have the name of the disease or can it be a more imaginative title.
Describe the diseaseusing the following categories as guidelines.
- Name of the Disease (cover)
- Name of infectious agent or microbe (scientific name if applicable and /or common name)
- Infectious agent/microbe:Is the disease caused by a virus or bacterium?
- Transmission: How do you get the disease or how does it spread?
- Symptoms:
- Prevention
- Treatment/Cure:
- Interesting Fact(s): Include at least 3 facts.
Write your name and core on the back cover of the book.
Due Date: ______
Name ______Date ______
Research Collection Sheet
Name of Disease: ______
1. Common name of agent or microbe:
2. Scientific name (if applicable):
3. Infectious agent/microbe (virus or bacterium?)
4. Transmission (How is the disease spread?):
5. Symptoms:
6. Prevention:
7. Treatment/Cure:
- Interesting Fact(s):
Directions for Creating an Accordion Book
- Begin with two sheets of 8.5 X 11 plain white paper.
- Fold each sheet into a hamburgers, however, fold one side one half inch shorter than the other side. This will form a tab that is one half inch long.
- With the shorter side up, fold this tab back so that both sides are even.
- Glue the two sheets together to form an accordion by gluing a straight edge of one section into the valley of another section.
Stand the sections on end to form an accordion.
Always place the extra tab at the back of the book so you can add more pages if necessary.
hamburger fold