SCHOOL:Knockavoe School DATE: November 2016 – October 2017

PRIORITY AREA FOR DEVELOPMENT: Raising Standards: Profile/ High Quality Teaching & Learning/ Functional Skills


School Development Plan: Aim 1

Baseline Position

Where are we now?


Targets to be Achieved

(Qualitative and Quantitative)

Where do we want to go?


Success Criteria

How will we know when we’ve got there?
(Qualitative & Quantitative) /

Approaches to be Used

How will we get there?

(including external links)
e.g. Business/Education Partnership)
As a result of the previous Action Plan, a lot of work has already been done in raising the profile of Numeracy. The Numeracy Team is established and led by a Co-ordinator. The team did a lot of work last year developing the quality of teaching and learning and PIM assessment. These improvements should be highlighted and built upon by staff and the wider school community.
The previous action plan addressed the embedding of teaching and learning resources/schemes such as Numicon, Heinemann and Ten Ticks. Teachers’ skills, knowledge and experience of embedding these needs further development. As a result of a questionnaire (Nov 16), the need for specific Mental Maths activities has also been identified. Furthermore, the improved teaching of Mathematical Language was addressed in the previous Action Plan this should be developed by amending class planners.
Functional Skills
The Numeracy Team recognise the need to teach our pupils life skills and to relate Numeracy to everyday life thus there should be a focus on functional skill development. / -Raise the profile of Numeracy across the wider school community.
-Mental Maths activities taught across all Key Stages.
-Develop and share a Sensory Numicon Programme with all teaching staff.
-Mathematical Language included on all Numeracy planners.
-Raise awareness of Money/Financial Capability by organising a Money Week in school, / -Knockavoe Numeracy Policy will have been updated by Team. Contributions will have been given by teaching staff and approval sought before Policy is signed by Board of Governors. Policy will then be disseminated to staff and shared on school website.
-Parents will be made aware of Policy.
-Develop Numeracy newsletter which will allow team the opportunity to share relevant information.
-Include an area on school website for Numeracy Awareness which can be accessed by pupils to improve their mathematical skills and knowledge.
-Develop a bank of suitable Mental Maths activities to be accessed by teachers and taught.
-Teachers will share good practice of Mental Maths teaching within their Key Stages.
-A bank of sensory Numicon teaching and learning activities developed and shared with staff. These activities will be taught to relevant pupils.
-Teachers to include Mathematical Language section within Numeracy Planners.
-Outside agencies and parents will be invited into school to discuss money/ financial capability.
-Pupils will be involved in money activities in and outside their classroom.
-Collaboration between classes throughout the week.
-Improved use of money by all pupils in practical situations as proved by feedback from parents, pupils and staff. / -Advice to be sought from EA Numeracy representative regards Numeracy Policy.
-Where necessary, speak to Numeracy Co-ordinators from other Special Schools about their policy.
-Some members of Numeracy Team given time out of classroom to complete target when deemed necessary and appropriate.
-Seek support and guidance from ICT Team regards Numeracy area on website.
-Discuss mental maths resources with reps.
-Speak to Numeracy Co-ordinators from other Special Schools regards their teaching of mental maths lessons.
-Staff meetings used to disseminate information and share good practice.
-Where necessary, staff will be allocated time out of class to collate and develop teaching and learning activities.
-Discussion with Heads of Departments regards including Mathematical Language section within all Key Stage planners. Information then disseminated to staff.
-Seek support from outside agencies for this event (involvement/ resources etc.).
-Financial support from the school to purchase money activities for the week.
-Inform staff of organised event during staff meeting/ weekly briefing sheet etc.
-Targets to be time allocated and responsibility for targets to be shared by all members of the Team.
-Monthly Numeracy Team meetings to address target progress.
-Informal discussions with staff to help monitor target progress.
-Financial Capability/Money week feedback by staff, pupils & parents.
-Monitoring of teaching planners at the end of each term (Dec, April, June).

Effect on Learning and Teaching


Resources and Support Required

/ Responsibility for Action / Completion Date
-Raising the profile of Numeracy throughout the school will help improve Teaching and Learning, as awareness will be developed. Parental involvement should also help improve pupil skills and knowledge.
-The introduction of new teaching and learning activities (Sensory Numicon/ Mental Maths) will help to improve pupil’s teaching and learning.
-Functional skills week will help to provide pupils with opportunity to engage in practical situations thus improving teaching and learning. / Numeracy EA Team
Numeracy Co-ordinators from other schools
EA Numeracy Training / Numeracy Team
SMT Knockavoe School / November 2017
- Evaluation of Action Plan to be completed by Numeracy Team in October 2017.
- Teacher feedback about teaching and learning activities will help evaluations.
- Parental & Pupil feedback about Financial Capability/Money Week will help gauge awareness.

Chair – Board of GovernorsPrincipal
