Westchester Elementary School (School Advisory council)
March 28, 2017
Objectives:Share information concerning the school.
Call to order:2:20pm
Minutes:Adjustments necessary to February Minutes
Financial report:No requests
School Improvement Plan (SIP) Update
- FACE: Family and Community Engagement
- Mrs. Nixon met with Valerie Leath, but hasn’t had second meeting. Will be setting a new meeting for gathering of information and asking questions.
Positive Behavior Plan by Mr. Saban
- School Wide positive Behavior plan
- Gathering teachers’ input. All teachers received surveys (copy of survey provided)
- Rubric used to assess current problems:
- Talking out without raising hand
- Noise in the hallway
- Getting out of seat in cafeteria
- Referrals assessed by Mr. Saban to address further at committee meeting.
- Committee of teachers was created. Consists of 1 teacher per grade, Ms. Lamb as the union Rep, Mr. Saban, and Mrs. Goodman.
- Committee’s responsibility is:
- Find top problems that teachers are experiencing and come up with appropriate plan to address the issues. Committee must vote to approve the plan.
- Plan must be finished by end of April, and voted on at next faculty meeting.
- Plan must address all 3 areas; cafeteria, class, and hallways.
- Lesson plans will be developed by teachers to be used for with all grades..
- Plan will be put in place at the beginning of 2017-2018 school year. Teachers on Committee are responsible to follow up with the rest of the teachers in their grade level.
Principal's Report:
- Title I funding approved for 2017-2018 school year (assessed annually and only valid for one year).
- Required 52% or more of Free and Reduced lunch students for 2016-2017 year.
- WES will receive more money for:
- Parenting classes, Teacher Training and new positions.
- Mrs. Geraine is working on the budgeting process and going to seminar to learn more about title I
- 102% enrolled or more, and all students K-4 MUST be re-enrolled and prove residency.
- FSA started on March 28. Will test on the 29th and first week in April.
- Parent Survey was sent home through email and printed copy
- Can be done online.
- The county will assess results and send overall findings to the school.
Parent Questions/Concerns
- Can we offer an evening class/adult education for the Dual Language Program Parents that are not fluent in Spanish?
Adjourned: 2:57pm
SAF Meeting:
Call To Order: 2:58pm
Nominating committee being developed for the county to have a new North Area Advisory Council.
SMART program discussed: $100,000 to help single point of entry
April 3 meeting with Supt Runcie
Team of 3rd grade teachers from the county assembled on committee to reduce assessments with district. 25 teachers are on committee.“Portfolio” is another form of assessment for 3rd graders.
- State mandates them and district implements them how they chose.
- Started in 3rd grade because state says that is the grade for mandated retention.
- 4th and 5th graders have fewer assessments
Westchester to sit with Richard Bain (Assessment director from District).17 schools in the district were selected to participate. Excel spreadsheet created for every assessment given in each grade to see what is the same across the board in the county and what is important or not to assess.
SAF is used to improve the school. By Laws and difference between SAC and SAF provided
SOS Children’s Villages was guest speaker and discussed ways to share your heart and help the children who live in the village.
Adjourned: 3:22pm