School Hours: 8:05am – 3:05pm Early dismissal: 11:35am
Phone number: 307-721-4436 Beitel Website
The District Website is
March 23, 2018
Family Fitness and Fun Night at Beitel!
A big thank you to all the students, siblings, parents and guardians that participated in our Family Fitness Fun Night.
Taco bowl Bingo Night:
Bring your family and a dollar to buy a bingo card! Play bingo, eat dinner, and enjoy a night of family fun! Sponsored by Beitel PTA and Tim Posey Farmers Insurance Agent.
Where: Beitel Gym
When: March 29th
Time: 5:30pm-7:00pm
WHY: To help a family that lost all of their belongings in a house fire
WHEN: March 19-March 30
WHAT: Bring gently used or new books at all reading levels to your classroom teacher. K-Kids will collect & sort them on the 30th.
Help us support a family in need!!!
We have an exciting opportunity for you and your student!
Next week, your child will bring home an order form featuring artwork created by your child! All forms must be returned Friday, April 6th.
Please see the attached flyer for more information. Thank you so much!
Will your student be at Beitel next year? We will miss our current 5th graders next year as they move on to the Laramie Middle School. If you have not told the office that your child will not be attending Beitel next year, please let Mrs. Denison know. Thank you for your help.
Classes for next year: Beitel is beginning to look ahead to the next school year. Our most important task is also a very complex one-placing students in new classes. Because we value your insights about your child’s learning style and unique needs and abilities, we want to hear from you! Between now and Friday, April 20, parents are encouraged to write to the principal about next year’s classes. Please include any information that you feel is important. We are especially interested in information about the situations in which you feel your child works best. Please also include information about your child’s strengths and areas in which you would like to see growth. Your letter may be as brief or as long as you wish. Feel free to send a message to our office or directly to Mr. Engel at: .
Please do not request a specific teacher. We are seeking information that will allow us to place your student in the best possible educational environment.
We may very well see several new teachers in our building next year. The best fit for your child may be the teacher you haven’t met yet! After April 20both teacher and parent input will be used to formulate class groups for next year. Letters received after April 20cannot be considered.
Kindergarten registration for Albany County School District #1 elementary schools, including rural schools, will be Monday, April 16 – Friday, April 20, 2018 during regular school hours.
If desired, boundary exception requests are available at neighborhood schools.
Children must be five (5) years old on or before September 15, 2018 to enter kindergarten in 2018-2019.
Children entering kindergarten are required to have their immunizations up to date prior to the start of school in August 2018. The required immunization form is available at schools or any physician’s office.
Please bring a birth certificate and record of childhood immunizations when you come to register.
We look forward to meeting you!
We are looking for people for the 2018-2019 school year Officer positions! Open positions include President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. If you are interested, or know someone who might be great in any of these positions please send nominations to . We will discuss nominations at the April 5th PTA meeting with elections at the May PTA meeting (date to be determined).
ABSENCES: If your student is sick or going to be gone please call the office (721-4436) and let us know.
PRE-ARRANGED ABSENCES: If you know that your student(s) are going to be gone for an extended amount of school time, you need to get a pre-arranged absence.
Please email Mr. Engel (), and/or Bodwin Denison () to explain why your student will be gone. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Apr. 10th-13th Fourth Graders Teton Science Schools
Apr. 10thBeitel Choir After School
Apr. 11thBeitel Choir After School
Apr. 11thACSD#1 School Board Mtg.
Apr. 11thDomino’s Day
Apr. 16-20thKindergarten Registration
Apr. 17thK/Weast Field Trip PM
Apr. 17thBeitel Choir after school
Apr. 18thK/McFarland Field Trip PM
Apr. 19thBeitel Choir 7:15 AM
Apr. 19th5th Grade Field Trip Cheyenne AM
Apr. 19thK/Greenwald Field Trip PM
Apr. 19thGarden Club
Apr. 23rdBeitel Choir After School
Apr. 24th3rd grade to Ag Expo AM
Apr. 24thBeitel Choir After School
Apr. 24thBeitel Choir, Drum, Spring Concert 6:30pm @ Indian Paintbrush Elem
Apr. 27thValley View Elementary Italian Dinner Fundraiser
Apr. 30thKinder & 1st graders Music Program 6:30 PM @ LHS
Apr. 30th – May 4th Book Fair
May 1stBand/Orch Rehearsals (pm)
May 1stBeitel Choir After School
May 3rdGarden Club
May 3rdSpring Sing LHS @ 7:00 PM @LHS
May 4thPopcorn Day $.50 per bag
May 4th4th Graders Field Trip 11:10am-1:20pm
May 4th5th Graders Field Trip 12:40-2:50pm
May 8thBand/Orch Rehearsals (pm)
May 8thBeitel Choir After School
May 9thACSD#1 School Board Mtg.
May 9thDomino’s Day
May 10thElem. Band Concert 7 PM
May 15th4th Graders Field Trip to Ft. Laramie 7:15AM – 6:00PM
May 17thGarden Club
May 18th4th Graders Rendezvous Field Trip AM
May 24th2nd Graders Curt Gowdy Field Trip 8:45AM-2:00PM
May 25thElementary Early Release @11:35am
May 28thMemorial Day No School
May 29thField Day
May 30thEnd of Year Assembly
May 31stLast day of school dismissed at 11:35am